Nexium iv (esomeprazole sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nexium iv (esomeprazole sodium)

Side Effects fornexium iv (esomeprazole sodium) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

This drug completely helped me. I was at the point where I couldn't concentrate. I had no self esteem. I was crying all the time. Within one week of taking this medicine I was much better. I also take Wellbutrin and Topamax (the generics of both) for depression and this medicine has helped me immensely. I was taking Xanax before this but it made me so tired that I would fall asleep at my desk for a half hour after taking my second dosage that I had to switch to something else. At first I did have trouble staying asleep but now I am sleeping through the night. I do hope others can benefit from it like I have. Good luck to all.

I was prescribed 40mg daily, however I read it was 7 times more potent than Zantac, which I had been taking 150mg, so I only took half (20mg) at night Itstopped my heartburn, so over 11 days I took 9 x 20mg. I was very concerned about the way I was feeling, until I saw the comments on this site- which is quite a relief as I thought I must be ill or going crazy!

if I take this on an empty stomach with a cup of coffee I can get a little "wired" (I know I shouldn't) but other than than that I've had no side effects.

Sleepy-but thats what I needed!

I began taking the medication and at first it was really working well. After about 6 weeks on the medication (and a dose of 150 mg split up between morning and night), I'm having nausea and "hot flashes" of fever. Not sure if this is the right medication, though it did start off good.

I wasn't even that sick from the parasites so this was a bad tradeoff. If i had it to do over would have tackled it with gentler herbal remedies. Reading these other posts I'm pretty freaked out and hoping I'm one of the luckier ones who don't have longer term, lingering side effects. But it sounds like mild peripheral neuropathy brought on by the Flagyl. I highly recommend avoiding this drug unless you're in a life threatening situation with no other option.

Going to see doctor in a few days. I will NOT use this medication again!

Side effects are worse than the sinus infection. I'm not taking any more doses, I'd rather take my chances with a recurrence of the infection.

Day 2, leg cramps, sightly sore mouth. Day 3, tongue and inside of cheeks are sore.

DO NO TAKE. A horrible drug. Should be banned. This a poisonous drug. I no longer trust my doctor or fda. I nearly had a seizure stopping this drug. Should have tapered had I know bit my dr said it was okay to stop cold turkey..WRONG. my nervous system is still off and also have burning skin and scalp. POISON.