Omeprazole (omeprazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Omeprazole (omeprazole)

Muscle twitches, vibrations/buzzing in pelvic area and backside, joint pain.

I am living a nightmare. I am even going to see a neurologist, anyone else have the same issues as me? Please email me. Thanks

Indigestion, acid reflux, globus

Day 1 - severe dizziness, chills, back and shoulder ache, migraine, metallic taste in mouth, stomach felt sour, zero appetite, heart palpitations.Day 2 - nausea that developed into really violent vomiting and dry hacking when there was nothing else to vomit, zero appetite, chills and tremors - whole body shaking, hands and feet icy - dizziness, metallic taste in mouth, dull pain in back and shoulder, stomach felt sour and queasy.Day 3 - discontinued. Felt lightheaded, very weak, huge headaches, stomach lurched from bubbling to growling, continued burping and a little dry heaving.

Before I took this poison, I had a feeling of something stuck in my throat. I was told it was Globus. However after the second day of vomiting the contents of my stomach out, whatever was stuck in my throat has gone, so maybe it wasn't a feeling at all. Anyway, please ASK your GP for alternative methods and medications for treating acid reflux and indigestion first before plunging straight to this very powerful medication that I think should only be prescribed as a very last resort. I will say that my heartburn has lessened somewhat but perhaps I would have had the same result if I stuck to gentler antacids and diet changes.

Absolutely awful headaches no energy shakes lower back pain made my stomach worse cramps bloating and burning looked up reviews so I decide to stop that was only 2 days ago stomach calmed down lower back pain easing still got headaches and extremely tired started to eat a bit better ,

Headache, increased anxiety/sense of impending doom, heaviness in head, body aches, heart palpitations, increased pressure in ears

Avoid! GI doctor put me on this to prep for an endoscopy. Only made it six days before I had to stop taking it. Awful headaches, heaviness feeling in head, and overall feeling of being unwell. Could feel my heart pounding. Insane increase in anxiety - I typically have anxiety, but I felt scared and on the verge of tears constantly. Never again.

Back pain legs pain anxiety and panic attacks cannot do anything really tired all the time stopped theses 8 days ago still feeling awful

This drug depletes your calcium potassium magnesium to a very dangerous level I was admitted into hospital becouse of this horrible drug and I am still suffering today because of it

This drug needs to be taken off the market immediately

Serious leg and foot pain. Chest discomfort and pain. Constipation, dry cough and headache. Feeling depressed and eye twitching.

This drug has serious side effects. I can't believe it's still on the market. There are people who will continue to take this and not know it is the cause of their systoms.

Scared to take this. Pantaprozole left me with symptoms of dx I did not have before starting med. Feeling of feeling puffed all over wo to h the worst joint stiffness ever in my life pain included. Doc changed rx to Omeprazole. HMMMMMM.

Headaches, dizziness, increased joint pain, nausea, random chest pains, bloodshot eyes, sense of hopelessness and fear.

I can't take this anymore. I keep trying to take this medication having to stop and start again because of side effects. This last time I took for 16 days and last 5 days feeling very ill. Woke up this morning after restless night crying, “I'm going to die”! I kept trying to stick with this because I had to be treated for severe anemia caused by my then unknown ulcers. Reading other people's experiences lets me know I'm not crazy. I'm not taking this poison again!

Oh my goodness uncontrollable anxiety very upset crying very low nausea never again terrible drug hope it goes away soon

I started with Prilosec then switched to prescription Omeprazole. I have had no issues with this drug.I don't know how so many people rated Omeprazole so low.

Blurred vision dizziness. Sometimes double vision. Heart palpitations. Anxiety agraphobic

Trying to get off it now and the acid is double. Since I've been on it for 10 years I think it's going to be tough and it's hard because I'm taking time release capsules. Which you can't cut in half. The withdrawal is not fun. I'm just 1ofthosepeoplethatcannottakeit

Originally for bloating/stomachache

Terrible side of effects including what's listed in most of the cases here. Now have tremors, nerve pain and tingling/numbness. Been taking for nearly 2 years. I am so stressed and depressed.Feel like life is not worth living anymore.

Can this medication be reviewed? There's some evidence of major side effects which could be putting us at risk. Why do doctors/GPS not believe this medicine is causing awful problems? Making us feel it is all in our heads.

Headaches ,severe lightheadedness,gas

If anyone has experienced this please email me and let me know how long these side effects lasted when stopping

Originally for bloating/stomachache

Stomach & bloating pain for 9 months.Stomach feels full soon after eating. Sever weight loss. Now I'm getting tremors, back, leg & foot pain. Numbness and tingling. Eye & muscle twitching. Constipation. Depression. Rapid heat beat.

Had lots of investigations: Blood test, Endoscopy & Colonoscopy, CT Scan, x-ray and due to have MRI and 24hr heart monitor. I believe these meds are somehow related to the symptoms and are causing these terrible side effects which doctors don't believe. I regularly read the reviews. These meds are making us all ill.

Anxiety/panic attacks, insomnia, tinnitus, brain fog, pain under left breast, chest pain, muscle pain in arms and legs, abdominal pain, gassiness, nausea, lack of appetite, weight loss, slow digestion

I've been to the ER three times, admitted for tests/observation twice and released after finding nothing. Been to primary care doctor, rheumatologist, neurologist, cardiologist...all say nothing is wrong. I have never had anxiety, panic attacks or insomnia my entire life. I was always a good sleeper! Now I can't lie flat in bed because my heart pounds and I have trouble breathing. Every time I start to doze off I get jolted awake even when propped up. I usually get awake every 2-3 hours and sometimes lie awake for hours at a time, only getting 4-5 hours sleep if I'm lucky.I'm also becoming weaker from not eating enough and not eating enough of the right foods because some things just don't seem to digest and make me nauseous. Then I have severe gas for hours later. I've also been having random pains in my arms and legs that feel muscular. My left thigh has also started twitching regularly.The brain fog is also horrendous and I don't even feel like myself anymore. It is distressing to read that so many others are experiencing these same horrible symptoms but also reassuring to know that I'm not going crazy! I don't ever share on sites like this but if my experience can also help another person going through this, I'm glad to help.

