Cardiolite (technetium tc-99m sestamibi kit) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cardiolite (technetium tc-99m sestamibi kit)

swelling, inflammation, and pain at injection site, tingling and numbness in mouth, tongue, and lips

I had an injection yesterday at 10am and the side effects are still with me but lessened. I will have another dose via IV next week for the stressed portion of the heart study, and will see if the effects are cumulative. Went to emergency room last night thinking I had a blood clot in my arm.

Side Effects forcardiolite (technetium tc-99m sestamibi kit) - User Comments


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I experienced hot flashes, night sweats and really bad indegestion on this medication. I was on for one month, and the Drs said I had a stomach flu for one month! As soon as I stopped the medication, the symptoms stopped. I was on Kariva, not Mircette.

It's far better than Bromocriptine and it works. My 2008 MRI and labs & early 2009 labs were good. No need to increase my dosage of Dostinex, but no talk of decreasing it.

I was fiven haldol in place of my xanax because my panic attacks were getting worse. It made me tired n I slept like a baby till the next day I was out of it and my neck was forcing itself to the left in a way the neck isnt supposed to and my jaw went left and started bleeding I believe from my tooth cutting my cheek. It felt like my jaw was getting ripped off. This was feb 6th and today is the 24th and evrr since a part on that side of my face is basically numb. Its been almost 3 weeks an its still numb. I do chew tobacco and hope its not that but it happened the day after I took the med and after my body acted the way it did I figured it was that but I cant find anything on the numbness caused by this. Try something else not this. I couldn't walk strait and it started while I was driving. I actually had to turn my body sideways while driving so I could see because I could nt turn my neck. My fanily thought I was having a stroke at 28. If anyone knows about the partial face numness please let me know.

I had muscle weakness taking this drug. I could BARELY lift items and move items that's how weak I was! Also, diuretics in general can cause erectile dysfuntion so if you're a guy, stay away from them if you have high blood pressure! I'm on Enalapril now.

Completely knocked the pain out, but im worried about the side effects.

I've been taking 2 mg Abilify for 2 weeks now, along with my usual 40 mg Prozac and 900 mg Lithium. I feel like I'm on speed or something with abilify! I have no appetite (a good thing-could lose a few lbs), I feel restless, but I feel like I see things differently now. I also have a "full" sensation in my head and a little shakiness. I'm scared, because I keep reading all these bad things about Abilify, but I feel soooo much more alert & interactive now. If only the restlessness would go away, this is a miracle med for me. How long until these side effects taper off?

anemia, neutropenia (low neutrophil count), leukopenia (low white blood cell count)

Terrible eating binges, gained 50 pounds. Also odd behavior, doing things at night like talking to friends who said that I said weird things that I don't remember. Ambien is a relationship destroyer.

Elevated blood pressure, anxiety, and panic attacks.

No it tastes nasty ..thick .made me sick first time I drank it violently.. 2nd okay ...3rd necked water all day long I suffers bad acid too .... plus day 3 I'm getting burning pains so tomorrow ringing doctors