Ferrlecit (ferric sodium gluconate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ferrlecit (ferric sodium gluconate)

First infusion I was pre-medicated with 50mg of IV Benadryl, the infusion went well but after leaving I developed chest and back tightness and joint stiffness/swelling in the hand that I had the IV in. It was very painful to take a breath or move, but the provider said this can be a normal side effect. It subsided within a few hours. So we proceeded with the next infusion, I was only pre-medicated with 25 mg of Benadryl (because i was highly sedated the first time) but the infusion went great. UNTIL I got up to leave about 30-45 mins post infusion, was walking out the door and the chest/back tightness with pain on inspiration started and my hand began to swell and turn purple/red/blotchy. The reaction progressed quickly to hives and mottling on my upper and lower extremities. I got very flush, lightheaded, and my heart was racing. It didn't respond to another dose of IV Benadryl, 2 doses of IV steroids, and one IM epi. I was transferred to the ER. Next day I was completely drained, and now two days after I've developed severe lower back pain. Safe to say I'm never taking ferrlecit again.

Supposedly this is a very rare occurrence, but the infusion nurses told me they see a lot of reactions to ferrlecit, mine was just more severe. I will say though, that I did feel an improvement in my anemia symptoms about 7-10 days after my first dose.

Lower back pain, cramps, fatigue and muscle pain. Not as smooth as my previous iron infusion.

My energy levels are choppy. I still work, and I feel ferrlicit has normal, then a steep dip of fatigue after exertion of an hour.

125 mg over 1 hr w/100mL NS. All well until end of infusion when I suddenly developed SEVERE bilateral thoracic/lumber spasming which we thought was my kidneys. So excruciating upon inhalation that my SpO2 (O2 saturation) dropped below 70 & I went into tachycardia. VERY scary. This Rx may work but there are simply too many serious side effects. No thanks. I was terrified of anaphylaxis during my whole infusion so at least that didn't happen.

After research, Dr. said severe muscle spasming was side effect. Said from what he could tell it only affected skeletal muscle but, I wanted to let others know.

Blurred vision, lightheadedness, edema.

Have combated the first two side effects by doubling the amount of saline to 250ml and slowing the infusion time down to 100. Using diuretic to combat the edema. Have recently cut dose in half to 62.5 every four weeks. This drug is a lifesaver for me since I don't absorb iron at all.

Blurred vision, nausea and light headedness, and severeabdominal pain

I would not recommend this drug to anyone! I have been afraid ever since I took it of what the long-term negative effects may do to my body. I just checked it all about a year ago and started my Oxygen Therapy Program. Today I am healthier than I have ever been.

Next day is tough, severe joint pain and dizziness, Dr. now puts in a steroid with IV, for joint/muscle pain.

8 week course does work, have had it every 6 months, now on 1 IV a month.

Side Effects forferrlecit (ferric sodium gluconate) - User Comments


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works very well, but doesn't last 12 hours. better to take it 3x a day

I literally searched to see if anyone was having the same side effects as I was. Come to find out other people are experiencing the same ones! I've been having insomnia panic attacks going in the my almost third week taking it. I know it takes time to build up in your system but almost right away I was feeling chest pain, tingling limbs and pain in my temples. On my almost third week taking it I started having horrible insomnia panic attacks. I stopped taking it 2 days ago and I'm still having side effects. Just hoping this hell of a drug will be out my system all the way soon. I can't believe they are prescribing this medication to people. They don't tell you these side effects!!

Gave this to our 10-year-old Sunday afternoon for constipation, an ongoing issueAnd her stomach gurgled very loudly the next two days, she developed diarrhea as well.stayed home from school because of immediate, urgent and not always successful sprints to the restroom.

I have been experiencing these side effects for months, but thought it was just me, moody beast that I am. After looking at all the comments here I'm now concerned and will go to my doctor for another medication. Blood pressure had been at its highest 170/85 or so. Now it ranges around 130/75. If I wasn't carrying an extra 40 pounds it might be less!

Was given by dentist for teeth and jaw pain for a maybe sinus infection.Guess was not a infection because it did nothing but give me a delayed case of the squirts two weeks later.This stuff is hard to get out of your system.

Depression, anxiety, sadness, hot/cold flashes, restlessness, awoke in the middle of the night with racing heartbeat.