Leucovorin calcium (leucovorin calcium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Leucovorin calcium (leucovorin calcium)

My son takes this medication because he has auto antibodies that prevent folate from crossing the blood brain barrier. The one side effect that has been significant is that it gives him diarrhea. Otherwise it’s been a very good drug with minimal side effects.

take 10 hrs after methotrexate injection to reduce nausea - works well.

LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM (LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM): This medication is used to treat or prevent serious blood cell disorders (such as thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, anemia) caused by certain drugs (folic acid antagonists such as methotrexate, trimethoprim, pyrimethamine). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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i love the light periods. it's barely there. i don't need anymore pads. other pills game me very bad heart palpitations but with loestrin, i only experienced it slightly.

I have decided to stop taking this medication especially after reading what is on this site. My roommate said I was scaring her not remembering conversations and doing things in my sleep I would never do....talking to people and having no recolection....this drug scares the heck outta me. Not sure if it is the combination of this medication and others I take. I hope my memory gets better soon.

must have something in my stomach to avoid acid reflux (I eat 2 or 3 plain crackers) but it has helped considerably with the pain in my knees, back, shoulder (DJD) and hips (both have been replaced), take the generic and am very happy. Had tried tramadol which did nothing.

first posted on 4/l9/07, its been 40 days since last dose, hips still hurt, shoulder, neck and right arm pain continues. i am slightly better as each week goes by.

I do not recommend this drug to anyone with the occasional allergies or anyone having an allergic reaction. Made me feel terrible all day.

prescribed for 9-year-old son...

Unpleasant numbness/tingling in hands and feet, tiredness, decreased ability to concentrate (felt drunk), dry mouth and eyes, partial loss of senses of taste/smell.

i started tamiflu 4 days ago taking 2 tablets a day for 5 days today is my last day i feel so much worse and thought it was the flu getting worse but after coming on here i am thinking it is these tablets what are making me feel so stange. on day 2 i started to feel actually suicidal after taking my 4th tablet! it only lasted about an hour but scared the hell out of me! i have only one left to take and still fel so weak, dizzy sick and scared. anyone else feeling like this or similar after taking them. worried.

Two weeks of antibiotic therapy, heavy-duty diuretics, and elevated legs produced very slow reduction of the swelling. The aftermath has been chronic venous stasis and recurrent cellulitis (infection of the deep layers of the skin, causing swelling and blistering), which can be life-threatening. I am now under the care of a vascular specialist, sometimes have to have both legs wrapped in Unna Boots to be able to put on the compression hose I now have to wear, and I can no longer wear any of my pre-VIOXX shoes. I can neither sit at my desk without elevating my legs, drive my car, nor be on my feet for any length of time without feeling my skin fighting with the compression hose. All this for three days of pain relief! NB: SWELLING WAS NOT AMONG THE SIDE EFFECTS IN THE PACKAGE INSERT I RECEIVED!

Hopefully I will only have to take this for a week to cure the Herpes infection in my eye. I somehow transferred herpes from my lip to my eye about 7 years ago. This is my 4th outbreak in my eye - brought on by stress but other triggers have been : sunburn on my eye from skiing, taking out contact too fast (tearing cornea), etc. I've found that taking vicodin for the eye nerve pain and headaches helps. I am working from home as the virus is contagious. Am set to take Valtrex another 2 days for a grand total of a week only I hope!