Dovonex (calcipotriene) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dovonex (calcipotriene)

DOVONEX (CALCIPOTRIENE): This medication is used to treat psoriasis. Calcipotriene is a form of vitamin D. It works by slowing down the growth of skin cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I had the most horrific nightmares I have ever had. I also woke up every morning in a cold sweat and with shoulder and neck pain. I also have lower back pain.Complete brain fog,I forget words,and didn't answer my phone tonight because I didn't know how! I have extreme lethargy to the point of not bothering to get dressed for the last two days.I am usually someone who is in full make up by 8.30am!I m normally very houseproud but my bungalow is a complete tip! Dishes are left in the sink and nothing put away. If I drop something I cant even be bothered even to pick it up!I have had to change my bedding and realised that none of the pillows had pillowcases on them...I cant wait to come off them!

I’m on the generic Teva version, and I have had daily nausea that continually gets worse. Worse than morning sickness and I had hypermesis gardivum. I’m going to stick it out until I’m done with the first pack to see if it gets better because I can’t take many kinds of birth control.

The two weeks I was on this drug were the most hellish experience of my life. Be absolutely sure it is schizophrenia before you allow anyone to convince you to take this medication; and even then only if you have tried everything else. Bipolar disorder with psychotic features (what I had) is often misdiagnosed as schizophrenia--there are far better drugs for that.

Had tried all the stimulants and while they helped my energy level, they never touched what I call my "scattered brain." After starting on this, I felt like a fog had been lifted from my brain. Only reason I don't give it a 5 is that it seems to have "pooped out" just recently. I'm on a low dose, so we're going to try to increase the dose to see if I can get my clarity of thought back.

Have used in past with excellent results, immediate improvement within hours

I love this type of birth control. I didn't experience any side effects as those with birth control pills (I previously took Loestrin 24 fe and Ortho-tri-cyclen lo) and find it so easy to use. Put it in once a month and take it out three weeks later.

None, fortunately. I was previously on Vytorin and experienced muscle aches, so my Doc switched me to Crestor.

I took it for the better part of 10 days but was not getting any better so I ended up in Urgent Care where they gave me a different RX and presto I got better in a few days. It just didn't do anything for me.

This drug should come with a Black Box Warning per the FDA. I have taken Zithromax in the past with no problem, but this time was a real shock. I guess I should have known: took Erythromycin back in May and wound up with colitis. I have diarrhea all day, terrible stomach pain and a headache that pounds and pounds despite all the Tylenol in the world. Fever won't go away, either. I was prescribed the 250 mg pack-500 the first day, then 250 for four days after. I took it for three days, and it's all I can stand. I cannot even leave the house. I do not recommend this antibiotic to anyone. Even Augmentin is better than Zithromax.

Taking .25-rarely .50mgs. before bedtime for the past 14yrs; no problems with this drug at all. I have stopped cold turkey numerous times. I added 10mgs. Paxil in the morning 5yrs. ago and they work well together for me. I can't imagine taking more than .50mgs daily but everyone is different.