Metronidazole (metronidazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Metronidazole (metronidazole)

Anxiety, depression, numbness, vomiting, confusion, ataxia, head pressure

This medication is death in a bottle. Do not take this. Please do not take this.

I'm no longer taking this medication. No change to review. It took about a month to fill nearly normal again.

Almost 1 month to feel almost fully recovered.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

This medicine is death in a bottle. I felt like I was suffocating and had chest pains. i still have 1.5 days left on this medicine and I am really considering stopping. I have had hyperventilating in public and ER visit. This medicine needs to be discontinued.

Very bad depression, anxiety attacks, painful breathing, extreme back pain, restless sleep

I'm only on day 4, first day was the worst but the 4th day made me feel insanely out of control. I won't be taking anymore of it regardless of the three days left on medication. If I get BV again I will not be taking Metro.

Extremely nauseous, zero appetite, anxiety, on and off tingling in arms, tired. Feel worse than I did before I started taking it. Took this with Flagyl, horrible combination, will NEVER take again!

Day 1-3 made me very tired and couldn't concentrate. Felt nausea and bloated. Headache and neck pain increased hourly on day 4. Far worse than any migraine I've experienced! Eyes swollen and sensitive to light. Felt like my head was going to explode. Anxiety and heart palpitations. Couldn't cope with the pain and stopped the course on day 5. I will never touch this drug again!

Worse drug I have ever taken. Felt like I was dying. Should be banned

Chills, nausea, headache, fatigue, vivid dreams, dark urine, sore muscles, bloating, constipation, easily agitated

I've taken this medication before, but this time is the worst. I have 2 more dosages left and this week has sucked. I've been unmotivated to do anything and have been just pushing through at work.

Complete toxicity including dizziness, mouth numbness, insomnia, headaches, head pressure and ear pressure. It has lasted for one year.

Terrible terrible drug. Do not take it.

Terrible stomach cramps, diarrhoea vomiting ended up in hospital for 6 days passing blood. It has caused damage to my bowel.

Nasty taste in mouth for days, difficulty breathing, painful breathing, disorientated & nauseous, weak

After halo procedure for haemmoroid

This drug is poison have only made it to day 4 .Feel like I'm dying chronic diarrhoea stomach pains joint paint stiff neck headaches exhaustion to the point I cannot get out of bed!depressed crying fits I really feel like I am dying

This should come with a warning or banned!!!

I'm extremely tired, very bad cotton mouth, stomac cramps, nasty taste

Overall meds cleared BV in 3 days of treatment

extreme Nausea, dry mouth ,feeling anxious and suicidal thoughts forgetfulness

I am now in the process of getting help for my mental health, i would never recommend anyone to take this as it May kill the infection but it makes you feel worse even when course has finished

Over 3 day period from first symptoms to last. Dizzyness, Bright light, flickering eyes, terrible taste buds, unsteady gait, finally no sensation in feet could see them but couldn't feel them.

A scary drug that should be banned

Fairly constant headacheBrown urineIntense dreams all nightReally tired, but in a comfortable way.

There are side effects, but I'd deal with them again if it meant killing pathogenic bacteria colonizing in my body. It's 7 days.

Anexiety, panic attack, tingling in the arms and legs, constant worry, inability to manage and perform day to day activities, constipation, severe insomnia with night panic attacks, depression, feeling down, suicidical thoughts. Feeling you are loosing your mind and just going crazy. Had to stop after 4 days and kept having the symptoms for more then week after.

This medication should not be allowed for use. Do not take it under any circumstances!

Tingling feet for 2 minutes then extreme euphoria for a few hours.

Had an extremely pleasant experience on these mixed with ibuprofen for the pain. The opposite of what the majority have stated. I felt complete and utter uphoria after around 20 mins of taking a tablet. Removed any anxiety from everyday life. Infection started to drain after 1st day.Only giving 4 stars because the tablet itself (if you don't get it down on the first swallow tastes like an old penny)

Nausea. Shortness of breath. Vivid dreams. Stomach cramps. Dizziness.

Please be careful before taking this medicine its been 9 days since i stopped this medication and i still have the symptoms.

Extreme anxiety, short of breath, fatigue,weakness. Extreme dizzyness

Have to say this DID clear a very nasty infection. First course I was jittery but starting 2nd course I became almost bed ridden with the anxiety and fatigue

METRONIDAZOLE (METRONIDAZOLE): Metronidazole is an antibiotic that is used to treat a wide variety of infections. It may also be used to prevent infection after bowel surgery. It works by stopping the growth of certain bacteria and parasites. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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taken at night made me sleep like a baby, very dizzy and no coordination for a few weeks, but not that bad. visual changes for a week. MY SEX DRIVE IS BACK!!!

I took Nexium for 3 days. It worked for my GERD symptoms but nights #1 & #2 I had problems staying asleep. By night #3, I awoke frequently, finally after a vivid dream and with rapid heart beat and extreme anxiety which lasted about 40 minutes. I take Xanax and Ambien for anxiety and insomnia. I hadn't had a problem with wakefulness, etc. since I started Ambien over 6 mos. ago. I stopped the Nexium yesterday and slept well last night.

I have on 3-4 mg of ativan per day for 2 years. I am not bashing the med. I worked really well in relieving the anxeity/panic disorder. I tried stopping this medicine recentely and had horrible withdrawl symptoms. I am now trying to taper real slow off of this stuff.

Although I am only on my 4th day of taking provera (prescribed for 10 days), I have experienced nausea since day one (seems to ge worse at night when I want to sleep). I have also been cramping up quite a bit, and it does seem to get worse as each day passes.

I took 10mg for the first time last night before bed and I could barely sleep. I don't even know if I did sleep! My back hurt so bad in the middle of the night I had to take an Ibuprofen. Now I'm at work and I'm shaking so bad and my stomach is so tight! I hope this goes away. I can't seem to focus, my eyes are blurred and sensitive to the light.

Percocet helped very well as an oral pain med. It took away the knee pain from surgery. It takes about 30 to 40 minutes for it to kick in but does work once it does kick in and last for 3 to 4 hours. I was taking two 5 mg tablets at first but now post op 3 weeks I am only taking one 5 mg tablet. I don't feel like I am addicted as I am still having surgical pain but plan to use them less and less as the pain improves.

I suffered for months before I realized this medication was the root cause. Severe anxiety attacks, increased blood pressure. Felt like I was dying every day and almost wished that was the case because the symptoms made me so miserable. I had multiple ER visits that never showed anything was wrong. I thought I was going crazy every day. I felt like every breathe I took there was fluid in my chest. Headaches that were constant for months and no history of beaches. Brain CT showed nothing. I have constant pins and needle feeling in all my extremities. I stopped this medication 3 days ago and my life has improved tremendously.I feel so much better. Not one headache, or panic attack. Pins and needle feeling is decreasing. I will never use this medication again or anything in the same class of drugs.

I've been on Geodon for 8 years now, and have never had a relapse. before Geodon, I had tried about four different other antipsychotics, none which made the voices go away. Geodon started working for me the first week I started taking it, and have been recovered ever since.

Cognitive impairment, memory loss, inability to concentrate, no motivation, extreme anxiety, sweating buckets, depression, feeling suicidal, slurred speech, tiredness, muscle spasms and shakiness, lightheadedness, collapsing, seizure, visual phenomena, night blindness

Racing thoughts, anxiety, jittering, restlessness, near panic attack, impending sense of doom, racing heart, nightmares, body aches, headache, fatigue, paranoia, dizziness, absurd thoughts, cold/hot feeling, burning skin sensation, chest congestion, dissociated feeling, dream-like state, worsened already present cold symptoms