Diprosone (betamethasone dipropionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Diprosone (betamethasone dipropionate)

none, whatsover, however you unable to use it on your face

only need to use it sparingly, I was in a bad way before i had diprosone i would highly recommend it as it worked for me, but where all different aren't we.

DIPROSONE (BETAMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE): This medication is used to treat a type of skin condition (plaque psoriasis). Betamethasone reduces the swelling, itching, and redness that may occur with plaque psoriasis. This medication is a strong corticosteroid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I am now going through a divorce after being married for 38 years! Husband and family think I was on drugs, I lost 7 pounds,Now with Divorce I'm losing more! Didn't need weight loss to begin with, wish I hadn't taking Paxil 20mg

At first I wasn't have any side effects to my knowledge, Then a few days later the itching began, On my legs and chest and back, it comes and goes and its worse at night! This seems to be the only side effect but it's terrible! I'm going to talk to my doctor about getting off of it.

So far so good. I'm sure the side-effects will fade over time. Very happy to have started this. I have moderate OCD with mild depression. No overt compulsions, I just annoy myself to death in my head. The Zoloft has had an almost instant effect on me. Already I want to start doing things again that I haven't done for years, but I am a little drowsy from the effects which will fade. I feel like I can start to get on with my life again. I will post again as I progress, just search the page for TWD, I'll add that to the next post.

This has really been and old reliable for me as far as controlling my bp goes. It was the first medication I was put on at the age of 22, and I am still taking it today. I have briefly substituted other meds for this, and I just don't get as good control as when I have atenolol on board.

I am sleeping better on this and losing. Love it! I kind of tested it at first, ate a lot, ate stupid stuff, ate too much. I only gained maybe 2-3 lbs. When I just ate normal, good food, 2 -3 meals per day and did not overeat, I started to lose weight. Skip the sugary stuff, be lowish carb or you will get some serious indigestion.One reason I started taking this was because regular dieting was just not working anymore. I am eating the way I did when I was younger and now with the jardiance, it is working.

incredible burning sensation that sent my heart racing---literally put me in a panic. i am not sure why, but this treatment is very painful. there must be a better way to irradicate a yeast infection.

Amazing, I mean truly amazing for my back pain. Completely took pain away like magic, but because of the other side effects, I asked to be taken off this medicine

This stuff is horrible. Since I started it, I've had headaches, no sex drive at all, and my face has pretty much exploded with acne. Yay. Not to mention that even being around other people makes me want to leap out a window, which is not normal for me. I'm switching as soon as I can get in to see the doctor.