Pfizer-biontech covid-19 (covid vaccine mrna) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pfizer-biontech covid-19 (covid vaccine mrna)

I had only short term side effects after my first, however immediately after receiving my 2nd vaccine, I developed a severe headache, which lasted for several weeks and sub cutaneous bleeding. This was followed by shingles and, within months, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (Cancer). I live an active, low stress life in a rural area with clean air, and consume locally farmed vegetables, fruit & meat. I had no pre- existing health conditions prior to the vaccine.

I will never take a third dose as I know so many who have had severe or fatal adverse effects after this vaccine.

This is for the new monovalent Pfizer Covid Vaccine (available from December 11 in Australia, I believe a few months earlier in some other countries). Fatigue, some aches in muscles but nowhere as bad as the Moderna bivalent earlier in the year. Weird but not upsetting dreams alternating with insomnia at night.

Apparently Pfizer is a bit weaker than Moderna. I had Moderna bivalent last booster and it was way worse. I'll probably stick with Pfizer from now on. Day 4, still a bit tired, need a rest each day, but AM able to go out shopping, for a drive etc and was wiped out for over a week on the Moderna bivalent. In Australia there is a lot of apathy about the Covid vaccines, but I have had all mine. It's just a personal choice.

I have had no side effects at all from 4 vaccines. My last one was 11/2022. I am a nurse and out of our whole Internal Medicine department at a large teaching hospital no one had an severe reactions at all. Some had the low grade fever or aches, that's it that I know of.

I would recommend getting the vaccine. I do wonder how honest people are about their "side effects" on here or if they inflate them. If that's the case it is not helpful.

The immune response was very strong upon getting the third dose. A large, painful lump developed in my right armpit and I felt like I caught COVID-19 without the breathing problems.

Third dose received December 5th, 2021.

I never have a reaction to anything and I had extreme dizzy episodes for a month after getting this vaccine. I would have to sit down. I also felt extremely energetic. It clearly did something to my brain.

I only had 2 doses a year ago. I just had Covid last week again and it only lasted 2 days. So I guess the vaccine helped.

Pfizer's vaccine. Leg cramps, horrible pain, irregular heartbeat, fluttering and racing heart, 2 aortic spleen aneurysms, enlarged gallbladder, liver, brain fog, no energy, hair falling out, rash on face, neuropathic pain, headaches, tinnitus.double vision, eye pain

sore arm, felt very unwell for about 5 days

this was the bivalent vaccine booster and I didn't have reactions to other boosters as I did this one.

fatigue and arm soreness and unwell

This was the bivalent booster. Very little reaction to the other boosters.

Pain and stiffness at injection site.

Injection given at Meijer Pharmacy, Howell, Michigan. 5th dose of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.

Received the new omicron booster. I had sore arm and felt sick that night but better next day. Still have sore arm next day.

I didn't have any side effects with the first 3 Pfizer shots -- only this new booster had effects that made me feel sick.

Sore arm at injection site, some loss of energy & slight headache the day after vaccination.

Had 1st and 2nd initial vaccines plus a booster in October 2021. Have not contracted Covid-19. Time for another booster.

Sore arm, mild fever, dizzines, sore muscles, diarrhea and chills.

Only diarrhea after the first dose. Other side effects (feeling very dizzy for a few days and flu-like symptoms) after second and third dose.

R sided chest pain, extreme fatigue during ADLs such as washing dishes or cleaning a litter box. Palpatation as well, chest pain was not relieved by rest in it's entirely but it was reduced. This began approximately 5/6 hours after my second dose. As a healthcare professional I recorded and monitored my symptoms. As they worsened by the third day I made an appointment with my own HCP, where I discovered I had pericarditis and was prescribed a corticosteroid. I never wanted the vaccine and was strong armed into receiving it, but I never truly thought I would have any adverse effects. The inflammation and pain have since subsided.

Sore arm for two days. Couldn't sleep on that side.

Heart palpitations, extreme depression, skin rashes, migraine. I still don't feel right and I think this may have screwed up my entire life

Headache, diarrhoea, nausea, dizziness and falls.Exacerbation of leukodystrophy.I have ALD, a form of leukodystrophy. Since having this vaccine, I have had nerve irritation and increased disease activity, including sphincter disturbance where my bowel completely emptied multiple times a day or after eating. I have had three falls due to dizziness since the vaccine also. Headaches and nausea.I can't afford to lose weight, I am already thin.Dr will not accept that my side effects are related to vax, even though these are documented side effects.

Not good, terrible aching arm for 4 days, temperature, sore throat for 5 days but the very worse is the headache lasting 9 weeks, fatigue and generally feeling like I had flu, stomach pains and loose bowels Affected the way my hrt worked aswell, completely brought back all menopause symptoms I've read this is a problem on many forums.

Had 1st,2nd and 3rd dose all 3 have caused horrible side effects, the continuous headache for 9 weeks being the worse, I definitely will not have any more, 3 is enough I'm sick of being ill from being vaccinated, who knows what the long term consequences of it will be too.

Sore arm the next day, slight fatigue, a little congestion (but that may not be related). Day 3 still sore arm not as bad.

This was the booster shot - taken 8.5 months after the second innoculation (all 3 Pfizer). Received it at same grocery store pharmacy where got the second - availability is good now - you can just do a walk-in and then shop right after you get the vaccine.

Side Effects forpfizer-biontech covid-19 (covid vaccine mrna) - User Comments


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I took 75mg Effexor XR for the first couple of years and then increased it to 150mg which I've been on for the last 4 years or so. It has been very successful for me and have no desire to stop. Unfortunately the reality is that all drugs have risks and side effects and you have to determine if the results are worth it to you.

I have been taking this medication for 4-5 months now, and will no longer take it. I'm going to concentrate on diet and excercise. Maybe when I'm 70 yrs old I'll take this, but not at 35!

I have lost about 10 lbs so far, and this drug has really affected my appetite. Food doesn't taste the same, I feel full almost immediately. Sometimes I don't feel "well", and can't put my finger on it as to why. I must avoid high fat meals or food at all costs, because it causes major diarrhea. Once I adjust how/when I take this medication, I think I will do fine, and overall, it beats being on Metformin which caused me to have instant uncontrollable diarrhea. I don't mind taking the injections, and the pen is easy to use. It really helps to know that others are experiencing the same/similar side effects.

One episode of rapid heart palpitations, perhaps injected into a vein. Pain at injection site for 20 minutes at bedtime, thigh sites are the most painful.