Zonalon (doxepin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zonalon (doxepin hydrochloride)

makes me extremely drowsy within minutes of taking, and inability to stand up straight, cannot even think straight! hangover feelings!

in addition to it making me extremely drowsy, most of the time, did not get rid of the itching, and if it did, it comes right back. when it would put me to sleep, i can sleep for a very long time! i just cant believe my dr. put me on this drug in addition to me already taking 2 other antidepressants, ambien, AND xanax!! is this dangerous? and the only reason it was prescribed was to counteract a side effect of one of the other meds im on! oh, and another thing, ive been looking this one up, and it says it only comes in a cream. ive not once heard of it being a pill (which is what im taking, as needed). whats the deal here?? if you can relate, or have any advice, leave me some feedback.

I used this "as needed" a few years ago for about 3-4 weeks? Anyway, it was a cream applied to the skin. This was an EXPENSIVE little tube of cream, $100. And I had to disgard it since it expired before I could use it up. This cream version is MUCH more potent than the pill form, which I have also taken before. It makes me dizzy and extremely drowsy within MINUTES. So I could only apply it at bedtime. And since it was so potent, I applied it VERY sparingly, which prevented me from actually using the whole tube and getting my money's worth.

Has anyone experienced weight gain on doxepin?

ZONALON (DOXEPIN HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to relieve troublesome itching from certain skin conditions (e.g., atopic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis). It should be used only for a short time (no more than 8 days). Doxepin is a tricyclic antidepressant. It is not known how this medication decreases itching. Some medication is absorbed into the body when the cream is applied. This medication may work by blocking a certain natural substance (histamine) that your body makes during an allergic reaction. The decrease in itching may be a result of drowsiness or some other effect in the brain that causes you not to notice or be bothered by the itching. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Finished my first z-pack Dec. 19 for pneumonia. Doc started me on my SECOND z-pack Jan.2 and I only took it for 3 days before having these overwhelming feelings of anxiety, nervousness and negativity. I've never had this before. I will also get nausea and this flushing, hot feeling, along with a pronounced heart beat. My heart doesn't beat any faster, but I can feel it beating everywhere. Tough to describe. Has anyone figured out what's causing this and how to get rid of it? Please E-mail me. I am on day 4 after the last pill and still feeling these symptoms. It's bizarre because I was fine most of yesterday and then last night it hit me like a ton of bricks again. Also this morning.

Extremely tired. Lack of motivation and energy during the day. Increased anxiety. Taking at night did not reduce these symptoms. Might try reducing dosage back to 2 or 2.5 mg