Lotrimin (clotrimazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lotrimin (clotrimazole)

sluggishness, depression, wanting to give up on life in general' it cured the athlete's foot, but geez! There's got to be something less toxic

I know they say you can't absorb enough dermally to have systemic effects, but this is not the first time I've been told my dermally absorbed meds couldn't cause effects--in some of us with low enzyme activity, THEY DO.

LOTRIMIN (CLOTRIMAZOLE): Clotrimazole is used to treat skin infections such as athlete's foot, jock itch, ringworm, and other fungal skin infections (candidiasis). This medication is also used to treat a skin condition known as pityriasis (tinea versicolor), a fungal infection that causes a lightening or darkening of the skin of the neck, chest, arms, or legs. Clotrimazole is an azole antifungal that works by preventing the growth of fungus. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Headaches in the am, heart pounding, palpitations, bad impulsive shopping online, eating late, sending inappropriate text messages then regretting! Anxiety. Only got 5 hrs of sleep from it.

Side effects included mild injection site swelling, redness and tenderness. Pretty mild, and similar as I had with Copaxone. Have had no relapses to date.

I was told to give the medication a week to get used to my body etc but all of these symptoms together made me miserable and also scares me because common sense tells me this cannot be good, and not worth it even if it will start helping me focus in the future.I know everyone responds differently and I have been told my the doctor I am quite sensitive to medication, but never have I suffered so much from a medication.

Irritable, angry, insomnia then depression with uncontrollable crying. Horrible medication. Needs to be taken off market.

I am a whimp.. Thank you all for writitng your comments, this has really helped.. I feel foggy, have leg pains..hmm wondering if it was this.. and now all my jeans are tight.. We havent even had sex yet,but I am giving it up. And getting it out! I laughed with the woman who had her husband do it,I was almost there getting very frustrated.This sounds like it gave many women their sex life back.. I wish it did the same for libido! I have really stopped for the side effects, and we just dont seem to be taking advantage of it, so I just dont want to continue.

I had an alergic reaction, cold sweats, racing heart. But the worst is if you even take a few sips of ALCOHOL. Horrible nightmares, terrible feeling even while awake. I only had half a glass of wine, and I hadn't taken biaxin for over 48 hours, but it was still in my system. People have been known to kill themselves while taking this drug, alcohol probably has something to do with that. I was fine till I hade those few sips of wine.

I loved the convenience of the medication. I had to get regular bloodwork. I didn't want to believe the blues was caused by the medication, but I have been off of it for about 6 weeks now and I feel like a new person. No blues or depression, greater energy level, clearer thought process.

Received 2nd vaccine on 3/18/24 around 9 am Started getting really fatique around 7 pm that evening! Had chills that night and woke up with flu like symptoms theNext day body aches ,headaches .stomach ache which lasted about 36 hours! On day 10 I developed a rash ( little red bumbs) Started on my chest and spread to my back and arms and legs ! Very itchy! It has been day 13 after the vaccine now and I still have the rash

only take this if there is no alternative pain relief medication which works for you.TRY something else first. Do not continue to take it, only take it absolutely as long as you need it.Not good for chronic pain.There are so many alternative pain relief medications that work well and do not leave you brain dead, depressed,moody, itching, and cramped up!

Tinnitus, dizziness, addiction, increase in blood pressure.