Lamisil (terbinafine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lamisil (terbinafine hydrochloride)

I'm no longer taking this medication. Anxiety depresion

Still experiencing the side effects after 1yr

mild stomach ache, mild increase in tinnitus

Depression in all forms otherwise it works great but I cannot take constant depression so no more lamisil.

Liked having a small appetite but the depression isn't with it to live with!

Anxiety, vomiting, night terrors, diarrhea, aching joints, itching, rash, blotchy skin. Took for 3 weeks and side effects lasted for 3 months.

Aching/Sore Throat, Throat tightening, Stomach Changes, Belching, Flatulance, Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Joint Aches, Lump in throat, confirmed Laynx Irritations, Swollen Lymph Nodes, Extreme thirst, Fatigue, caffeine intolerance, constipation, abnormal intestinal feelings

I've never done this before, but I feel that if I don't leave a review about Terbinafine then I might not have prevented someone else or their children from going through what I did, prescribed Terbinafine after a routine appointment with a Derm clinic for a small case of athletes foot. So I got my prescription for a 6 week dose. I took all of the pills without noticing any extreme side effects until week 5. I had a very bad anxiety/panic attack that I attributed to some work related stress, went back to the dermatologist shortly after the 6 weeks mark and was prescribed another 6 week dose. That Friday I noticed a slight pain in my throat that started. It gradually got worse, and by that evening I felt my throat begin to constrict and it became more difficult for me to create vocal noise without applying more effort than normal. In the next two weeks, I had another anxiety attack, came down with flu like symptoms, and my will to go about my day vanished. I didn't want to do anything other than be by myself and be in bed all day. My appetite decreased, the constricting feeling/voice issues continued. I made an appointment with my GP, I asked for a blood panel, talked about the medication and received no acknowledgment. Was told all my numbers were fine. Week 7…I quit on the 23rd of January, and that afternoon I sat in the shower trying to come down from a panic attack for 45 mins and had suicidal thoug

Day 1 headache. Day 2 felt fine.Day 3 mild joint pain. Day 4 swelling of hands and feet. Day 5 all symptoms plus swelling of face and skin felt like it was on fire -- which caused severe anxiety and depression.

I was hopeful in using this especially when day 2 I felt great. I tried to push through the side effects but as you can see by day 5 it was just to uncomfortable. Took 2 days off to feel more normal again. Still slight swelling and joint pain but at least not as severe and my skin does not feel on fire.

I started experiencing joint pain early in the regimen and by day 75, it was unbearable. I stopped it finally a few weeks ago and the joint pain is not subsiding. I have constant pain in my elbows, ankles, knees, wrists and shoulders. It has significantly impacted my ability to exercise and I'm so worried it's not going to go away.

I would never have taken this drug had I known about this side effect.

Doxycycline and Cephalexin work well. Take the Dox with full bottle of a water first thing in the morning. Don't eat dairy or iron for 2 hours but coffee is OK right away for me. I eat a full meal 2 hours after with no side effects

I had a lot going on so it was only after taking the course that I figured it out. I have had depression in the past and this drug made me suicidal. No attempts but it was close

After 6 weeks started to get really gassy, bloating and weight gain. I thought it was change of lifestyle but that's not the case. I will continue with the tablet as for me 10 years of ugly nails is better than couple of months of weight gain and bloating.

I experienced severe hair loss and thinning within 2 weeks of taking this drug. By the 3rd week I knew the cause was because of the medication and stopped taking it. For a few more months I continued shedding and miniaturization of my hair. It has been 8 months since then and I continue to shed hairs albeit not as severely. I have not experienced regrowth and it looks worse than it did at the peak of the shedding. It's so depressing and I emplore you explore other options before taking this drug. There ARE other options. My confidence is ruined and I'm basically on a fast-track to being completely bald.

Depression like if something devastating happened, thought it was work stress. Cry non stop daily, insomnia, nightmares and sense of hopelessness. Fatigue constant/ daily. Irritated with outbursts. I'm thinking ugly toes aren't the worst thing someone could have.

Projectile vomiting first 4 days, diarrhea, dizziness, light headed, blurred vision, severe heartburn, severe gas, abdominal pain, sensation of glass or razor blades in stomach and digestive tract

My symptoms are listed in the order they appeared with a new one occurring every 3-4 days. Some subsided so I thought maybe it was a cold until the razor blade sensation came on. Even though I had other symptoms liver tests were fine

Servere depression, anxiety, suicidal, ocd, panic attacks, loss of vision, ear damage, joint pain, hair loss, including beard, insomnia, nightmares, itching. Shortness of breath, weakness in muscles, paranoia, dissociation. Numbness. Cant feel Joy. Unable to concentrate, loss of memory.Do not take this drug. It has ruined my Life. I have lost my job, my wife, my familiy, my freinds, and my self, i cant sleep, i cant play soccer anymore, i cant enjoy anything, i am in pain, i am depressed, i dont wont to live. ocd, anxiety, panic, loss of vision, and all the other sideeeffects put together and added with No sleep is a disaster and every second of the Day is a nightmare, like you have gone to hell, i am in prison in my own body and mind, the Day i took this pill is the Day i lost my Life, i am 33 years old, and I dont think i will live to celebrate my 34. I have told my familiy and freinds and wrote them a goodbye letter. Before taking this drug, i had a good job (teaching positive psychology) lots of freinds, played sports everyday, travelled, and had a good Life.

