Dexilant (dexlansoprazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dexilant (dexlansoprazole)

Tried so hard to make this drug work as I have been on all the rest of them with all the same side effects. Biggest one for me is diarrhea. Insomnia also awful and body aches. Basically I end up just not feeling well. Most of it gut related. Will not take again.

I get muscle pain ,and I'm dehydrated, I don't know if it's from the medication, I'm drinking water 3 liter a day minimum and coconut water too. I'm going take 30gm for 2 weeks and get off it .lost 25 pounds too. Well hopefully everything goes good !

Did anyone else get dehydrated with this medicine I would like to know.

At the first it works perfectly for acid reflux, but after 1 months taken it I had headache muscles pain, muscles pain, numbness, I feel like I'm having stroke I tried many medicines for gastritis but I never had this side effects .

This was the only drug that worked for me and I FINALLY noticed some improvement after months of severe illness. People are right about the dizziness. It went away eventually but was very hard to deal with at first. I've been trying to wean off of it because I no longer need it and the side effects are so terrible. I know this is the case for many PPI's and they always go away after 2 weeks but it's extremely hard to tough it out. Some of the weirdest symptoms have been shooting flank pain and numbness/burning behind tailbone. The other symptoms are extreme fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, rebound reflux, headache etc.

This medicine changed my life but coming off of it has been hell.

The drug is terribly expensive but is fantastic for Gerd. However I have had side effects. Terrible joint pain, water retention/reduced urine, slight fever, and depression symptoms.

At first worked so well for GERD. But then I developed frequent heart palpitations and sever watery diarrhea. It got so bad I was afraid to leave home. I was on linzess. I took myself off this thinking this was my issue had a complete cardiac work up - I stopped the Dexilant and the heart palpitations has mostly all resolved. Definitely improved. The diarrhea has also stopped. I was able to go back to linzess no issues. The dexliant was great for gerd but not at the cost of my life! I'll figure out something else to help my gerd

Diarrhea, sore throat, itchy skin, headaches

It is hard to get off. I think the medication over time makes the disease worse.

It worked at first, had been on for 3 months straight 60 mg once a day.. Started experiencing shortness of breath and my wheezing has gotten worse. I ended up in the ER one day after my vision went completely wacky like I was looking thru a kaleidoscope.By the time I got home, which I have no idea how I did because I could not even read signs! Then I started experiencing peripheral neuropathy and my whole body was tingling like I had my finger in an electrical socket! It was horrible. I had to call 911. I was admitted to the hospital and my magnesium and potassium levels were very low. The doctors could not figure out anything after many test. Now reading all these reviews I believe it most likely was caused by dexilant.I also had developed pretty severe aniexty of which I have never experienced before. I felt like I could not handle anything and could not calm down a few times when I got into an argument. Which is not like me. I am pretty healthy overall besides my acid reflux, a Realtor and very calm usually and can handle stress. I am still experiencing neuropathy daily in my arms and I am hoping this will eventually go away since I stopped the dexilant a week ago. I am also hoping my shortness of breath will improve. I requested a PH test to be done instead to learn more about when, how much and why I am refluxing to try to get to the root cause instead. I have a sense of relief maybe putting the pieces of the puzzle together after reading others stories.

I took dexilant for gastritis. I started to develop calf cramps at first, followed by heart palpitations and shortness of breath. Today I ended up in the ER at the advice of my doctor and pharmacist. My heart rate was over 120, usual resting heat rate for me is around 55-60 bpm. I have stopped taking the dexilant, the ER doc mentioned it would take about 5 days to flush the remaining drug from my system. Will not be taking it again.

Not sure if dexilant related but I've had severe head pain the last 7 days, fatigue ,brain fog ,feeling out of it, severe depression and anxiety. When I first got on dexilant I didn't take it regularly, but within the last week I took it daily and started noticing these symptoms, I went to the ER because of my head pain ,they did ekg, chest xray and everything came back fine ,The only thing I can think of is the dexilant caused the effects

It stopped my burping for a while. However, 3 hrs later, I had SEVERE stomach ache, muscle pain, tingling in my extremities, nausea. I thought it was something I ate and brushed it off. Next day, I took another pill and I had these same symptoms. It has been 2 days since i first took it and I do not feel good at all. I wonder when this will go away. I am sick and tired :(

works better then most heartburn meds

Dizzy, dry mouth, nausea, constipation, headache

Started taking this drug for acid reflux. I started on 30 mg and after a while it didn’t help so my gastroenterologist increased the dosage to 60 mg. This helped for a while but again my dr wanted to increase to 90 mg. I refused to take 90 mg. I’ve been trying to ween myself off this drug for so long and just can’t seem to succeed. I hate it and wish I had never started taking it. Trying to adjust my diet and that helps a bit but still taking 30 mg daily. I think the pharmaceutical companies make sure you will not be able to do without it. Very frustratung

This was the only drug that worked for me! I've been taking it for over 10 years. Suddenly the label changed and I notice it says it is now made in Germany. The medicine no longer works for me. It's as if I'm not taking it at all. My reflux has returned and extreme gastro problems. I'm horribly upset.

