Betamethasone dipropionate (betamethasone dipropionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Betamethasone dipropionate (betamethasone dipropionate)

Applied this all over scalp to relieve itching and itchy soars caused by the antibiotic, Bactrim

BETAMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE (BETAMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE): This medication is used to treat a variety of skin conditions (e.g., eczema, dermatitis, allergies, rash). Betamethasone reduces the swelling, itching, and redness that can occur in these types of conditions. This medication is a strong corticosteroid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Despite the odd side effects, i wouldnt discontinue ambien, it is the only sleeping pill on the market that helps me sleep. without it, i go all night long thinking about sleep, but not actually doing it.

Anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, fatigue, nausea, stomach upset.

Will not be going back on it ever.

Doctors are doing their patients a total injustice by prescribing Synthroid. I don't know what the Pharmaceuticals promise doctors or bribe them with but it shouldn't be allowed.

Plenty.I'm normally not afraid of surgery. It scared the hell out of me.My husband said I tried to get up and leave. I nearly fell since I had no coordination.Lasting memory problems. Vertigo.Weird semi-panic episodes during the day, nightmarish dreams at night. Feeling unrefreshed after eight hours sleep for months afterward.

No side effects initally. Worked like a charm! On my 9th month, the itching, burning, and redness is unbearable. I had to take off the patch a day before I was supposed to change. All of the patches in this box have left red, raised, "burned" areas and have been so itchy and painful. I called the company to see if there was something wrong with this lot and they said no.

3rd/5th degree burns all over body

Prescribed for my 1 1/2 year old son after bout with pneumonia, as preventative for asthma (I am asthmatic and allergic). Convinced it has worked! No noticable side effects.

I got my appetite back, and my rash totally went away! I am stunned someone said they got a rash from it. I have never in my life had PMS and the sugar pills have no effect whatsoever on my mood...this birth control rocks!

I am taking .5mg up to twice a day. This has helped me so much. My rage is gone, and my mind has slowed down enough to evaluate what is making me anxious, instaed of having thoughts running around my brain like a rabid weasel on speed.