Peridex (chlorhexidine gluconate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Peridex (chlorhexidine gluconate)

I feel like I have acid in my mouth on day three. It's lingered for HOURS (8 ). I am not taking anymore. It's effecting my taste. It's making me miserable. It doesn't feel right. I protested having it but the dentist banged up my gums during the extraction and I was worried I would have an infection so I tried it. I had two wisdom teeth out before and didn't need anything. I feel this has slowed down the healing process. I strongly don't recommend.I feel like tartar has rapidly built up. I am worried about the damage this has caused. My teeth are discolored now as well.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Rinse used at a dental cleaning

I rinsed with this and developed a burning tongue. From what I'm reading on here, the mouth recovers but it can take time.

Immediately upon first and only use, I had burning throughout my whole mouth. My mouth and throat so dry like sandpaper. It’s been one week tomorrow. Tongue still feels like it's cut up w razors and it's still bright red. Blisters on my lips and tongue. Cannot eat anything w salt or acidic foods. Can't eat anything crunchy even like toast. I've lost weight this week but not because I was trying, it’s because there is very little I can eat without extreme pain. I called the dentist and they suggested that I drink a glass of water. Omg. Thinking I might switch to a new dentist.

Hoping these terrible side effects will eventually get better. Do not let anyone u care about take this dangerous product.

Taste is horrible! Chemical taste. Burns my wounds. Taste seeps into your stomach. Think it’s poison

Need something better, less caustic

Using this one time, I experienced burning of tongue and mouth, extreme nausea, food and water tasted bad, inside of mouth and gums peeling, chapped lips, generally feeling bad.

Stay way from this product. Ask dentist or hygienist for an alternative. My dentist office won't call me back so I can ask for alternative. Wish FDA would ban this product with so many bad reviews .

Tounge burns, pain in mouth, driest my mouth has ever been, nausea, sore throat, swelling, sore gums, dry cough, dizziness. General sickness feeling.

I can't imagine taking it for full 2 weeks. The pain is so bad that even the hardcore painkillers they give u doesnt help. My tounge was so dry and swollen it brushed my stitches and almost ripped them out. If they prescribe this to you, ask for an alternative!!

I did not have any side effects using this

I went to the ER for severe mouth pain on the left side they said it was a gum infection they prescribed me peridex to use for 14 days it worked after using it for a couple days but I used it for the full 14 days as prescribed.

I experienced vertigo as a result of using this rinse. Presented only when I sat up or laid down to go to sleep at night. It also happened a month earlier. I have no underlying BPPV or blood pressure issues at all.

Bleeding gums; black tongue; loss of taste and smell; severe burning sensation; vomiting

I would sooner inject battery acid into my brain stem than EVER touch this vile snakeoil again. My dentist prescribed it as a pretreatment for my tooth extraction to prevent infection, and due to the severity of the damage it caused to my gums, cheeks, tongue, and teeth, they had to postpone my surgery. It was THAT bad. My oral surgeon literally apologized, and even straight up admitted that dentists and oral surgeons are incentivized by the manufacturer to prescribe Peridex despite the fact that study after study has shown it INCREASES THE RISK OF GINGIVITIS!!!! That's like an antibiotic that FEEDS the infection its supposed to fight! I thank Jesus every day since that I can spare my children from this suffering when they need their wisdoms out. Warm salt water from here on out.

My mouth feels coated with a dry feeling making my tongue feel chapped and burning. Almost makes me swallow alot over and over bc I feel like my mouth feels so weird I hope this goes away :( it's giving me anxiety

Burning and stinging in my inside cheek and toungue i told my doctor about it he said i have to stop using it

Stains on the front teeth. No improvement with the area around implants.

Around the implants, my gumget more red and recede after 3 days of use. Peridex contains a substance that makes the situation worth. It most likely has an impact on the mouth's microbiom. The healthy bacteria die as well. Mouth dryness and dark stains between the teeth. I got a tremendous relief after using H2O2 Baking soda. Dip your brush in peroxide and a pinch of baking soda and brush you gums and teeth. What a relief! My gum is good now.

Tongue felt like it was burnt, nausea, diarrhea, sores on my tongue at the surgery site, dry mouth, scratchy dry throat, chapped lips, painful urination, lethargy.

