Lotrisone (betamethasone dipropionate; clotrimazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lotrisone (betamethasone dipropionate; clotrimazole)

Amazing, Great! It’s really effective immediately. I tried different combinations of steroids and antifungal creams for a full week bf being prescribed Lotrisone. Amazing, see and feel a marked difference already!!!

It started to burn, so I stopped after the 6th day. Burned for 6 more days. Turned red and raw. Now, it burns off and on every day.

Hate this drug do not use. Gynecologist gave it to me. Put on my vulva and now the skin is thin and burns. Do not use this cream.

HORRIBLE MEDICATION!A doctor prescribed this to me for a jock itch infection. I followed up with him a few times and he kept prescribing it telling me it was working. It caused skin atrophy, i have stretch marks, and worst of all I have a constant burning sensation and my skin gets very red. It has been 4 months since I stopped and have not had any improvement. DO NOT PUT STEROIDS ON YOUR GENITALS, YOU WILL REGRET IT.

Any doctor who is going to prescribe lotrisone to a guy to put on his genitals should stop and think about what you are really doing to that person.

this cream was for a vaginal yeast infection, it was an alternative to monistat and vagisil cuz they BURN, but this one did NOTHING. my yeast infection continued to grow and get worse. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND WASTING MONEY ON IT

My husband has also been prescribed this medication and we cannot find it loacally. The doctor does not want to use the generic, feeling that this product is more effective.I found it cured my problem very well. My husband has been to 2 other doctors who prescribed medications that did not work. He is using the remains of my tube and has already gotten relief. None of the pharmacies in Keene, NH have this medication. It takes a month to get it ordered.

LOTRISONE (BETAMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE; CLOTRIMAZOLE): This combination medication is used to treat a variety of inflamed fungal skin infections such as ringworm, athlete's foot, and jock itch. This product contains 2 medications. Clotrimazole is an azole antifungal that works by preventing the growth of fungus. Betamethasone is a strong corticosteroid that works by reducing the swelling, redness, and itching that occurs in the skin infection. This medication is not recommended for children younger than 17 years or for diaper rash. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Itching, bad vaginal odor, minimal improvement.

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