Pantoprazole sodium (pantoprazole sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pantoprazole sodium (pantoprazole sodium)

Anxiety, shaking, suicidal thoughts, memory loss, aggressiveness, sleep issues.

Never advised or warned ANYTHING about drug. NO instructions on use. Been taking for over 3 years (prescribed and refilled by 2 doctors). Recently went without for 2 weeks due to uncontrollable circumstances. Began taking again. I couldn't think or concentrate. I couldn't speak. I was struggling for common words. I would write things on my hand because I couldn't remember one minute to the next. First time EVER feeling suicidal. I slept for days. Stopped taking for 3 weeks. Didn't know what the cause was. Started taking again. Freaked out and totalled my car in a cloudy brain fog. Couldn't see clearly for days. Eyes just wouldn't focus. One of the scariest experiences of my life. I'm lucky I'm alive. I had to figure this out for myself since the pharmaceutical industry claims that this drug is safe. I'll take the heartburn and a tums. I have serious relationship and legal issues as a result of this poison.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Side effects on 2nd day. Woke up with dry mouth throat, burning sensation in chest, heavy feeling, anxiety, started with arm aching about 2/4 hrs after taking 2nd dose. Vision seemed to be screwed up as well as thinking (doom) feeling. Much the same effects as Nexium. Why to doctors act surprised when you mention why you stopped taking it do to side effects. Not worth the long term health complications. I believe that after 2 days taking this it made the lpr worse 24 hrs of throat/ chest burn. Don’t want to try and sleep afraid of choking on mucus.

Susceptibility to catching upper respiratory colds and flus; recurring vaginal yeast infections.

They completely took away all my horrible indigestion, diarrhea and food intolerances.

Honestly this medication has been very good for me. I don't understand the side effects on the reviews here. Very harmless. I suffer from severe acid reflex to the point i wake up in the middle of the night chockin. A doctor prescribed me this medication and I must say it works. I take it normally around 7pm everyday.

Must be taking daily, unfortunately this won't fix the problem but it would control it

It worked fine for two years but recently has stopped working. My acid reflux has returned very severely and nothing seems to control it now. A recent gastroscopy highlighted that effects of PPI can be seen in stomach. I have been trying to taper it off as have read that it's not a good drug to continue to take.

Horrible side effects. Severe anxiety, unable to concentrate or function, heart palpitations especially in the mornings upon waking, but also during the rest of the day. Feelings of depersonalization and despair. I took this drug to an alternative practitioner who could test it against my body and it was affecting my adrenal glands, driving up cortisol which will cause anxiety and a cascade of effects. It also was disruptive to my nervous system. So was Omeprazole.

I thought I was going insane. Pepcid did the same thing to me and tested the same with alternative practitioner. These drugs should be taken off the market in my opinion.

A couple of days after taking this medication, I started having severe bloating that would last all day long. I eventually started having trouble breathing and had to be rushed to the Er. I had anxiety that would come on suddenly and last for hours. Brain fog, severe diarrhea and jaw pain was very bad. Chest pain and feeling like something was always in my throat was really bad. I took my last pill a couple of days ago and will never take this drug again. It seems as though the medication make my problem worse. Not wanting to get out of the bed for days on this medication. In my opinion, it should not be prescribed to anyone.

Took for years but gradually over the last year I have had terrible diarrhea from this drug.

Headache, nausea, dizziness, stomach pain, tremors, blurry vision, weakness, joint pain and fatigue.

I have been taking Pantoprazole for a little over 2 years now and in the beginning it was great!Now I am experiencing terrible stomach pains, nausea and dizziness.My new GP switched my over to Nexium 2 days ago and it seems to be helping and my side effects seem to be subsiding

On day 13 severe joint and muscle pain and stiffness. Could barely walk. When barefoot felt as if I was walking on bone. Not tolerable. I have tried all the ppi drugs and antacids out there. Side effects awful.

Okay for 13 days. Had a couple days of stomach pain/pressure. Day 13 severe joint/muscle pain and stiffness. Could barely walk. Wanted to cry all day. Came on really fast. Treated heartburn but side effects are not tolerable. Will try every other day before giving up. I am desperate. Have tried many others and had similar problems, but this was the worse.

I can relate to the effects the people above have been having, started it few weeks back but not everyday- however after taking it, back of neck, upper shoulders, anxiety and depression started- i have now related it to this medication, really scary and after taking one today write in capital letters on the box ”Never take again” only thing i could do was take an antihistimine and hope its ok !

Feel generally unwell my mouth taste's horrible smells milky no appetite. And still feel acid in my throat. As anyone experienced this.

Lightheadedness, fatigue, muscle/joint pain, headaches, ear ringing, blurry vision and facial rash.

I have been on Pantoprazole for approximately 14 months and everything has been perfect up until about a week ago when I started experiencing all of these horrible side effects!I spent 6 hours in the ER tonight just for them to tell me that everything came back clear and this medication does not cause any of the side effects that I'm experiencing.Can someone please give me some advice on how to taper off it this horrible medication??!

I've been taking Pantoprazole for nearly 2 years and and have not experienced any side effects.With Pantoprazole, I have the ability to eat whatever I want, whenever I want without any GERD symptoms!

