Eucrisa (crisaborole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Eucrisa (crisaborole)

Burning Red Face - worse than before.

My face looked much better before using this prescription ointment.

Treatment for dermatitis atopica.

Skin get dark.Itch is the same.So Hard to apply around hair and eyes.

So expensive.Hope it will work.

EUCRISA (CRISABOROLE): This medication is used to treat eczema. It reduces swelling, redness, and itching on the skin. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Even with the side effects, I haven't been able to stop it. I tried, and after being off it for a month, I was practically bed-bound because of the inflammation in my joints and body. Every joint in my body was hurting. I went back on it so I could function. It's definitely a blessing and a curse.

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nausea & dizziness at first, then, headaches, night sweats, excessive sweating overall, constipation, no sex drive, inability to orgasm, weight gain, incredibly vivid dreams, ability to sleep for up to 12 hours or more without feeling rested, chronic fatigue

The longer I take this drug, the worse I have swelling of feet and ankles. I have had several bouts of vertigo in the six months, low libido, dry, dry skin and weight gain. I will continue with this drug because I have such a hard time finding a drug I can tolerate.

Racing heart and high blood pressure

Started feeling very achy and tired--leg aches and backaches--no energy the true"flu-like" symptoms. Big time headaches, after 4th day severe diahrrea, then vomited that p.m.--not like me at all.

this is the worst medicine a doctor has ever prescribed me...DO NOT TAKE IT, it has serious side worth it!

abdominal pain/bloated feeling, complete loss of appetite/feel full all the time, nausea, increased panic attacks. But have only been on it for 2 weeks.

I have taken Zyrtec intermittently for almost seven years now and have never had a problem w/it. It does its job (dries my sinuses and allows me to move away from the tissue box) and has never caused any noticeable side effects.

Decided to go with holistic methods, will check out glucosamine, condritin, collagen which someone recommended.