Pepcid ac (famotidine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pepcid ac (famotidine)

Increased anxiety and panic attacks, feeling tired all the time, body aches-especially back aches, generally not feeling like myself anymore-mind fog, insomnia, just a general feeling of decline with no hope.

If anyone is experiencing back pain that you've never had before and suspect it's from this, contact me, I'd like to hear your story. I have had body aches and severe back pain for no apparent reason. I was in the ER last week and they had no reason why I was in such excruciating pain. I feel like I'm losing my mind because of it. I'd like to just stop taking it but, I probably wouldn't be able to swallow.

I'm no longer taking this medication. PVC lasted almost 3 weeks before they went away

shakiness, high heart rate, panic attacks

This medication along with omeprazole soothed my acid reflux symptoms. However I have begun to feel the most intense anxiety of my life. I am a typically anxious person, but as of recently have had crazy panic attacks in which i can not come down from. They last hours. I am now connecting that it is likely the Pepcid and am stopping it.

Insomnia, extreme depression and anxiety, neurological symptoms like burning skin, kidney function tanked, constipation, brain fog, cry spells, intense headaches at the back of my head, made acid reflux way worse. Dark thoughts that were dangerous

I contacted the company about how much they hide the long term effects of this drug, so much so the doctor who put me on this for a extended duration was not aware of how poisonous this awful drug is. They did nothing. Reported Pepcid to the FDA

while it seemed to help the acid reflux, after a couple days, I started to notice heart racing about 20 minutes after taking a pill. The papitations have taken days to go away and still haven't fully subsided even though I stopped taking the pepcid. but they are getting better

don't take pepcid if you already have anxiety, health anxiety or heart issues. Pepcid make it all so much worse for me.

Horrible PVCs, abnormal heartbeat, chest tightness, pain and pressure in chest and left arm, tingling in hands

Went to the hospital the day after starting this treatment for gastritis (that I was diagnosed with the day before at the same ER). The day before they also prescribed me oral steroid. And when I came in the next day with horrible irregular heartbeat and odd sensations in my body, they ran all the tests and told me my potassium was low. It was only slightly low and in my gut I knew that wasn't it. I mentioned being put on both medications the day before and they said it couldn't be the Pepcid. And it must be the steroid. So I kept taking the Pepcid and stopped the steroid after one day. But the PVC have been continuing almost constantly. I just now put it together when I went to take the second dose of the day and thought, I wonder…. And then I come across this page. Wow. Doctors are soooo misinformed and overpaid for nearly no knowledge of common drugs and side effects. So sad. My faith in the western medical system is dwindling.

My experience is very similar to the ones explained in this forum. I'm grateful to know I'm not the only one suffering. After taking it for 5 days my symptoms started to arise heart palpitations, blurry vision, insomnia, headaches, and jittery feeling. Called 911 but didn't go to the hospital. They said after a few minutes my vitals looked fine. I struggled to sleep at night and often wake with a racing heart and trouble breathing. I also nurse my daughter and was told this drug was safe to take.

This drug is toxic. I recommend anyone to avoid takingit especially if you suffer from anxiety. It made my symptoms worse. I can't wait for this poison to leave my system.

Horrible anxiety and depression. Very agitated, dry mouth and eyes.Exteme fatigue. Insomnia.Read that this depletes nutrients likel B12 and magnesium.

Terrible drug. Do not start on this.Trying ginger root for stomach issue.

Dizziness, lightheartedness, extreme anxiety, chest pressure, back pain, leg pain

Took this because I had GERD. Well the GERD was gone but I had THE worst panic/anxiety attacks of my life! I thought I was dying! Couldn't sleep much, woke up with a racing heart or I'd wake up holding my breath. Hot flashes, chest pressure, couldn't breathe, it was horrible. I just thought I had anxiety but after taking the drug again I'm up in the middle of the night with all the same symptoms again. I'm so glad I found this site

Racing heart rate two days after taking second pill- will never take this again- why is It even on the market

After reading these reviews I am not crazy! Been taking this medicine for 2 months and have developed crazy anxiety and heart palpitations. I went to the ER because it was so bad but did not know it was due to this medicine. All my test came back normal and had to take Xanax to drop my blood pressure which was at 170! Fast forward to tonight took it and the same thing happened again thought I was having a heart attack.when I go to the doctor I will let him know plus show this thread! DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE: very dangerous never felt like this before

Started having palpitations two months ago was ordered a monitor but believe it or not couldn't get it for over two months. Ended up in ER really couldn't tell me much so I've been dealing with constant palpitations every day as soon as I wake up. They seem worse at around 4 pm every day. Dr told me to take Xanax until results come back which can take up to 2 weeks. What's wrong with this picture ? I am having the skipped beat feeling every other beat all day long until I go to sleep. I'm worn out. I've taken pepcid for 5 years every day and had seen where it could cause this. I stoped it 3 days ago. Can any one tell me how long it took for the palps to leave and has anyone had themThat frequently all day long? And after stopping did it take care of it. This has got to me mentally as I live in a remote area and any time you think something is wrong with the heart it just adds to it. I've also had severe panic with this.

I would not recommend this to people over 40 as all the side effects with heart seem to be in people 40 and over. We all end up having to be our own DR's.

