Lac-hydrin (ammonium lactate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lac-hydrin (ammonium lactate)

LAC-HYDRIN (AMMONIUM LACTATE): This medication is used to treat dry, scaly skin conditions (e.g., xerosis, ichthyosis vulgaris) and can also help relieve itching from these conditions. This medication works by increasing the moisture in the skin. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I loved Paxil for fixing my IBS while I was on it. When I got married I weened off it (after 2 years) and 8 weeks after being off it, a bout' of wedding stress threw me into all of the symptoms I listed as side effects. I was so sick/bad symptoms that I could not drive, stand, look at the TV or PC and had to force sleep to not experience these painful symptoms. Im back to work but still have tightness in chest, weird headpain/sensation... Dr. put me back on Paxil CR and will ween off SLOWLY once again .. and HOPE that they symptoms STAY away this time. I need to have a child soon and I cannot be on ANYTHING during that time. UGH!

The risk for this prep is too high! Nausea/vomiting are listed as both a bad and general side effect. There's little indication of the difference. Almost 30 hours after starting the prep, I ended up in the hospital with a sodium count near critical levels. The colonoscopy was successfully performed 16 hours after prep started. Continuing nausea prevented adequate replenishment of fluids & electrolytes post-procedure. NEVER AGAIN!

Administered at the local pharmacy by pharmacist. Flu shot was painless but the shingles shot had a burning sensation.

it has helped with my severe depression but i still don't feel like i'm "out of the water" just yet. i haven't had any panic attacks but then again i've NEVER experienced side effects for any medication. this has worked better than Lamictal, though.

none. BP lowered from 150/94 down to 135/80....libido is lower, but I blame that on my ex-wife. Overall very effective.

Diarrhea, insomnia, severe depression toward end of one week. Racing heart, anxiety to almost panic. General feeling of malaise and don't feel good. New onset of upper back pain.

Hair loss, joint pain,twitching eye, hormonal,feeling pregnant. After removal: tired, anxious, not ovulating and no periods (was extremely fertile, like clockwork before mirena). Early menopause, rapid ageing, feel and looker much older.

Wow! Thank God for this site -- saved me a trip to the ER. Finished reading a chapter and turned off the light to go to bed -- I noticed a little itching. 15 minutes later, I was downstairs and looking in the mirror at LobsterMan. Got dizzy enough to sit on the floor. Pins and needles everywhere. Things calmed down enough to go to sleep in about an hour, though I was a little cold and shaky when I did. Not a pleasant experience -- but now that I know more dos and don'ts from this site, I'll keep trying...

POSITIVE: Increased focus & concentration, deeper sleep, increased bowel movements, happy disposition, don’t feel “drugged”, less worrying (I’m a worrier), no sexual side effects, mildly decreased appetite, no crash when it wears off.NEGATIVE: Dry mouth, dehydration, breakouts at first, amplified hearing with some noises, need to remind myself to breathe deeply, some mild gassiness/cramping, increased blood pressure.

hey i took ditropan to stop my HH it does for only 1month but by now it is no longer usefull so i want to take propantheline but in trichy (india) am not geting it if you can tell me an online site where u can buy it. thx