Pepcid (famotidine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pepcid (famotidine)

I'm no longer taking this medication. Chills, unthinkable anxiety, panic attacks, interrupted sleep and nighttime sweating/anxiety, loss of appetite, tremors, hair loss, tinnitus, cold hands/feet/nose, constant heart palpitations. All of these are consistent with high histamine levels (or low thiamine levels from poor dietary choices, both are worth looking into). We've got to get to the root cause to correct these issues. Throwing a blanket over symptoms with medications is not the way to go anymore, clearly.

Pepcid is an H2 blocking *antihistamine*. All of these side effects are consistent with problems involving histamine regulation and the immune system, after years of constant aggravation from certain stimuli like gut infections (worsened by low stomach acid), mold/environmental toxins, poor diet, etc. By blocking histamine the body may also develop a 'tolerance', and release even more histamine to overcorrect, resulting in these crazy problems once the dose effectiveness is exceeded. Low B1 (Thiamine) is also worth looking into. In fact, I think it's a very likely culprit. Famotidine depletes thiamine stores due to impaired absorption. It explains all the weird symptoms, and why they come on much faster for some than others.

Loss of appetite, stomach pain, fatigue and mind fog, severe anxiety, depression, insomnia and panic attacks especially at night. And weirdly enough, his eyes ached.

Within 48 hours of stopping, his symptoms nearly resolved and were gone within a week.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Extreme anxiety and restlessness, heightened energy (almost manic-like), facial flushing, bloodshot eyes, headache, rash-like splotches on my neck by my ears.

Had no idea these side effects could occur from an acid blocker that is also an OTC med. My research has shown that negative side effects like I've experienced are more common than what's indicated, and patients need to be counselled appropriately. Also, with these side effects, should it really be an OTC option??

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Abdominal pain, loss of appetite, excessive dry mouth.

After several months of being off I tried taking just 10 mg once a day. And abdominal pain started again after one week, loss of appetite, and mood swings.

INDESCRIBABLE anxiety, depression, cold extremities, tremors, zero appetite (and rapid weight loss), pins and needles, tinnitus, and more. All of these symptoms cropped up after starting back on inhaled corticosteroids for what I thought was returning asthma. Eliminated everything over the course of 3 months of feeling progressively more terrible until I realized that this was the last thing remaining, and that the problem was SYSTEMIC, hence why these horrible symptoms lingered for so long after discontinuation. Digestion and the gut biome are the MOST important. Antibiotics and crap like this that throw it out of balance are poison, full stop. It took three months of careful eating and rest to start feeling consistently well again.

This was the worst experience of my life, without contest; and that includes almost drowning, illnesses, bullying, stressful obligations, the works. I wrote a review almost a year ago and I'm pleased to say that I've been feeling fully well again, and only continue to improve. It took a ton of research and work (and the fact that people go through this, for that long, having to do all the work themselves, without help or honesty from doctors is criminal) But anyone who has experienced this "abyss" will understand what it means to desire freedom with ZERO faltering or compromise. Feel free to email me for support.

Less than 2 weeks after starting this drug I noticed my eyelid started uncontrollably twitching. I've never had a problem with this so I found it very odd and somewhat concerning. The next day I woke up around 4 am and noticed my arms felt tingly and somewhat numb. The next day the eyelid twitching got worse. The next I woke up early with my arms numb again and my my neck and feet were tingly too. I panicked and went to the ER. They did all sorts of tests on my heart. It was all ok although my blood pressure was insanely high. They asked me if I started taking new medication and all I could think of was the new heartburn meds my allergist put me on. Initially I didn't think it could be the problem but then I started looking at these reviews and I'm now 90 percent sure that's the problem. I stopped it cold turkey. 3 days later and the symptoms seem to be very slowly lessening. I'm still waking up with panic attacks and morning bouts of diarrhea. Can anyone tell me how long this takes to leave your system. Thanks to the high dose the doctor put me on I'm thinking it may take awhile.

I take several meds for bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety/panic disorder, high blood pressure, (11 meds a day most 3 times a day ) so I developed extreme heartburn/ Gerd - my doctor prescribed me 40 mg of Famotadine 2 x day every day. My mental health was doing well before I started this medication. It started slowly spiraling out of control. The anxiety and panic became horrific and unmanageable… and still is !! My blood pressure started becoming out of control again as well I became very argumentative and hateful towards my husband and family I even almost left my marriage at one point because I was so angry at him for what reason I have no idea ! I felt/ feel out of my mind and body I also have severe stomach pains and leg pains out of the blue The anxiety and panic also came out of the blue … it comes in waves out of nowhere. Debilitating honestly, I haven’t left my house in almost. Two months because of my panic attacks. I have been reading and researching and have came up with nothing until I found this page ! Complete strangers explaining the same symptoms and what a horrible experience they have had on this medication. I am going to bring this to my doctor asap and have her read it because I don’t want anyone else to go through what I have the past several months!! I took my last dose this morning and will NOT be taking it again! I am afraid of t

Doctors need to be informed about these horrific side effects of these heartburn medications before prescribing them ! And their patients as well before starting them as a daily medication so they can decide to take the risk or not ( especially mentall health patients like myself !!) They have destroyed my quality of life over the last 6 months with no warnings or possibilities of what could happen. There should be a lawsuit against these companies and the doctors for their part in destroying my life !

I recently had GERD. So I took Pepcid for 2 days only, 3 pills in total.I started to have anxiety the second day. I also had tingling sensation all over my body. At first, it subsided when I stood up and moved. Later, standing up doesn't make it go away. I had constant chills in my chest area. The symptoms stopped about 1 week after I stopped Pepcid. But 2 days later, it came back again. I'm so at lost. Is this expected? Has anyone experienced this before? It is extremely torturous. I haven't been able to sleep for the past 2 weeks. I don't think I can physically do it any more.If anyone has similar experience, please, please reach out and I would like to hear your experience and how it went.