About two years ago I took Cipro along with Dexilant. My B12 levels crashed and I got severe peripheral neuropathy. It took about a year to go away after I discovered the B12 issue and started taking B12 supplements. So be forewarned ... don’t mix the two drugs.

Extreme diarrhea, stomach cramps, headache and nausea. Terrible, will never take this medication again

Nausea, diarrhea, cramps, stomach pain

I have been on this nearly 2 years and it's the only thing that somewhat controls my reflux. The side effects are horrible though. I have had colonoscopy and many other tests due to horrible diarrhea and cramps. Its either that or try to get off and suffer with horrific gerd ...wish I never started taking PPIS. They are terrible!

Gas, throw up so much acid every morning, tired,My enamal is coming off my teeth really bad!!It did heel my EE! Dr said I would probably have to take it for a very long time.

I have taken this medicine for several years for Achalasia and acid reflux. The first GI Dr told me to take it before my biggest meal of my he day and the last one said no! Take it in the am and it costs your stomach. Diarrhea has been a possible side effect from this medication.

Severe diahrea and I mean severe. Stomach cramps awful. Stopped taking it.

Did help with burning in throat and chest though. Not worth it, side effects are awful.

Severe diahrea and I mean severe. Stomach cramps awful. Stopped taking it.

Did help with burning in throat and chest though. Not worth it, side effects are awful.

DEXILANT (DEXLANSOPRAZOLE): Dexlansoprazole is used to treat certain stomach and esophagus problems (such as acid reflux). It works by decreasing the amount of acid your stomach makes. It relieves symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and persistent cough. This medication helps heal acid damage to the stomach and esophagus, helps prevent ulcers, and may help prevent cancer of the esophagus. Dexlansoprazole belongs to a class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I started taking this drug as prescribed by my PA for my sinusitis and ear infection in March of 2014. After about day three I lost nearly all smell and nearly all taste. It has been a year and I still can not smell or taste much at all and everything has a metal taste and everything has a nasty smell. Pretty bad when you can't smell a skunk and boy do they ever stink. I guess that is the only perk of taking this drug.

Irritable bowel syndrome/depression

Heart palpitations, chest pains, massive weight gain (30 pounds and only 5'2), severe paranoia, insomnia.

Constant eye twitching, locked jaw, sore joints, binge eating, chain smoking, excessive spending

Do NOT take this drug. It killed my mother at the age of 66. Her doctor left her on it for over a year. It's listed on her death certificate as the cause of death.

Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy

I took this medication for my UTI just before dinner within 5 hours I developed a very high fever, chills and muscle aches. I had sharp headaches that felt like a knife that attacked in the same spot behind and front side of my head. I began to take extra strength Tylenol every two hours for the fever and headaches. This helped keep the fever down but not the headaches. As soon as the three hour mark hit the fever would shoot up. Thinking it was just the flu I went to work in the morning. I did not take the second dose because I was under some other medications for other reasons and did not want to take them closely together, so I intended to space them apart by 2 hours. When I woke up my face and lips were swollen and my skin was flushed. By 9 a.m. I began getting a strong pain behind my legs to the point I had to keep them moving in order to stay standing. It increasingly got worse that even if I moved I still felt like my legs would give out and I would fall. By 11:30 a.m. I had to go back to the clinic. I was in extreme pain, my fever and headaches continued and I had an overall terrible feeling that something was very wrong. I tried to describe my pain to the doctor that I had never felt these types of pain in my legs before so she ordered an ultrasound to my legs. But found nothing. The doctor consulted an allergist and another doctor and gave them a list of my medications. They all concurred that my symptoms sounded like it was due to the sulfameth trimeth. Throughout

Nausea and vomiting , diarrhea , acid reflux and sulphur burps

I was prescribed Benadryl to treat hives resulting from a food allergy.Within an hour I had severe swelling of my hands, feet,knees, and hips along with an increase in the amount of hives.( prior to use the hives only occured in small patches, after using benadryl the hives covered my whole body, including my face and scalp.)Nausea, and vomitting occured, and within 2 hours my face began to break out in hives and swell up. I had to go to the emergency room twice because of the swelling, and each time I was given more Benadryl and discharged after being told to continue taking Benadryl.With each administration my symptoms worsened.In total I had taken approximately 175mg of Benadryl before I decided to stop taking the medication on my own.

Drowsiness from it or from effexor or both.