Racing heart, bp high, anxiety, insomnia, I feel awful – appetite stinks, lost 5lbs. I can't afford to lose any weight. Hot flashes/ cold chills shaky disoriented..Headache, palpitations..No more for me!!Took last one this am and put 2 and 2 together, can't wait to feel better.This is horrible 😢 😞 💔

One of the worst experiences with antiacid drug.i used to use zantac every now and then when needed, and since Zantac been discontinued I switched to Nexium and wasn't really satisfied and everyone suggested Pepcid and from day one I started to feel severe back pain, sweating, discomfort, insomnia, anxiety and the most painful is the bloated stomach, literally like a balloon.

It helped with the acid reflux but really don't worth the trouble and the side effects I have to deal with.

Belching, possible acid reflux

Palpitations, anxiety, ectopic beats, insomnia, panic, heart racing

Took Pepcid one morning to help with some belching and chest pressure, by the time I went to sleep I had extreme anxiety and was up every hour with my heart racing and unable to calm it down. The next day the racing didn't stop, but I took another Pepcid because I didn't know that might be the cause. Experienced nonstop palpitations and started having some ectopic beats that were scaring me a lot. Went to the ER, everything appears fine. Stopped taking Pepcid after 2 days - it's been 3 days since stopping and my heart's still freaking out a bit. Still sleeping pretty badly and feeling anxious and lightheaded. Not going to be taking Pepcid again anytime soon!

Heart palpitations. Not recommended

Literally a life saving drug. Every time I eat without it, I throw up. Still no answers from many doctors and tests keep coming back negative. Overtime, I've had to take more and more of it. I would've starved to death my now if I hadn't. No other stomach medicines work for me. If you've got any idea of what's going on, please contact me.

Racing heart beats over 100 and bad anxiety attacks! It helped some for night time acid reflux then my Dr noticed my racing heart beat when I would stand! Ekg and blood work all normal! I then told my GI doctor I think it's the Famotidine and he told me to stop taking it and monitor my heart rates. Since I stopped taking it I see my heart rates back to normal.

Please stop taking this medication if you are experiencing any bad symptoms related to anxiety or heart racing!

Rapid heartbeat, fainting, chest pain, unexplained crawling/ burning feeling in arms & legs, shortness of breath

DO NOT TAKE THIS!!!!I am only 19 years old, I was prescribed this do to excessive belching due to acid reflux after two days on the medication I was taken to the hospital with high blood pressure and a heart rate over 160. I felt like I was gonna die! I am sooo mad I was not informed about how severe my symptoms could be! I only been on it for about 1 and a half weeks and I stopped taking them. Im still having chest pains and shortness of breath! I am hoping and praying these symptoms go away soon!!!

PEPCID AC (FAMOTIDINE): Famotidine is used to treat ulcers of the stomach and intestines and to prevent intestinal ulcers from coming back after they have healed. This medication is also used to treat certain stomach and throat (esophagus) problems (such as erosive esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease-GERD, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome). It works by decreasing the amount of acid your stomach makes. It relieves symptoms such as cough that doesn't go away, stomach pain, heartburn, and difficulty swallowing. Famotidine belongs to a class of drugs known as H2 blockers. This medication is also available without a prescription. It is used to prevent and treat heartburn and other symptoms caused by too much acid in the stomach (acid indigestion). If you are taking this medication for self-treatment, it is important to read the manufacturer's package instructions carefully so you know when to consult your doctor or pharmacist. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Its bloody awful stuff..Would never take it again..

one day on this is one day too many.

I've only been taking 3 days but after reading everyone elses opinion I'm afraid to. I'm only on .5mg right now on my starter pack I can't imagine 5mg at a time

Approx. 6 hours after taking my first dose I noticed a decrease in symptoms. I am now on my 4th dose out of 20 (2x per day for 10 days) and just finished a hard cardio workout for the first time in weeks. Augmentin is just revved up amox. so it's nothing to be afraid of unless you are allergic to ammox. Just take a probiotic the whole time and take it with a meal and you'll be fine.

Weight gain, grinding teeth, thirsty, vivid dreams on a fairly regular basis, memory and organizational skills seem to have flown the coop though. Still, that's preferable to wanting to smash my head into a wall 24/7, or to smash someone else's head into a wall. My hubby use to let me use his palms to hit my fist into so I could release some of the pent up anxiety.

severe pain in legs. back, pain in kidney region. stiff neck blurred vision.

The Plaquenil causes intestinal upset regardless of how or when I take it. Plaquenil does provide some relief for my aches and pains, so I will not discontinue taking it. I am also experiencing trouble getting to sleep at night - a new experience for me. Could this be caused by the Plaquenil? My energy/stamnia has not improved. In addition to the Plaquenil, I take Celebrex for pain.

2 months now and so far so good. Lexapro has certainly lifted my mood and allowed me to think clearly and comfortably. It's also got me more motivated,out of my chair and into some mild exercise. I intend to stay on it for a while.The only side effect that's really concerned me is the sexual one. However the inability to orgasm has been addressed by use of a prostate massager which works well despite being embarrassing. I'm slowly beginning to have erections again so I expect that eventually the orgasm inability will resolve itself. Another reviewer above mentioned in his case it took several months.I began with ten and moved to twenty after a month. I don't intend to escalate.I'll report again at 6 months.

Dry mouth, canker sores, numb feeling, slight anxiety before I fall asleep and did I say DRY MOUTH?!?!?!

Weight gain, excessive daytime sleepiness, muscle twitches (especially in lower extremities), loss of creativity, uncharacteristic mood swings (irritability).