Severe anxiety and headache, racing heart, muscle and body aches, impending doom and depression, shortness of breathe and aggression towards others. I'm sure I'm missing other important side effects that I don't recall.

Yes, Pepcid took away my heartburn and GERD symptoms temporarily. If you have issues with anxiety or panic attacks, DO NOT take this medicine. My anxiety and panic attacks were through the roof after taking this. I had the worst headache every time I took it. I experienced shortness of breathe and I felt like I was having an out of body experience (depersonalization). I also felt so much doom and gloom that I had to try and get ahold of myself.I was also lashing out at my family for no good reason, to a point of feeling angry. PLEASE do yourself a favor and stay away from these heartburn drugs. I can't stress this enough, the horrible side effects are not worth it!

Terrible anxiety, like through the roof, weakness in my calves, sadness and feeling of doom, panic attacks, severe fatigue,can barely function

I've been off of this poison for 7 days, please tell me this will end soon.

Headaches every day,heart palpitations, pain in upper back, leg cramps. Feeling horrible!!

Rest less syndrome, extreme anxiety, insomnia

After taking it for 2 days, I have whole body tingling sensation, which drives me crazy and I cannot sleep at all for 3 nights. I also have anxiety because of this, feeling short breath. All these together make me question life at times (but I don't have any intent to harm myself though).The stomach issue did subside after first pill, but the side effects are so severe that I cannot recommend it to anyone considering this possibility. I'd rather deal with the stomach issue instead tbh.

Anxiety, insomnia, heart is pounding.

I'm literally having the worst time of my life in the last month. Can't sleep and having major anxiety. At some point I went to urgent care and got Xanax and Trazodone for this. Now after seeing all those reviews I’m pretty sure it’s the Pepcid.I was on PPI’s for years but decided to stop because they are also really bad for you. So I decided to take OTC Pepcid and Tagamet.I’m gonna stop immediately and see how I do with some natural remedies and tums. Hopefully I will bounce back quick.I would love to discuss this with some of y'all if interested.Thank you!

Mainly very painful bloating and gas. Nausea. Confusion. Dizzy and light headed.

I've taken the generic of this med (Famotidine) before for stomach issues and gastritis, and it was extremely difficult to do. Was on it for months, with limited success, but the side effects were very hard to tolerate. I finally weaned off it and hadn't taken it again for almost two years. I recently tried it again and just could deal with the way it made me feel. Took it for about seven days and had the most uncomfortable painful bloating and gas...I thought I was going to explode and burst my stomach/intestines. Very nauseous too. Made me feel very sick all over. So uncomfortable that I couldn't stand it. I was doubled over in pain. I'm sensitive to many drugs and this one is the most unpleasant one I think I've ever taken. I'll have to made due with Tums. Be very careful taking this drug.

Severe headache, suddenly awaking in the middle of the night with a racing heart, strange dreams, tinnitus, weakness, depression and crazy anxiety attacks!

Although Famotidine controlled my GERD symptoms pretty well I couldn't stand the side effects anymore, so I quit taking this poison 5 days ago and my doctor switched me to Omeprazole!

Wakening up with pounding heart and flutters,night sweats, head pulsating, ringing in ears, nausea, tingling in fingers and feet, shaky hands and eye twitching.

I have felt dreadful for months and didn't understand what was wrong with me. All blood tests showed nothing as did an ECG done when I visited ER. They put it all down to anxiety but now I'm beginning to join the dots and feel this is due to the famoditine. I've stopped it now 3 weeks and just starting to feel slightly normal though still have the horrible symptoms but not as severe as before.

I b s Gerd lower stomach issues acu

When I take Pepcid I get a severe headache and I have terrible stomach cramps and diarrhea can't keep magnesium in body I think it depletes magnesium

PEPCID (FAMOTIDINE): Famotidine is used to treat ulcers of the stomach and intestines and to prevent intestinal ulcers from coming back after they have healed. This medication is also used to treat certain stomach and throat (esophagus) problems (such as erosive esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease-GERD, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome). It works by decreasing the amount of acid your stomach makes. It relieves symptoms such as cough that doesn't go away, stomach pain, heartburn, and difficulty swallowing. Famotidine belongs to a class of drugs known as H2 blockers. This medication is also available without a prescription. It is used to prevent and treat heartburn and other symptoms caused by too much acid in the stomach (acid indigestion). If you are taking this medication for self-treatment, it is important to read the manufacturer's package instructions carefully so you know when to consult your doctor or pharmacist. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Lisinopril is often taken with a statin. This is my case. The side-effects may overlap somewhat. I stopped one statin and immediately felt better with debilitating pain stopped gradually two months after stopping the statin. My doctor immediately prescribed another statin. It is in the garbage where it belongs. Now I still have some memory issues and I am stopping lisinopril today to see if I feel even better. I suffered from depression and anxiety due either to the statin and lisinopril or the statin alone. One or both of these drugs caused me depression and so I was prescribed Paxil. Paxil almost destroyed my mind. My lesson so far is that all of my prescriptions have harmed my life in horrendous ways. After stopping all of these devil drugs I will see if all side-effects go away and I become a human being again. I'd rather die younger than suffer from these poisons.

Weakness, Fatigue, and Slight Headache/pressure around ears (also, strange sensations which led me to have extreme anxiety.

This drug really worked on improving my depression. Also, it did not make me gain any weight like Lexapro. But I can't tolerate the rash and itching. So Unfortunately I have to get off of this medication.

The side effects were fine compared to amoxicillin - my doc switched me to this due to shortness of breath and hallucination in dreams (or so that is how it felt)

Cramping in legs ..stomach cramping