Metoclopramide hcl (metoclopramide hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Metoclopramide hcl (metoclopramide hydrochloride)

Extreme drowsiness, insomnia, don't want to be social, creepy crawlies in legs, aggitation, leg jerks, sadness, joint pain, palps, severe fatigue, loss of focus, eye twitching, memory loss, worthlessness, fears, worse ringing in ears, mild anxiety, jaw twitching. weight gain

I didn't know all of this was from the metoclopramide. When I got the RX both the specialist and my family doctor said that this medicine has bad hipe but that some people are on it for life and have no problems. I started having these problem right from the beginning and I went to doctors and no one even mentioned anything about the metoclopramide being the problem. Not until I started research yesterday did I realize I might have a problem and I stopped it last night. I will have to wait and see about withdraw problems so far I haven't noticed any except some mild heart palps.

Made me poop about 30 minutes after ingesting.

Didn't really solve my nausea. It will empty your stomach if you have something sitting in it causing nausea. In that way it is effective. I would actually recommend this for constipation.

My prolactin level became very high. 165. This required me to have a brain MRI as they thought i had a pituitary tumor it was so high! Once the med stopped my levels went down. i was only on 5 mg. prn!

METOCLOPRAMIDE HCL (METOCLOPRAMIDE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat certain conditions of the stomach and intestines. Metoclopramide is used as a short-term treatment (4 to 12 weeks) for persistent heartburn when the usual medicines do not work well enough. It is used mostly for heartburn that occurs after a meal or during the daytime. Treating persistent heartburn can decrease the damage done by stomach acid to the swallowing tube (esophagus) and help healing. Metoclopramide is also used in diabetic patients who have poor emptying of their stomachs (gastroparesis). Treating gastroparesis can decrease symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and stomach/abdominal fullness. Metoclopramide works by blocking a natural substance (dopamine). It speeds up stomach emptying and movement of the upper intestines. This drug is not recommended for use in children due to an increased risk of serious side effects (such as muscle spasms/uncontrolled muscle movements). Ask the doctor or pharmacist for details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Tingling in feet, hands, and occasionally face

Do not use this medicine. I gained 40 pounds in about six months. I started exercising everyday and dieting, but I still gained weight. Not having my period for a year was great, but now that I am off of it, I've had my period for a straight 3 months. Sometimes I'll go 2 or 3 days between periods, but for the most part it is a continuous thing. My hormones are so messed up from going off of it, too. This shot didn't seem so bad while I was on it, but now it seems impossible to get my body back to normal. All I want is for my period to stop.

Erotic dreams that night, killer headache started during the night and is persisting. Light sensitivity.

it helps me for about 2 months work great as long as its not a generic kenalog shot.

Was leary about taking this drug.My numbers werent that bad.Afraid to stop due to scare tactics that Ill have heart attack or stroke.

First 2 days no pain and somewhat manic with a ton of energy and clearer mind. Starting day 3,4,5 extremely severe anxiety and panicky and sweating and hot flashes and skin crawling feeling. Don't want to leave the house anxiety is so bad. 2 days of no pain is not worth feeling like this. I will never take the dose pack again if I can avoid it!!!

DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG if you value your health or life.

Brief drowsiness when I began taking them, but only lasted a week or so now I take max dosage staggered through out the day with very little if any effects.

I would not recommend taking this stuff. It caused a lot of problems while I was on it. It did help for anxiety, but the side effects are NOT worth it. This stuff is insanely hard to get off of too. You literally have to taper off slowly or you can have more serious problems. This stuff should not be taken for more than 2 weeks.

speech issues. stuttering. emotional outbursts. Night terrors. body pain.