Retin-a micro (tretinoin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Retin-a micro (tretinoin)

RETIN-A MICRO (TRETINOIN): This medication is used to treat acne. It may decrease the number and severity of acne pimples and promote quick healing of pimples that do develop. Tretinoin belongs to a class of medications called retinoids. It works by affecting the growth of skin cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

this is the worst pill ever. i've taken. I quit taking on the sixth day. Next day, I felted much better except, I could not sleep that night, with no other reason to think of but, macrobid. From day one this pill has been a nightmare.

First 2-3 days- racing thoughts, couldn't sleep but woke up with abundance of energy!Leveled off around day 5.3 weeks- woke up to HUGE rash, itching under skin and joint pain so severe that I could barely walk.

I take the once a week 35 mg actonel. I was not taking it regularly the first two years and when they measured my bone density, it dropped, so now I am really careful about not forgetting and making sure I get my calcium requirements in.

Depression, PanicAttacks & BPD

A little trouble sleeping first few nights,after that no signifigant negative side effects noticed.

I was just prescribed Cipro for the 4th time. Everytime it was for a UTI. I never had one side effect from this drug which is odd for me because I've had anxiety for years and anytime I take medicine the anxiety always makes me "think" i have every side effect listed. I honestly never had any from this drug. With my uti's I had severe burning and pressure and within an hour or two of taking the first pill that was all gone. I LOVE this medicine. I do remember reading though that if you drink caffeine while taking cipro it will increase the effects of the caffeine. Maybe that where part of the nervousness is coming from that some people are having.

Helped cure my Helicobacter pylori and I had minor side effects. Still was able to go about the day. I felt better in less than a week after being sick for over a month. Was easy to take, only twice a day, and was highly effective.

I am royally angry over being misled...was told I would be given something to relax me and to make me sleepy...when I asked was told it was versed....procedure was bearable but very painfull...moaned all during it so the Doctor knew my one point told me to hang on 'cause it was almost over....a few minutes in the recovery bay I asked the nurse if I was given anything at all. She seemed suprised and said "Yes, Versed" I replied that it didn't do shit..realise now she was suprised because I remembered it all....never mentioned any pain relief so unless my primary care physician who reccomended this place can tell me otherwise when he gets the report I asume I was given the Versed only...what really upsets me is the attitude it's okay to let a patient fell this kinda pain because they won't remember afterward...doesn't matter if they do or don't...not to offer pain relief even if they won;t remember is inhumane....they sure won't be the ones to get my colon next

Severe chills, high fever, severe headache, sore ribs, shortness of breath and cough, joint pain.

I've been taking this for maybe a little over a year and the dreams I have are ridiculously vivid and strange. It has come to the point where I actually have trouble getting up in the morning because I don't want the dream to end or want to hit the snooze button and slip back in. It doesn't leave me feeling hungover like other sleep meds, but I definitely don't feel energetic in the morning.