DO NOT TAKE THIS STUFF!!!I honestly thought my mouth was infected. I was always told that a bad taste and pain is a sign there is an infection. I went to the hospital because when I woke up one morning it was painful to pee. So I immediately thought the infection spread to my kidneys. It would have taken 5 days for the surgeon to see me again. After a lot of blood work to be sure there was no infection anywhere. I was fine and they are not sure why I felt so bad but they put down sepsis and gave me penicillin just in case. I wish I would have know about these side effects it would have saved me a lot of money because I would not have taken this.

I had deep cleaning at my dentist.

Burnt tongue, dry mouth and lip

I had horrific stomach pains from using this since you are not supposed to rinse your mouth with water afterward. Thus, small amounts leach down into your stomach. It got so bad that I thought it was my peptic ulcer acting up and I went to my GI doctor for an endoscopy, only to find out that my ulcer has pretty much cleared up. Then we correlated when the stomach pain started with when I started using Peridex after oral surgery. I stopped using it and my stomach pain subsided.

At 1st, I had the burning of the tongue and metallic taste, only after using it in the morning and night. About day 8 or 9 I realized the burning and metallic taste lasted longer and longer. I was to take this horrible medication for 14 days, but quit after 10 days. It has been 1 1/2 weeks after I stopped taking this and the burning and metallic taste lost of taste of food has yet to go away. This is a terrible feeling to have 24 hours a day.

Why would a drug like this be prescribed to people? After reading so many all the other complaints, I would think the FDA would take this off the market.

Dry mouth, bitter/sour taste lasting all day, upset stomach, nausea. First two effects continued for over a week after I stopped using it.

Probably does reduce risk of dry socket or infections following tooth extraction, but it's still an evil mouthwash that really should be avoided if at all possible.

Burning tongue, made my already sore throat worse, horrible metallic taste in mouth and back of throat even two days after stopping. Small pimples on the back of throat on side of tongue, with horrible tasting liquid inside that stung until they popped. Just made my existing condition ten times worse.

I had loss of taste and bowel cramping, loose stools and nausea. My tongue turned brown. It helped the surgical site heal in my mouth but caused me a lot of trouble. Not thrilled with side effects. I didn't mind the taste and no burning. I started applying with q-tip instead of rinsing.

Don't use unless really needed.

PERIDEX (CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE): This medication is used along with regular tooth brushing/flossing to treat gingivitis, a gum disease that causes red, swollen, and easily bleeding gums. Chlorhexidine belongs to a class of drugs known as antimicrobials. It works by decreasing the amount of bacteria in the mouth, helping to reduce swelling and redness of the gums and bleeding when you brush. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Dose OTC 1 tablet morning, 1 evening per doctor's orders.

It will cause gas UNTIL you go, but never have any problems after.

(con'd 2 of 3) So far, very good. Only withdrawal effects were very tired the first week and a half (I slept A LOT) and sometimes would get clammy skin. All that went away and I feel good, hopefully it stays that way. I've been a good student for years (I'm talking the Dean's List type) and the respirdal never affected that side of me. Sometimes I forget what I'm going to say mid sentence, or what I'm about to write, but it's nothing horrible and doesn't happen all the time.Let me explain the side effects: Being started on this as a child, it took until I was an adult to realize what was normal and what wasn't for my body, if that makes any sense. My period was literally non existent (I could go up to 5 months with out one, and I wasn't having sex.) My memory is very, very patchy. On one hand I soak up and remember everything, but then weird things, like a trip to Disney World at 15 or friendships I had at 18, can barely be recalled at all. I was also very irritable while on this medication, with some belly fat but not much. Of all the pills they forced me on (that I got off of, cold turkey, when I turned 18-I could tell you HORROR stories, like how Effexor fucked up my life and mental and physical well being considerably) this one had the least amount of side effects but the ones I did have were significant (the period problem was the main reason I've put off sex-there is...con'd next comment of mine

Burning, sores, bleeding, fatigue, fever, back ache soreness in my neck, very swollen, red.

My mum was prescribed this (Not sure which Augmentin, but other name is Co-amoxiclav) Diarrhoea, continual vomiting, itchy skin and eventually Jaundice.

weight gain - some tiredness during day

I have Tardive Dyskinesia. I didn't know what was wrong when it started, and I was never informed or educated concerning Tardive Dyskinesia. I never heard of it before. I never connected the jerky movements to Risperdal because the disorder came on so gradually. TD is very annoying and uncomfortable to me.