Gastrografin (diatrizoate meglumine; diatrizoate sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gastrografin (diatrizoate meglumine; diatrizoate sodium)

Had a delayed hives reaction on my upper arms and chest, the same body area that went into the ct scan machine. Gastrogafin was in addition to IV iodine. I had a previous ct scan with IV iodine alone and did not react. I'll never take that again

No effect until 7pm .Some effect early hours & up to test 10am. Persisted all day & night after but with warning signs.. Slept thro' awoke to explosive diarrhoea 7am.with no warning. Hope that's it over !!

Tasted disgusting aniseedy. Masked this by taking swig of well diluted chicken oxo after each glug .

The overall experience was not pleasant. I had had to be near the bathroom for 3 days afterwards and this information wasn't anywhere in the effects in aftercare

None. Effects as described emptied bowels as it said on instructions.

Stay near to toilet. took about an hour each time to take effect. Quite like pernod so taste not an issue. Think the key is to stick to the low residue diet for 48 hours after the scan as well as before it if you can. Thats my plan anyway. Scan bit uncomfortable but not too bad.

Never had such bad diarrhoea. Just pours out - messy and makes you so sore. Awful experience .

Abdominal CT Scan with Contrast

Gastrointestinal discomfort and cramping, Diarrhea, headache, fatigue, anxiety.

Will request different medication if I have to have same procedure again.

Rest assured, it wasn't too bad to take. Whilst people react differently to medicine, the worst thing about this medication was the taste. I did a gulp, followed by a ton of water to wash the taste away after each gulp and it worked fine. It cleared my bowels out as expected, just stay near a toilet all day. To stop the diarrhea on the day of the scan, I didn't eat on the day of taking gastro and drank plenty of fluids, followed by 2 anti diarrhea capsules an hour before travelling. No accidents, so all in all, worked wonders. Put your anxiety to one side about this medicine and go for it, the scan is so much more important.

Tastes yuck but still managed it. Was fine for a few hours and then the running to the toilet started. Four days later and it's still happening. Mad dash to toilet. Wish it would stop now.

No it does what it needs to. More information about the side effects and how long they last would be good though.

I was really worried about taking this prep so much so I cancelled my scan 3 times because i was so worried, there is no need to worry i followed the 2 day low fiber diet I took 50ml with the same amount of water at 6pm the night before scan and the other half at 7am the next morning day of the scan, indeed it had the desired effect and gave me the runs, i found it to be gentle and it completly cleared me out within 24 hours i was back to how i was, my advice is follow the diet sheet listen to your body and just do it, as we all need anwsers good luck to you all you will be fine.

READ THIS - DON'T BE AFRAID - RESEARCH AND PREPARE.I was prescribed 100ml of gastrografin. I did A LOT of research and it seems that the recommended dosage varies from hospital to hospital. I went with the Glasgow and Clyde NHS Trust directives; 60ml in total with no additional laxatives. Prior to taking it, I stocked up on dioralyte, adult nappies, vaseline, medical gloves, moist toilet wipes and electrolyte drinks. The day before my colonography, I had 20ml in the morning, 20ml in the afternoon, and 20ml at 4pm (undiluted). It tastes like aniseed. Hold nose and drink in one go, follow with a sip of squash then eat something from the low fiber diet. Your tummy will rumble and tell you when you need to go, listen to it and you won't have any accidents. Apply vaseline after each movement. Drink two dioralyte's through the day. AND drink 200ml of water every hour, even before you start 'going'. If you stay hydrated, you won’t feel ill or get headache. I was still 'going' the morning before my test, so I took three imodium and wore an adult nappy for the trip to the hospital.The test is nothing more than uncomfortable, only takes 15 mins. When they gently pump air into your bowel, it’s no worse than bad trapped wind.. Treat this as a spa for your colon and bowel, and for you. Get some pampering face masks, get a foot soak with essential oils. ALSO the day after your colonography, keep your fluid intake high and start a course of probiotic/prebiotic supplements.

It did its job. Took first dose 7am then nothing happened til 11.30 when I didn't make the toilet. Stayed very alert from then on. Very frequent watery diarrhea and weeing alot too. Bottom became raw and bleeding spots from all the cleaning up. Had scan today. Now evening and I'm gassy, starving and sharting alot. Still raw, now using baby lotion to clean up and bidet attachment to wash off regularly. Feels like a hundred papercuts. They should give you a numbing emollient to use. I was sick on way home, luckily had a hospital sick bowl. BUT I got through it, now just resting and waiting to heal. I have lots going on anyway, including type 1 diabetes, so that was fun, and neuroendocrine cancer. They're mostly checking if my bowel surgery join has narrowed. Just glad it's over ❤️ ps bloody hated pernod in the 80s 🤮

Tastes awful but blackcurrant made it better. Dreadful sore bottom from diarrhoea. Hoping it stops tomorrow.