Please email me, if You have experienced Any of these side effects and got better.Especially the ocd thoughts, beard and hair loss, and panic.

Weight gain, horrible bloating of entire abdomen that hasn't gone away.

Months after I stopped this medication I'm still suffering from side effects. Horrible abdominal pressure inside. If I don't eat and have empty bowels I can stand the pressure, otherwise I have to stretch my body out horizontally to relieve enough pressure to breathe. Dr. Said I must have GERD. (Never had it before) and gave me antacids. Hasn't helped. Going back to doctor tomorrow!

This drug has given me the most crippling anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. I stopped taking it after 4 days. 6 days since I stopped and still feel dreadful. If anyone knows how long this will last, please email me. I'd had a few minor mental health problems in the past - avoid this if you have.

brain fog all the time.change my life.almost destroy my life

I noticed the 3 day on it I became depressed and unmotivated. Didn't want to leave my house and felt guilty and depressed about that.. I had diarrhea the 1st and second day but that cleared up. I've read a lot about his drug and it's side affects but the only one that I can truly attest to is the depressive symptoms. It's been pretty bad but the medication is working well on my toenails. I just hope I feel normal after stopping in 7 days. I thought about stopping half way through and decided 90 days of depression is better than a lifetime of fungus toes. I tried all the topical remedies for years and nothing worked. It's easy to see why people wouldn't want to take it.

I took this before 15 years ago and don't remember any side effects.; However, this time anxiety and depression are off the charts after a week. I feel like crying on a daily basis and feel that life has no meaning. I was thinking that I was just under a lot of stress from buying a new house, but starting to feel scared because I don't feel like myself. Decided to make an appointment with my doctor about my new anxiety and depression. Will stop taking this medicine immediately now that I realize it is most likely the cause of my depression. Also, have extreme fatigue… napping everyday which didn't seem to be a big deal but.. putting all of the side effects together, this is a big deal. Talk in depth to your doctor about the possible side effects before taking this!

LAMISIL (TERBINAFINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Terbinafine is used to treat certain types of fungal infections (e.g., fingernail or toenail). It works by stopping the growth of fungus. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as antifungals. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was on it for 2 years and it worked good while I was on it (taking 150mg a day). It basically stopped working overnight and my doctor upped the dose to 225mg. After 3 days on 225mg my anxiety was unbareable! I went back and he took me off of it completley and replaced it with Wellbutruin. It's been 7 days since I've stopped taking it and it's been a living hell. I know it's not he Wellbutruin as I've have researched it on the web and know people who have taken it with no problems. I would describe Effexor XR as being drunk 24/7 plus having the flu at the same time. My dr. told me that it could take up 3-4 weeks for it to completly be out of my system and has given me Valium to get thru the next couple of weeks. If you are thinking about taking or know of anyone thinking about taking Effexor don't do it, save yourself the pain!!! Take a look at the Effexor website and it will tell you the symptoms if you stop taking it, basically its a withdral!! There are about 15 aweful symp

I have been taking Lamisil for 55 days and experienced severe taste loss for past 10 days. I have seen significant improvement in toenail health and loss of all pain. I am going to discontinue due to the taste loss.

nothing really,maybe a bit of a dry mouth

Body felt extremely heavy and like I didn't have complete control over body movements.

After three days of being give this shot. I noticed all my joints (.finger, knees, feet, shoulders, elbiws. Bad headaches. Muscle spasms in arms and legs. Sore skin on hands. .dizziness. Brain fog. Things have eased up after Bout two weeks but now im noticing all my joints are popping and cracking. Oh yea my butt herts bad at the injection site still today!!!

Was taking Orth Tri-cyclen for 4 years and did not experience any negative side effects...

If I had known that I signed up for daily periods, bloating and PMS I never would have started Seasonale. Maybe the side effects diminish but it seems too risky; it's not worth the misery.

Excellent drug that works very quickly, no side effects. Generic available. Keeps eczema under control and now only need it occasionally. Comes in two strengths. In the palm of my hand I mix it with a little neutrogena emulsion lotion to spread it over a larger area if needed.

Compulsion, heightened sexuality, affected normal judgment.

I have just gone off Premarin one week and a half weeks ago and boy do I feel fantastic. I have lost 2 and a half kilos my eyes are no longer weeping or sore and I feel like my old self again. My skin looks better my hair looks better and I feel SO SO much better.I hated the way Premarin made me feel. I hate Premarin and the best thing I ever did was to get off it cold turkey.So far so good no hot flushes or any other side effects. I will never ever go on Premarin again,I have now started taking vitamins,calcium tablets and fish oil and finally feel like a women again.