Aldara (imiquimod) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aldara (imiquimod)

ALDARA (IMIQUIMOD): This medication is used to treat certain types of growths on the skin. These are precancerous growths (actinic keratoses), a certain type of skin cancer (superficial basal cell carcinoma), and warts on the outside of the genitals/anus. Treating these conditions can decrease complications from them. Imiquimod belongs to a group of drugs called immune response modifiers. It is believed to work by helping to activate your immune system to fight these abnormal skin growths. This product is not recommended for use on children under 12 years of age unless specifically directed by your doctor. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My Son's Father has tried EVERYTHING, and this is the first time in the 2 years since the eppisodes started that he seems to be able to rationalize again. He told me last night that he knows the things he believed were "crazy". I have waited 2 years to hear that, I know it's early but I sure am happy that My Son will have his Daddy back even if just for 6 weeks!!!

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Ambien nearly ruined my life - I am very lucky that I overcame this drug and I hope to help educate others about the dangers. I became very addicted to this drug - not for a high or euphoria - but simply to sleep. If you do some research - you will see that it is HIGHLY addictive. Be very, very careful before you start taking this. If you use it for occasional insomnia you are fine - but many find themselves taking it more and more often until you are hooked. It is terrible getting off of it too. I spent 6 weeks in rehab to get better as did many others (many celebrities have gone to rehab for Ambien). Please don't take this medication for your own sake. Be very, very careful and do your research. Try other things like Theamine Serene, Melatonin, Benadryl, etc.

Do not ever take this drug! It has changed my life for the worst!!! I just want to feel normal again and be the Mom I used to be. If you need a safe haven please check out this website regarding depo provera. I hope everyone is feeling better soon. God bless!

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