Gall bladder removal and possible g

Extreme fatigue, nausea, dizziness, tittinus, shaky legs, upset stomach, anxiety, depression, and the list goes on.

Prior to gall bladder surgery, I was a healthy 37 year old running 6 miles per day, several days per week. I then had a gallbladder attack and surgery to remove it. I was told to take 20mg per day of this poison to help with gerd, although I'd never had reflux in my life. This was upped to 40mg on the 10th day I was recovering every day and feeling better from surgery, until about the 5/6th day of being on this med. From then it's been down hill, extreme tiredness, tingling/weakness in legs, tittinus, dizziness, severe bloating and upset stomach, anxiety/depression and sense of doom that I've never had, and the list goes on. I've been to the ER three times believing something was seriously wrong, but all labs, CT, ultrasounds were perfect. I'm fully convinced that my symptoms and delayed recovery from surgery are all related to this poison. My symptoms seem very similar to many of the people on this thread and align with when I started feeling sicker by the day. I took this for approximately 15 days, which has caused 10 of the worst days of my life. I've stopped using this med as of today and hope to recover quickly and not have long lasting effects from this. Please reach out with any advice, questions or similar stories .

Has anyone had back pain from this poison and recovered fully?

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting

I could not tolerate this medication for long. Taken for ulcer. After taking it my stomache would contract forcefully and repeatedly with intense pain. This last Ed for about 6 hours each time. Many times I would also get so nauseous and cold. Eventually I would vomit. This is not normal so my body couldn't tolerate it but I know many people can take this medication without such serious side effects.

Extreme anxiety, health anxiety, panic attacks, dizziness, chest pain, palpitations, sharp abdominal pain, muscle aches/tightness, swollen arm, among many others

Was given Omeprazole for acid reflux and took the first round of it for 6 weeks in July-August 2022 with no noticeable side effects. During follow up with doctor in November 2022 and discussion of acid reflux returning, she decided to give me a 90-day supply. On day 2 of taking the second round of omeprazole I began having chest pains and day 4 I developed awful anxiety and panic attacks. I did not think it was the omeprazole because I did not have these effects the first time taking it. After about 4 weeks of continuing the drug and after many doctors visits and an ER trip for chest pain, I began having severe abdominal pain primarily on my right side. Went to the ER twice for this pain, had blood work, CT scan, and Ultrasound and doctors were not concerned. Eventually made the connection that this all started when I began taking omeprazole again. I immediately stopped taking it have been off of it for a little over a week. Still suffering from side effects and hoping for some relief soon. If anyone has had similar effects please reach out and share your story. I am in so much pain daily.

OMEPRAZOLE (OMEPRAZOLE): Omeprazole is used to treat certain stomach and esophagus problems (such as acid reflux, ulcers). It works by decreasing the amount of acid your stomach makes. It relieves symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and persistent cough. This medication helps heal acid damage to the stomach and esophagus, helps prevent ulcers, and may help prevent cancer of the esophagus. Omeprazole belongs to a class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). If you are self-treating with this medication, over-the-counter omeprazole products are used to treat frequent heartburn (occurring 2 or more days a week). Since it may take 1 to 4 days to have full effect, these products do not relieve heartburn right away. For over-the-counter products, carefully read the package instructions to make sure the product is right for you. Check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before. The manufacturer may have changed the ingredients. Also, products with similar brand names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes. Taking the wrong product could harm you. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Have suffered for 13 years with fibro. Started taking 25mg before bed for 2 months, nothing. Increased to 50 mg before bed, slept better, but no pain relief. Just increased to 50mg twice a day and feel hardly any pain, about a 1. However, can't seem to walk down the hallway without bouncing off the wall. I hope this passes because the pain relief in unbelievable to me. I have been told from my doctor that the weight gain is usually found in people taking other meds along w/Lyrica. No weight gain for me yet, but we will see with the higher dosage. Trying to work to 50mg 3x a day, but if the dizziness doesn't go away, I don't see that happening. Affraid to drive.

After 3 days, I felt I was coming down with flu-like symptoms. I then started feeling extremely fatigued, and I lost interest in doing things. I had to force myself to get up off the couch and do errands. I talked to my doctor about stopping. I am now off Lisinopril and working on lifestyle changes as an alternative. I feel so relieved about stopping this medication.

Cramping, no appetite, bad bloating, constipation, white thick stringy discharge all 5 days, started spotting on day 4 of use which was like dark brown, full on bleeding bright red on day 5 with bad cramps.

After consulting my doctor, she made an appointment with a neurologist yet to occur.

difficulty waking up in the morning, and too much energy at bedtime (I used to be the opposite)

I initially experienced some nausea. If I missed a dose, I experienced little "explosions" in my brain, dizziness and a feeling that my eyes wouldn't move with my head.

Tiredness - especially in the morning, all over muscle weakness, eye pressure and I am thirsty all the time.

To date, no side effects at all. I have not been constipated, although I have been drinking a few cups of green tea every day, which might help others who are experiencing constipation. I have been sleeping okay - never do sleep through the night anyway.

Extreme weight loss, lack of appetite, nausea, lethargy, chills

weakness, lethargy, headache - pretty much the same from other drugs like this