Efudex (fluorouracil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Efudex (fluorouracil)

Was ok for first 2 weeks but halfway through 3rd week had terrible stomach cramps. Have been ok since finished course of treatment.

Has cleared the lesion and left no scar

Extreme tiredness, muscle aching, itchy eyes like I had s flu

Have used a year earlier and didn't realise was the cream causing side effects just thought maybe flu, covid or PMT at the time, this time very noticeable. Persistent as does work on thr spots used on

Redness, Burning, Itching, Searing

Spot treated once per day at night. Wore a little makeup during the day. I only treated very small areas. No side effects. The redness disappeared after approx 8 weeks.

I found it excellent. It did not scar at all.

Spot treated once per day at night. Wore a little makeup during the day. I only treated very small areas. No side effects. The redness disappeared after approx 8 weeks.

I found it excellent. It did not scar at all.

This cream is brutal. I’ve used this for 4 separate cycles of treatment never managed to get to day 28. Extremely fatigued, nauseous.

I can manage the effect on the skin, no problems. It’s the intense feeling of being unwell, like flu that I just cannot suffer any more. This cream is horrendous. Knowing that I would have to use this cream around twice each year for new AKs is something I just can’t continue with.

Fatigue days 3-24, insomnia, eye iritation

3rd treatment. Always feel fatigue. When spot treating, this med does affect adjacent cells as it travels thru the bloodstream. After treatment stops, using Tylenol 3x daily and Cortisone 10 provided alot of relief from burning and itching skin. Loratidine allergy med (pill) 2x daily also helped relieve itching. After around day 5, be prepared to hibernate for 5-6 weeks if treating your face.

Beyond the skin effects, I've felt agitated, irritable, exhausted, discouraged, anxious. There's gotta be a better way. going to ask the Dr. if the blue light or a laser would be as effective. The skin discomfort is no fun, but what it's doing to my whole body and emotionally makes me want to give up.

Cancerous and precancerous keratosi

Horrible side effects. Pounding headache upon awakening. Burning eyes. Resorted to pain and sleeping pills to sleep. Lethargic. Sleeping. Depressed.

Still waiting to feel better. I have done blue light tx. Much better. Wont do this again and wont know if it worked until next 6 month check up.

Tip: apply 2x daily on only each lesion for 5 days, then stop. Let AK heal for five days, which allows you to remove dead skin layers. Repeat this process at least six times, which is a month. Zero side effects.

You can use Efudex on individual actinic keratosis lesions instead of your entire face, which is what I did. Worked amazing with no fatigue or chills.

Leg press cancouruse treatment

Burning like hell also travels to my arm back blisters

Never ever will I use it. So upsetting

Not much up to now a lttle bit of redness and feel itchy but i now im only on day 4 they reckon round day 7 where the pain sets in

None and I'm taking aspirin 45mg per day

Actinic keratosis and cancer (face)

Aside from intended effects (redness, blistering, itching, burning), I experienced persistent insomnia and irritability beginning at around week 2 and lasting through entire treatment course. Brutal! Occasional headaches. No nausea.

My dermatologist (a cancer specialist) was clear about treatment effects but did *not* mention side effects; I learned about them once they set in and I did basic online research. ADVICE: this is serious stuff. My course of treatment to date is 4 weeks of active use, then healing (estimated to be another 4 to 8 weeks). Know that before agreeing to this therapy, your life will be meaningfully impacted for up to 3 months, much of it in considerable discomfort.

Very tired. Nauseous and dizzy after applying which would wear off eventually by afternoon Total lack os sleep. Had to get sleeping pills from doctor.

I could cope with the blistering and redness because I didn’t have to apply to whole face. and at least you know it’s working if it starts to get very red and raw. fatigue nausea and dizziness were horrid but the insomnia got me.

Sun damage to face, chest and back

Was supposed to take for 14 days. I got the rash and blemishes as expected, mostly on face. On day 12 I was exhausted, shivering with headache. Next day I was freezing, nauseated with head and body aches. Called doctor who assured me it was not the cream but to stop using it. She also advised me to take a Covid -19 test. Did that yesterday. Woke up this morning felt fine then as About 1:00 pm got all the same symptoms as well as lost feeling in my right fingertips. Have not heard back from Covid test. Family upset as they must quarantine with me.

Facial swelling - eyes almost closed up on day 27. Discomfort becoming pain from days 14-30. Skin felt like I was cracking concrete from day 14 onwards. Photophobia in couple of days after stopping treatment. Very unsightly (still so at day 30)

Appears to have removed the AK's I was concerned about.

Constant headache after two days of use and total lethargy and body pain.

Worked well. Used on the forehead no problem but down side of nose became very scabby and sore weeping and crusty. Three weeks after treatment left with a red blotch down nose but hopefully this will fade.

Fatigue, genrally unwell, face very irritated itchey painful and difficult to sleep-- very red and unsightly face-- added bonus when you work out your sweat burns as well -- 3 weeks to apply at least 3 more weeks to start to look normal and 8 weeks to get my running distance back

Its pretty awful but you can get do it! I work in a hospital so i was lucky and surrounded by lots of supportive people but i did have to work the whole time. Aquafor did not work for me but "egyptian secret" did help- neutrogena gentle cleaning and natural baby lotion was also great for temporary relief-- i needed to wear makeup and later a hospital mask to cover when it got really bad-- 1 big hint-- you can wear lotion or make up and i waited 90-120 min to apply BUT wash your face first or you will get it in areas you dont want (i did full face but you dont want it in the corners of your mouth)-- there is also a green make up that Ulta sells for anti- red that i would highly recommend to help cover

My eyes were extremely gritty and stinging - had to stop using and eyes returned to normal

Did not apply anywhere near eyes, but suspect it gets into the sinus system and somehow makes its way there, that's my theory.

EFUDEX (FLUOROURACIL): This medication is used on the skin to treat pre-cancerous and cancerous skin growths. Fluorouracil belongs to a class of medications known as anti-metabolites. It works by blocking the growth of abnormal cells that cause the skin condition. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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