Omniscan (gadodiamide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Omniscan (gadodiamide)

Mom hads kidney disease, 18 months agon had MRI with Omniscan and was recently diagnosed with Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis, a disease that could kill her.

Turns out, NSF is seen mainly in kidney patients who have MRIs with gadolinium contrast dyes like Omniscan. The FDA just had the maker of Omniscan, General Electric and the other dyes put a warning on the labels of these medications. Butit is too late for my mom. I got a lot of information about omniscan here:

Side Effects foromniscan (gadodiamide) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Headache, nausea, back pain, neck pain, ringing in ears, anxiety, cramps.

Extreme gas, bloating, weight gain, sleeplessness.

I was perscribed this for post nasal drip and i took it at night around 11 PM. I woke in the night, which never happens to me, at 1AM 3AM 4:30AM and 5:00AM. Each time this happened I began to get ready like it was 6AM and i was going to school. When i went to school my friends said i was really quite kind of like i was depressed and i never ate today which obviously isnt good.

Works well on an empth stomach

I have been on synthroid for 13 years. It has helped me a lot! I stops my hair loss and fatique. I do however have trouble losing weight, high cholesterol even when diet is perfect, and recently they upped my level and now I am very irritable and you will all laugh, but my sex drive is off the charts! Husband does not complain about that! I will have to report it I guess.

Nasal allergies; sinus inflammation

Aches and pains everywhere. Gradually diminished mental acuity and felt depressed.

Extreme sweating and hot flashes. Significant weight gain (60lbs)

I had some slight bloating after taking Miralax. Taking it at night helps.

My side effects came within an hour of taking second pill. I was taken to the ER and released with paperwork stating adverse reaction to Celecoxib.I hope no one ever has to experience this. Absolutely ridiculous side effects for anyone to experience. and I want my money back for medication and co pay for ER and all the tests that were run!Two days later and my arms are still numb and head is not clear.