Prohance (gadoteridol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prohance (gadoteridol)

My son was given ProHance with an MRI. Within a month, he was disabled! He couldn't walk without excruciating bone pain. He can barely eat due to excessive nausea. The fatigue in indescribable. He is still disabled after 7 years!

My gadolinium level after my 3rd dose (I had 3 MRIs over a 1 year span) was 433 times greater than the arbitrary reference level on the lab tests! No one should have this much heavy metal in their body! The FDA recognizes it retains in everyone... it is a gamble whether it will ruin your life or not! Buyer beware!!! PS... none of his scans even needed contrast... it was only administered to make things brighter!

Side Effects forprohance (gadoteridol) - User Comments


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weight gain 50 lbs, no sex drive, tiredness

Very tired with flu-like symptoms the first three weeks. After that, I developed severe restless leg syndrome, as well as burning in my feet, especially at night. This keeps me awake most nights and I'm exhausted. GP and endocrinologist couldn't give me answers. Will never take it again.

I started off on 5mg and was having mild relief from anxiety and depression and was getting out more. Seemed promising so after 2 weeks my doctor bumped me up to the 10 mg. Yikes!! Cramps were almost unbearable. I was in bed for the next 2 weeks. When I was able to get out I was moody and nauseated. Stopped cold on week 4. It's been 4 days and I've been experiencing itching and still the cramps intermittently lasting for days at a time. No other side effects. Very unhappy but gave it a 3 because it was helping me in the beginning.

Stupor, fatigue, somnolence(extreme drowsiness), loss of concentration, loss of motivation, black outs with sleep.

At first there is alot of nausea but after the 2nd week id dies down but never realy left. Seem to have sleeping porblems but not major, same as ritalin. Also seem to be very sleepy around the afternoon often. lately been feeling sick and abnormaly bad stmoache aches but not sure if it could be mounting pressure and stress so not blaming the drug. in first 1 or so peeing did sting a bit. appitite is fine compared to what ritalin did but sometime occiasionaly dont eat lunch. coffe seems to upset my stomach if i drink it just after i take it.

terrible pill. why doctors even bother with this pill?

I am the wife. It is my opinion that my husband died because of the Lupron Depot injection.

Took 500 mg nightly and experienced the "sunburn sting" a fewtimes. Increased to 1000 mg with same experience until last night. I can handle the flushing and "hot" feeling but the itching last night was unbearable. Finally fell asleep at 3:30 /- a.m. Fortunately I did not have any surgeries today. I did have Zatarains Red Beans and Rice with a rather late dinner. (spice effect?) I take an enteric coated ASA with the Niaspan, Lipitor, Zetia, MVI, and Synthroid. I'm going to try taking the ASA 1/2 hour before as well as the yogurt suggested elsewhere on this site. I might try the ibuprofen if all else fails. The post re: Slo-Niacin is also interesting and I will Google that as well. Since I worked through the muscle aching with Lipitor which finally resolved I'm willing to work through this. Will post again in about a month. Dr. J. S., M.D.

My tryglycerides went from 1140 to 74 in less than five weeksI also exercised an average of 40 minutes per day and completelychanged my diet no sodas no red meat and 1800 calories a dayI hope this note will help others. Doctor cut dosage from 160 to 80 today

Rapid hair loss with complete thinning.