Funduscein-25 (fluorescein sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Funduscein-25 (fluorescein sodium)

Side Effects forfunduscein-25 (fluorescein sodium) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

For the most part this pill was ok (and I've taken quite a few) there was no nausea and my periods were almost non-exsistant and I didn't notice any weight gain, but the horrible acne that I got while I was on it is what forced me to ask my doctor to switch to something else.

I originally started taking this about a month and a half ago 300 mg 3 capsules at nighttime for general achy flu like aching all over my body. well this drug has resolved that problem, but the problems listed above have all occurred since taking neurontin about six weeks ago. The biggest one that my doctor's have noticed is that my heart rate has increased from 80 something to 135. Gave blood two weeks before started taking neurontin, and my heart rate was ok, not even mentioined. since then have had two or three doctors mention the fast rate of my heart, spent seven hours in emergency room (told to go there by my endocrinologist) and had almost every test imaginable, which came back normal, and all I received afterwards was that they didn't know what was causing my fast heart rate, and to have my endo check to see if could be my meds causing it. Went to give blood a few days ago, and was almost disqualified because my heart rate was too high. The pain that I was having before w

At first, I thought I had found a wonder pill. No headaches, was a little forgetful. But and I increased the dose, 25mg a week, the symptoms became worse. My hair was coming out in hand fills. I was on an emotional roller coaster. One minute I was crying and 5 minutes later I was laughing. I"m a teacher and on the first day of school, I called my DR and told her this was it. I wanted off this medication as fast as possible. I just about burst into tears while I had a class full for HS teens. Taking Effexor XR and seems to be working, headaches have decreased.

This is called Stilnox in Australia.

Not really sure if it works since I have tested it, per say.

High Cholesterol,cannot takeStatins

Slightly drowsy following day. Vivid Dreams. Very good sleep.

Expensive and didn't work for me.

I have been taking concerta since I was 5 or 6 and now I am 17 years old. It was perfect when I was a kid and didn't have worries in life, but since i was in 6th grade I became very anti-social, made excuses for myself not to go to friends house or go out, I just went to school and talked to know one and then went home and layed on my computer at home, I thought everything in life was out to get me and nothng seemed fair. I have these side effects still and I stopped taking it for 2 weeks on my own to see what happened, and alot has changed, I ate more and I acknowledged my boyfriend A WHOLE LOT more, normally on the medicine Nothng he said mattered and when we faught I yelled and hit him and said I am right... Now i dont.. I still have social problems only because I didnt give myself anough time to become social...on the other hand, my grades are so good. I can not concentrate at school without it, and without it i would be failing literally, there were days where I forgot to take it and just took forever for the day to end ... But that has been the best side effect, i just wish it didnt have all the others.

i would not recommend this drug at all bc of the weight gain. it has not helped my migraines that much, and i have gained almost 40 lbs in 3 months. which is completely not worth it for any med. my doctor is planning to gradually take me off of it bc you cant just quit taking it all at once bc of heart issues.