Mayo clinic now give 4 laxatives instead ... Sounds sensible

Explosive diarrhea pain information not enough how bad it is

You have more chance of knitting fog than me ever taking this stuff again

Did have one slight accident but had no stomach ache or cramps and got to.the toilet in time after.

Its not too much to drink. I had 50mls mixed with 50mls water. Held my nose as dont like aniseed much but was ok.

First dose appeared to be ok 2nd dose disgusting had scan and still having diarrhea 3 days later

needed more info as to what might happen in the next few days as to what to expect as it is quite scarey and worrying for anyone who has never taken this before and to be told to be near a toilet for the few days or so and given the right info about how long it can stay in your system bloody awful stuff

I feel sorry for my wife after having this. Took a 50ml 50ml water dose, not at all nice to have, at 10am as directed before a ct colonoscopy the next day. Nothing happened. Second dose at 18.00, still nothing happened. Still went to the hospital for 09.30 appointment the following day. Unable to do the ct scan colonoscopy but did put a cannula in to inject dye in order to at least do a different scan. Within a half hour of returning home she was rushing to the loo and has continued to do so intermittently, now 4 days after appointment So sore and not wanting to eat. Being diabetic amongst other things this has and is a horrible experience. My big worry is that they say the scan needs to be done again. In her mind, this just won't happen.

Absolutely disgusting stuff. Almost got sick drinking it severalTimes. Never again. 5hrs stuck on the loo. Feel so sick and dizzy even when laying down. I can barely stand up. I won't be taking the last 25mlTonight. Will it ever end?

Never would have taken it if I'd known it would be this bad, I don't even know if I'll manage to get to my appointment tomorrow! I'll either pass out or still be stuck on the loo.

the night after exam, I had terrible stomach pains, and severe diahrrea. Drank the liquid right before and during the test. Tech told me when to swallow the mouth fulls. Even after 2 wks from drinking it - every time I eat, my stomach now growls constantly. I did NOT have Gerd before, now I think it gave it to me. My stomach has NOT been the same.

This stuff is nasty. Im surprised I didn't throw it up, during the exam. Come on - years of research - and you can't make it taste better??

Dizziness, nausea, metallic taste, diarrhoea

After reading other reviews I was pretty worried about taking this prep, so felt I should write my own experiences.I followed the low fibre diet for 24hr, then took first dose of 50ml Gastrografin at 7pm (it did indeed taste fowl, but I mixed it with Ribena, as advised by hospital & used a straw, as recommended on here).After 2hr, it took effect with diarrhoea every 10min for 2 hr, then every half hour for 2hr, then every time I ate after that. No stomachs cramps at all.I took the second dose at 7pm the second night. Again it took 2hr to take effect and resulted in diarrhoea every 10min for 2hr. As I was not eating solid food after 7pm, the diarrhoea eased off to approx every 30-90min and I was able to travel to and from my appt by car with no “accidents”.I highly recommend using Vaseline as soon as you start taking gastrografin and reapplying after every bowel movement.After my procedure, I was advised to gently ease back into eating, starting with bland food. I did this but still had diarrhoea each time I ate. So I took 2 x Imodium and 2 x probiotic tablets. These took effect within the hour and I was able to resume eating as normal with no further effects.

In patient at hospital, got one cup before scan, on return to my room, I was gurgling, gassy, fell asleep for 2 hrs, woke up and realized I was going, no warning, just started to come out, ran to the bathroom and had explosive diarrhea, so far X 5 today, all liquid. Horrible stuff. Not to mention the worst thing I've ever had to drink. The taste was horrendous! Not one staff member here warned me of any of these side effects.

Side Effects forgastrografin (diatrizoate meglumine; diatrizoate sodium) - User Comments


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It took my headache away but amplified my anxiety a whole lot. I began shaking all over and felt very nauseated but couldn't throw up. I had shortness of breath, and my chest and throat still feel about tight 3 days later! Very very scary and not to mention I had to take tums the past three nights because I'm having stomach problems. I feel like I made a very bad choice taking this and wouldn't recommend it to anyone!

I can't imagine staying on this drug for another 3 to 6 months. I"m getting major anxiety thinking about it. I've already gained weight in my stomach after only 7 days on the drug not to mention this bloating. What gets me is that when I asked my Dr. if all these side effects are from the drug, she vehemently denied it!! Thank goodness I found this website. At least I know I'm not imagining this stuff. Feels good to vent, if nothing else. I'm on a mission for alternative methods to clear this DVT.

- Stomach pains worse than what I was taking them for.- Anxiety worsened, affecting getting to sleep.