This worked wonders for me and healing my gastritis! It took about a week for the side effects to go away when I started taking it. It's a miracle pill!

Depression, Anxiety and ended up getting Colitis. This is one of the worst drugs I have ever taken. The depression was almost too much to take. Went back to my old medication.

Anxiety, Fatigue, Intrusive thoughts, Depression, Headaches, Stomach sensetivity

I started taking 40mg Pantoprazole beginning of June for Gastritis(I put GERD because there are more reviews under that so more people might see this) and took until about the 3r week in August. That whole time my anxiety just got worse and worse. While the panto worked for my gastritis, it made my stomach much more sensetive to different foods, and my diet had to change completely. This resulted in me losing 30 lbs.Anyway, in the beginning I was just having anxiety in the mornings, and thought it was just from the newly diagnosed stomach issues. It was a hard time I had to go through with the sudden diet change and feeling so weak. As time progression my anxiety just worsened. By the beginning of July I had my first panic attack in years. My dosage was eventually changed to just 20 mg a day, and that still worked, however my anxiety and depression was still there. Towards the end of July and in to August, the anxiety kind of turned it up a notch and was getting so bad I was having to rely on Xanax. I've had anxiety since 2013, but its mostly been well controlled and rarely had to take any meds for it. Around the middle of august I started getting intrusive thoughts which was really scary for me. I had never experienced anything like it before and was trying to figure out what was going on. Somehow it clicked and I realized that the day after I started taking Pantoprazol was when my anxiety got bad. At this point I decided to stop taking it and tapered off over a week.

Horrific nightmares, raised blood pressure, severe headaches and depression.

I'm about to stop taking them! I'm scared to go to sleep because waking up to my nightmares are so painful, both mentally and physically! The depression is horrible as well. I don't want to feel like this anymore. I am on other medications but I've been on them a while and never had any issues before this new medication.

PANTOPRAZOLE SODIUM (PANTOPRAZOLE SODIUM): Pantoprazole is used to treat certain stomach and esophagus problems (such as acid reflux). It works by decreasing the amount of acid your stomach makes. This medication relieves symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and persistent cough. It helps heal acid damage to the stomach and esophagus, helps prevent ulcers, and may help prevent cancer of the esophagus. Pantoprazole belongs to a class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). The injection form of this drug is used for a short time when you cannot take the medication by mouth. When possible, your doctor should switch you to the form that is taken by mouth. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Eye dryness and pain, seeing insect-like things crawling/flying where there are not any, neck pain and stiffness, numbness in feet, instability feeling in knee, irritability, dizziness, poor memory, nightmares, increased pigmentation on recent scars. Hope that is all...

I have used Ambien (10mg) for approx. 2 years. It's definitely helped my DSPD, which can be described as permanent jet lag. My normal sleep time without Ambien would be around 5-6am, and it's been that way since I was a child. Ambien has been pretty helpful with helping me push back my sleep time. That is, if you use it AS PRESCRIBED. The only time I experience the weird behavioral things is when I don't immediately go to bed after taking it. Yes, I have completely rearranged my living room furniture in the middle of the night. But again, thats only when I dawdle around after I've taken it. Be responsible, and this medicine might work for you. But, also no medicine will work the same way for everyone. For me the positives outweigh the negatives.

Causes Severe Internal Bleeding.

INFERTILITY,pre cancerous cervical cells, migrains, debilitating joint pain, hair loss, depression, insomnia, growth of body hair, weight gain, unexplained vision problems

I took this pill for 1 month & 2 weeks. After realizing that I have gained 6 lbs and am moody & tired all the time, I have taken myself off of it. I do NOT recommend this birth control to anyone!! All of these women have had very similiar side effects and most have stop taking it. I stopped taking 2 days ago and I no longer have bloating, constipation, mood swings, and the breast tenderness has decreased significantly. THROW THIS PILL IN THE GARBAGE!

Allegra works really well for me. I can only take the 60 mg tablets. The 180mg tablets were way too strong for me-- gave me dry mouth & stomach aches. Now I just take 60 mg once/ day when I'm having symptoms. I had bad luck with Zyrtec and Claritin. They made me very tired.

i am also taking lamectal and added abilify to help with continued depression the depression has subsided but the jitteryness and lack of sleep are annoying and i am not sure i can deal with it makes working hard when i keep feeling these "twitches" inside my body am going to speak to my DR about changing to another med i am not impressed with abilify

was suffering from treatment-resistant depression, horrible anxiety/obsessive ruminating, and PTSD. added 50mg lamotrigine to 150mg doxepin and noticed positive results almost immediately. seems to have prominent anti-kindling properties.

Breast tenderness, headaches & Weight gain.

This drug has been destroying every aspect of my life..physical and psychological. It's destroyed my self-confidence, my sex life, my business. And now it looks and feels like the medical establishment is keeping it all a dirty little secret for the sake of the income that statins generate. I'd rather have died outright from a heart attack than suffer as I have the past three years. And, reading this website, I can find a little comfort in knowing that I am not alone with this maddening array of weird symptoms. Thank you! Thank you!!! You may have saved my life !!!