Rubramin pc (cyanocobalamin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rubramin pc (cyanocobalamin)

It seems to work, my b12 levels have risen to the normal range.

Side Effects forrubramin pc (cyanocobalamin) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Profuse sweating - I had to change my clothes 3 times in one night. Chills, head ache, and hot flashes. Also, one night I had so much saliva in my mouth that I woke up in the middle of the night choking on my own saliva. A very scary experience!

jaw clenching, vivid nightmares, inability to orgasm, zero sex drive, insomnia

I would never recommend this drug! I have fine hair to begin with so, thinning of fine hair was very worrying. I did not notice this til after the 3 mo. was past. Also noticed that I do not taste foods like I used to. Most foods taste bland. I also have noticed dizziness and some anxiety plus mild depression. My Dr. never ordered blood work to be taken while on this medicine and only said not to drink while taking it. Very disappointed that most Dr's do not seem educated on the harmful effects of these drugs, or the face that perhaps they just don't care!

Side effects vary. have had hot flashes, tiredness or just an overwhelming need to just close my eyes, out of it, dizziness

I was subscribed it via emergency line after suffering very high temperature and extreme shivers for 2 days

On day 4 of the prescription I was feeling really really hot...and tired. By day 6 I realized my sleepless nights and constant body jerking when I tried to be still and rest were from the medication. I too thought I was just getting the flu with fever and chills. The next day I woke up with red blotches all over my skin. I thought it was from taking Tylenol PM with it the night before. The pharmasict said NO...that's not the cause. He didn't know what it was. I continued taking it and got worse the next day...Oh MY GOD...I thought I was gonna die. I went to the dermatologist...YEP YOU'RE ALLERGIC to BACTRIM. He put me on prednisone and tested my platelets (low count) and by day 7 of prednisone...I woke up dizzy and fell over for 8 days straight. The dizziness and now vomitting has continued and it's now been 3 months...I have seen a neurologist, ENT, cardiologist...the ENT suspects OTOTOXICITY...poison damage from the bactrim.

To avoid side effects, usually take less than whole pill, about one half (4 mg.) Sometimes take a tiny amount of melatonin with it (just of small chip of 3 mg. pill). Definitely helps me sleep much sounder and helps stabilize my emotions. Goes well with very small amount of risperdal, if needed.

Hot flashes, dizzy spells, HR increase, heart burn

My 6yr old daughter had to start taking zyrtec eveyday to control her chronic urticaria, as time went one her behaviors just have gotten worse. To the point we were thinking about taking her to a pshyc dr. Don't know what else to do I have taken her off for a few days now and the attitude is already getting better. But I had to give her benadryl to keep her from swelling. Which they told me not to give her that cause of the alcohol in it. Does anyone out there that has Chronic Urticaria know anything that helps, without the deppression/anger issues. Please help, thanks!

I had these symptoms 6 months ago after two days of Z-pac. Now the exact same symptoms returned. I haven't taken any antibiotics or any new meds. It seems to be related to the Zithromax. I have heard symptoms can return months later.