Noritate (metronidazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Noritate (metronidazole)

Severe burning,red and swollen face,skin peeling,itching.Used it on small areas but the side effects covered entire face and down my neck.Had to take antihistimine but did not help much.This has not cleared up for a week now.

basal cell cancer so discontinued use

Used for 10 years or so. Now have a (hopefully) benign tumor on an adrenal gland. Have stopped using.

according to the package insert metronidazole causes cancer in mice and rats but not hamsters. I'd rather have rosacea than cancer. (I was taking the MetroGel version of this drug.)

clears my reddness, but i don't use it all the time!

NORITATE (METRONIDAZOLE): This medication is used on the skin to treat a certain skin disorder known as rosacea, a type of adult acne. It may help to decrease redness, swelling and the number of pimples caused by rosacea. This medication is an antibiotic. For the treatment of rosacea, metronidazole is believed to work by decreasing swelling (inflammation). Some brands of this medication also contain sunscreens (see also Notes section). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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After initially taking the drug in my early 20s I was convinced that it was helping me, clarifying my thoughts, lifting my mood, giving me some stability in my changing life events and difficult experiences, the shock of dropping out of uni other things. After a couple of years I noticed It became harder to study, and remember things but I took this as something that I had to work harder on to overcome. Only after I graduated from uni and decided to come off it myself, I experienced terrible effects: these are as follows, brain paralysis, terrible short term memory, forgetting things in seconds, repeat what I do, and do not know what I have done. There are times when my memory is so poor it just goes blank and I feel I may have alzheimers. My concentration is so bad, I miss obvious detail. My neck twists in contortions it is so embarrassing- tardive dystonia which has not been diagnosed. During withdrawal I had terrible headaches, nothing for the pain, I could not sleep at all as the

Could someone please tell me where I can purchase this from?Thanks


I worked great for depression, I could careless about what was going on,I could sleep better. But the side effects are out weighing the benefits.starting to decrease my dose and I'm already edgy.

I have been trying to take Fosamax for the past four months. After two doses, the pain begins. I've stopped taking it twice, and the pain subsides within two weeks. Also began to notice bone abnormalities. This is a very bad drug.

Similar to other peoples on here, really bad headaches, dizziness, nausea, diahrea, terrible night sweats, generally feeling run down and really bad dry skin on my face.

Taking co-Diovan (Diovan HCT) along with ADALAT (calcium channel blocker) for nearly 6 months. Initially it was DiOVAN with ADADAT for 3 months. BP certainly decreased to normal levels within few days only when Co-Diovan is taken along with ADALAT. No immediate effect of Diovan observed

my son was on Zyrtec at the age of 7 for about two weeks. It did not help his allergies. One day he woke up screaming with abdominal pain and a belly that looked like a 5 month pregnant woman. We rushed him to the hospital and discovered that he was completely blocked in his bowels. The dr said that this was caused by the Zyrtec. We took him off of it and within days he was better.

Research this and seek alternative care! do not do this unless it is life or death...

Just an update- made it to day 3 then had to stop taking it. i felt like my brain was turning to mush. this stuff cannot be good for you. my doc isn't in for a couple days so i haven't talked to her about my horrible reaction yet. i wish somebody would've warned me this could happen.