Elocon (mometasone furoate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Elocon (mometasone furoate)

Was subscribed long ago doctor bever stated to do not continue use of this lotion i was using yhis every night for more than 18yrs. Now my skin has thinned so much that i look like i have no layer of sking on my face i have blisters and the pain is incredible. I cant leave my home without makeuo because of how horrible my face is i would never recommend this product to anyone!!!

Full blown topical steroid addiction, progressively worsening mystery rash that presented as red spots over most of body surface.-insomnia-extreme pain-dysfunctional skin-oozing skin-extreme daily skin shedding-suicidal thoughts-worsening rash-isolation and embarrassment-anxiety-loss of job-extreme mental distress

This drug is dangerous if you use it for more than one week(doctor never told me that). I used it for a few months because it was the only thing that helped my rash. After learning about topical steroid addiction I now know that the rash was kicked off by OTC hydrocortisone and then worsened x10 when I started using this. In essence it caused me a horrible iatrogenic skin condition know as "topical steroid withdrawal" and it's a million times worse than the eczema I was trying to manage. NEVER use this drug for rashes! It has caused me to become essentially disabled for the next two years and I am in horrible pain every day. I will never trust a doctor again because of this.

I have a rash on my face and it will not go away without the elecon

hopefully I will not use it again

Difficult to identify whether the problems I encountered were associated with the Elocon or the underlying condition.

The systemic addiction problems associated with this drug are not publicised. The withdrawal process is HORRIFIC. Read itsan.org if you are using it or thinking of doing so for more detail.

I developed an itchy stinging rash that would keep me awake a night, and experieced upsetting mood changes. The lack of sleep had a unfortunate effect on my ability to do my job.

Used sparingly and correctly Elocon is wonderful for reducing redness and swelling associated with psoriasis. It isn't a 'cure', more a management tool to be used with other medications such as Daivonex.

pustules, hives, rash spread all over my body, increased and debilitating itching leading to bleeding, small haemorrhages under skin due to skin thinning .....

Neither my dermatologist or pharmacist warned me about the side effects - I had to research myself after the rash got worse and hadn't cleared up after 6 months & 4 visits to the dermatologist. I could have stopped it 6 mths ago had the doctor realised the pustules were a side-effect - instead he sent me for pathology of the pus filled lesions. Then he was going to do a biopsy of a lesion on my back. All these have cleared up since I stopped using elocon. The side-effects can be debilitating. Just be warned & informed!

not seen yet, other than knowing it is a steriod which might have bad side effect if use for long time.

Elocon is very effective in clearing away my two-year-old son's eczema around his lips and knee/wrist creases. Normally the flare-up will go away in a day or two. The skin will be smooth for a few days before next round coming back. So i would classify it as temporary relief for eczema. We are still looking for permanent cure.

I developed Perioral Dermatitis as a direct result from using Elocon.

I would NEVER recommend using Elocon for anything! Elocon has many nasty side effects, one of which is Perioral Dermatitis.

It is a life saver. I have unexplained itchy rashes that break out and this takes care of them right away!

skin changes, thinning of the skin, darkened areas

I have used Elocon for over 9 years (since i was a child). I regret that I didn't use it with much caution as would be expected with steroids as i didn't understand the implications but overall i have had good control with it. It hasn't cured my dermatitis though. I dont know how much longer i will need to use it but i am concerned about the long term side effects i.e. the amount of steroids entering my bloodstream causing complications such as diabetes mellitus.

This is the best steroid medication I've used and I have had eczema since I was born. It stops the break outs so they don't spread and it's not a heavy duty steroid so you can use it on your face. I have not had one negative side effect with it, not even burning on open cuts.

Burning sensation at site of application.

I use it for my son when his eczema flares up. It gets rid of any flare-up within a day or two. My son complains that it burns, but I notice that it only burns in areas that he's scratched, not in areas that he hasn't. I only use it when necessary, and only in affected areas. Elocon keeps his eczema under control for weeks in certain areas and months in others, and it works almost right away. It has never taken more than twice a day for two days for the Elocon to make the rash go away. My son has had eczema since he was a couple of weeks old, so we've tried everything... Elocon is the best!!! I even use it around his mouth, he used to break out there the worst... but he hasn't had a flare up there since last summer!

Got acne like pimples all over which contained pus. However, it cleared up the excema in 3 days, and then had to take anti-biotics to clear up spots!

It's great for a quick fix, and I have tried everything!

This is the best cream to stop eczema break outs. I've had eczema since I was born and this is the only thing that really works.

Took away soreness, itching and cleared up affected areas

I had a lot of burning and stinging when applied to my hand where the Eczema was at.

ELOCON (MOMETASONE FUROATE): This medication is used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, allergies, and rash. Mometasone decreases swelling (inflammation), itching, and redness. Mometasone is a medium-strength corticosteroid. This medication is available in several forms including cream, ointment, and lotion (solution). Your doctor will choose the type of product based on the skin condition/area of the body being treated. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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It's helping so far, however I am on an exceptionally strict gastric diet. Hopefully the erosions will be gone. I cannot say a bad word about Nexium. Side effects? It's a very strong medicine, so yes you will have some side effects. I'm also keen on Lansoprasole.

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PLEASE someone tell me if this passes.. or have you had the same things go on.. does it get workse??i don't want to stop taking but I'm scared of the consequences of it..have been on it just starting my 3rd week.. started at 25 mg.. bumped to 50 mg.. tried takin 25 mg in morning and 25 at night..supposed to bump to 100mg in 2 weeks..

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It's been a miracle drug for me I take care of my mom has Alzheimer's and dementia and I just couldn't make it through the day without being very upset now I remain calm and I can deal with anything

I would not recommend this pill to anyone. I was on a different pill and mid way through my pharmacy changed to Isibloom. The past month was hell on my body, I am just on my second pill of this pack & I am so nauseous sitting in front of the toilet about to throw up.

I have been off Prilosec for a little over 3 months now and truly 3 of the hardest months of my life. I was so sick after coming off this drug. It really messed up my digestive system and I got blood work done and my B12 was incredibly low. Every month coming off this drug I continue to feel better and like myself again. I now tell everyone I know to NEVER take this drug. I was so dizzy, nauseous, diarrhea, no appetite, tingling in my face/hands, felt like everything good I had was disappearing and the worst anxiety/depression (something I'd never felt in my life). I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy last week and everything was completely fine, so reassuring to know nothing is actually wrong. Best of luck to anyone taking this drug and recommend if you have any side effects get off ASAP. It will get better, it does take a lot of time.

It takes time for one to figure out which pill works best for them. Practioners say to give the pill at least 3 months. This is the 4th bc pill that i have been on over 7 years. it has reduced the time length of my period which has been very wonderful, don't get break through bleeding like i did on other pills, i lost weight but i think that was due to getting off of orthotricyclin, switched to generic ocella and only thing noticed was the first couple of months my period was heavier but has reduced back to normal

Very bad cough, started right away. Progressively got worse. Had to get off it. Really embarressing at work.Cough improved right away, within 4 days of coming off it was much better. Now on Diovan, much better

Started taking 0.3mg Feb 15th after having night sweats and insomnia. I preffered not to take any hrt. I started having severe pain in my left lower hip. It extended down my left inner thigh to my knee. I had severe muscle spasms in my inner thigh. I was unable to stand for more than 2 min w/o experiencing excruciating pain. I took muscle relaxant to ease the pain. Also I observed that I am constantly hungry which is not normal for me.