Kenalog in orabase (triamcinolone acetonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Kenalog in orabase (triamcinolone acetonide)

It says not to swallow it but it runs down my throat leaving a thick mucous

I had a lingering ulcer left over from a fever blister, just inside my bottom lip. My dentist put some of this paste on it and then I applied it again in a few hours. I left it on for abt 3 hours each time and it was gone when I removed the paste the second time. All that gooey yellow tissue that would NOT go away, was gone and the ulcer looked calm. No redness. Still a little tender b/c it needs to re-grow the skin in that spot. This paste was a miracle for me!

I did not experience any side effects. This is the BEST medicine I have taken for my mouth. It does not sting like other canker sore medicines and it usually clears up the canker within three applications with relief by the second day. It is has worked miracles for me.

You will need an rx to get the medicine. My dentist had never heard of it, it was recommended to me by a regular doctor, but if you ask for it that can find it for you.

I have never had any side effects from using Kenalog in Orabase

I have used Kenalog in Orabase since I as a kid. My dad was Military and I would get it from the Miltary doctors. It has taken my 15 years to find a doctor that would prescribe it to me. I told me husband that he has to try it once and he will understand.

KENALOG IN ORABASE (TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE): This medication is used in a variety of conditions such as allergic disorders, arthritis, blood diseases, breathing problems, certain cancers, eye diseases, intestinal disorders, collagen and skin diseases. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of triamcinolone, especially if it is to be injected near your spine (epidural). Rare but serious side effects may occur with epidural use. Triamcinolone acetonide is known as a corticosteroid hormone (glucocorticoid). It works by decreasing your body's immune response to these diseases and reduces symptoms such as swelling. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Depression, weight gain, light headedness,short of breathe.just getting up can make me feel like passing out sometimes.

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I work for a pharmaceutical company and if I were the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) I would re-visit the manufacturer of this product and review all these awful side effect with the intention of pulling this product off the market.

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i took triphasil for almost 4 years until they discontinued it. after they stopped making it i took trivora and the side effects were horrifying. a little difference does go a long way. too long id say. i had bad bad cramps near my kidneys 2 hours on the dot after id take the pill and become nauseated with additional stomach pain and that would last about 6-8 hours where i could barely move. i felt like i was dying! i now take trinessa, generic for ortho tri-cyclen and i have no side effects from it, besides again, initial weight gain but my period is at least 7 days long up to 10 days once in awhile. i wish they would bring triphasil back. it was by far the best.

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Because of the caffeine like energy boost, recommend the 12 hour version. Somewhat addictive because you get used to the extra energy and appetite control. Great for allergies and colds too.