Soriatane (acitretin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Soriatane (acitretin)

SORIATANE (ACITRETIN): This medication is a retinoid used in the treatment of severe psoriasis and other skin disorders in adults. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I read a bunch of horror stories on here the night before I had my dental work and they got me quite worked up. But my dental procedure could not have gone better. In fact, this drug enables me to actually GET dental work done because I am so darn scared of the dentist that by having this to enable me NOT to know what is going on is the only way I can actually get something done.

trembling, dry mouth, anxiety,panic attacks,headaches!!!

Wellbutrin has changed my life completely for the better. I am a functional human being! I have noticed in the past 18 months that I have a distinct problem with holding onto thoughts sometimes. This however is 100x better than being on Zoloft and feeling completely unconnected with my emotions.

After reading all the other comments by other people who have used this drug, I would NOT recommend taking this.

I sleep every night like a baby.

It cut off even more...As I was saying, the woman gave Excedrin a rating of 2 when she experienced ringing in her ears and vomited all night after taking ten tablets within nine hours. If you ate so much junk food you vomited, would you call food bad? No. Of course bad things are going to happen if you take that much medication. Vitamins are good for you, right? Well if you eat a whole bottle, you obviously aren't going to be the healthiest person around...

I have had Versed many times as you can tell and each time the amnesia didn't work and I was left in agony, unable to move and screaming in pain while my nurses laughed and said "you won't remember this honey" The last 2 times I have begged not to have it and they agreed. They lied and just gave me MORE! Last Wednesday I finally got them to agree to give me general anesthetic so that I could avoid Versed. I even wrote NO VERSED on my arm where they put the IV. They said OK, but when they got the IV running, they argued with me over Versed and gave it to me anyway! I still have not returned to work... I WORK in a Dr.s office and he won't have Versed given to him! So depressed that I can't do anything but cry. Thanks Versed and all those people in the hospital.

Seems like all food tastes waaay too salty and arms and hands feel really shaky and ears ringing..

Lowered heart rate but blood pressure elevated

Trouble focusing eyes, cloudy thoughts sometimes, serious loss of appetite, Hair growth on eyebrows and nose.