Axid (nizatidine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Axid (nizatidine)

Wears off leaving fatigue headache

I also have IBS and nizatidine seems to control this problem as well.

Horrific bloating, next day none of my rings would fit, whole system became totally stuck (constipation), incredible sleepiness as if I'd taken a sleeping pill, stomach ache, weight gain, flu like feeling, instant depression... This was the worst experience ever!

Adverse effects were so severe I had to quit taking this. Effects only wore off 5 days after taking it. I also have Sjogren's syndrome, I wonder if this has any bearing on the side effects.... Irony is that clinical studies claim nizatidine might acutally be beneficial for Sjogren's as it could increase saliva production. Unfortunately, I did not notice this effect either, but maybe I gave up too soon....

This works very well. I take 150mg/day. I used to have heartburn before and after each meal & I rarely have flareups now. It's made a big difference.

My son, 8 months old, has been on Axid since he was two months old as well. It does not stop his spitting up but it does seem to make him less uncomfortable.

I experienced no side effects from using this drug.

My doc initially prescribed Prilosec and Prevacid, each of which caused me stomach pain, diarrhea and other side effects. Axid gave me relief with absolutely no side effects. I was curious why AXID which has no known side effects is prescribed after first trying others which each have several KNOWN side effects. I suspect that it's because AXID doesn't have a a billion dollar ad campaign and an army of drug reps hyping it to the nation's doctors everyday. If you've experienced side effects with Prilosec, Nexium or Prevacid which are equal to or worse than the symptom for which they are prescribed, ask your doc to try AXID for you.

My son has been taking Axid for about 5 months (since he was 2 months old). He has Reflux and while the Axid doesn't do much to eliminate the Reflux, it has made his discomfort much better.

AXID (NIZATIDINE): Nizatidine is used to treat ulcers of the stomach and intestines and prevent them from coming back after they have healed. This medication is also used to treat certain stomach and throat (esophagus) problems (such as erosive esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease-GERD). It works by decreasing the amount of acid your stomach makes. It relieves symptoms such as cough that doesn't go away, stomach pain, heartburn, and difficulty swallowing. Nizatidine belongs to a class of drugs known as H2 blockers. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This works. For OCD patients like myself it apparently works much faster- a couple of days- than for those with depression.Remember, OCDers, that you cant rest on Zoloft to take care of you. You will drift back to your compulsions. You have to 'try' to relax as bizarre as that sounds.I only take 25 mg a day because my 50 mg dose makes me too groggy- and even 50 is a low dose. 200 is a possible dose for severe depression.I don't PMS as much when taking these.Remember when taking other drugs like MAOIs you can die combining them, because they give you a serotonin overdose in combo. You can't drop LSD while taking Zoloft, or do shrooms, because Zoloft reins in the serotonin that such drugs throw out of whack in order to create their effect. If you wanted to take such a drug, stop taking Zoloft for a week beforehand to clear it out (I believe a week is plenty). However, if you're taking Zoloft for very serious depression or have significant lack of mental control, don't take su

SEVERE itching of the hands and feet. No rash, but the itching drives me absolutely crazy. I've tried several OTC anti-itch/steroid creams with no relief at all!

I expereinced no side effects whatsoever

It saved me! The side effects do not out weigh the benefits. I do not have flash backs any more. I do not cry for no reason. I feel less depressed, the weight from my chest has been lifted! My anxiety remains but I take other meds for that. No pill is going to be a miracle and cure your problems, but this is a great start. It let me start living my life again. I love it. I try to increase my doses, it always comes with the sides effects sometimes worse than others like making me bipolar (not my opinion my doctors) but the side effects always subdude. A great medicine to take. Start off low and gradually increase. After the first 2 months the best effects will show. Make sure to report everything you feel to your psychiatrist for best results.

missing period, major breast tenderness, spotting weeks before period should of come.

This medicine is absolutely awful. The side effects were just about unbearable, and my doctor ordered me to stop taking it after only two days. If you are AT ALL sensitive to drugs or prescription medications, DO NOT take this medicine, especially if it's the 24-hour version like I was on. The fluid in my ears seems to have gotten worse, as well -- the ear pain is still there. It feels awful.

I noticed no side effects except my nose sometimes becomes stuffed up. Another possible side effect might be that it takes a long time and a lot of work to have an orgasm, but this brings only praise from my partners. This effect might be caused by the conditioning caused by a long time alone & masturbating, ie., I may have conditioned myself to mastubating thus de-conditioning myself to respond to genuine female companionship. I weigh about 240 lbs; one 100mg tablet works for about 24 hours.

Two weeks ago I only took 1 500mg pill and a hour later I had pain in both achilles tendons. I stopped taking the drug. In the following days I experienced tendon pain in my neck, shoulders, knees, wrists, and heels. My achilles tendon on my right leg produced bruising. I applied ice massage to my sore joints for the next week. I also experienced some mild dry eyes. After two weeks I am feeling better but still deal with mild tendon soreness. I am athletic but will not run again for probaly 6 months with the fear of a tendon rupture. There is no way to get this crap out of your system. I feel bad for the severe cases of "floxed" victims out there. Most people do not believe you and say "its old age". I beg to differ. The drug companies don't care.

Nardil was my last hope after struggling with chronic fatigue and depression for years. I had lost my passion for life and couldn't find the energy to engage in daily activities. Thankfully, Nardil provided a much-needed boost. It revitalized my energy levels, improved my mood, and allowed me to reclaim my life from the clutches of depression.

I would not advise taking this.