Moderna covid-19 vaccine (covid vaccine mrna) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Moderna covid-19 vaccine (covid vaccine mrna)

2 weeks after second shot, landed in hospital with acute pulmonary embolism and left leg DVT.

I understand that this vaccine is at full strength 14 days after the second shot. Problems started 13 days after the shot. Can't help wonder.

Swollen leg this was the vaccine bivalent from September 2022. Had no reaction to the first 3 vaccines all moderna

4th dose I will get Pfizer next time

Septic Arthritis /OsteomyelitisNerve Injury/Neurological InjuryPotential Autoimmune condition triggeredHeart DamageTransient StrokeWidespread never-ending painTrouble walking,Left side injury/damageBladder RetentionDisautonomiaNeuropathic Nerve Pain..Moderna you ruined and are slowly taking my life

First Dose widespread full body painSecond Dose widespread full body pain and above mentioned lists of Injury and ongoing conditions,neurological problems

This is my fifth shot, having had Astrazeneca (2), Pfizer (2) and now this bivalent (Omicron and Delta targetting) by Moderna. Felt nothing for 24 hours but have been laid low for a week now with extreme fatigue, fever, occasional aching limbs and changed food preferences. Suddenly wanting tasty fried and fast food. I've been pretty much bed bound and wondering how those who are in work force manage this.

I'm hoping I'll get back to normal soon. In Australia we don't have the app you mention. I'm glad Americans are so vigilant and report experiences. Thankyou.

3rd booster. Rash all over body including head. Very itchy. Difficult to sleep. I don’;t know if I will take #4 Bi-valiant booster. Ugh

3rd Moderna Booster. Feb.17, 2023 at doctor’s office.I thought i had sinusitis in Nov. 2022, tested positive at hospital ER for COVID. Only 4 hours in hospital. Lung X-ray clear. Intense pain and fever. Sent home w prescriptions.

I feel unwell with occasional chest pain.

Killed 2 friends. Heart attack and second blood clots

Arm pain the first day, cold sweats and chills in the night, fatigue for a day or so after

Nothing out of the ordinary to report after 3 doses. Had the typical symptoms and no long term affects that I can reasonably suggest

Absolutely no isssues. Virtually Painless injection and no after effects whatsoever

5th vaccine previously 4 Pfizer - no ill effects with any

After each dose (I did all 3) I only had minor soreness in my arm the next day. I would much rather deal with that than even a minor case of COVID. I am grateful they made this vaccine. It has helped save lives and prevent unnecessary suffering.

Upper arm was sore for a couple days.

All 3 doses were totally fine, quick jab followed by a couple days of sore arm. Honestly TDAP hurts way more and for longer. The antivaxer wing of my family was crushed by COVID, half of them died and the other half caught it at least a few times each, whereas my wife, kids and I haven't even had a single case, despite being more social than the antivaxers and even visiting them on a few occasions. Won't hesitate to keep getting the Moderna COVID shots. It's a no-brainer.

1st shot, slight aches and pains. 2nd shot, muscle aches, sromach pain, gone in less than 2 days. 1st booster, achy, stomach pain, gone in a day. 2nd booster, swollen, hot, red, painful arm. Stomach pains. Achy, painful joints. 2nd booster was the worst of all. Still going on.

Have signed up for V safe app.

Arm soreness at injection site.

Fully vaccinated and 1 booster. I've been out and about around tons of people. I still haven't gotten COVID.

None for the first 2 but I got a fever after the booster and felt sick for a day or two.

I'm so glad I had these vaccines because I was with friends or family members the day before they got Covid ( all vaccinated too) and I have not gotten sick. I have been lucky.

The 2nd shot and booster both caused flu-like symptoms for about 24 hours, and then those side effects completely disappeared after about a day/a good night's rest. To elaborate: cold sweats, fatigue, tensed up muscles, and achy joints. My arm was sore too, but no different than any other vaccine that I've gotten that was intramuscular.

I've been vaccinated for a year, and boosted for about 4-5 months. Still haven't gotten sick despite having been exposed to people with Covid on numerous occasions.

Severe Allergic reaction to the booster. Day 20 of the reaction. Skin rashes, intense itching, swollen hands and feet, swelling of ears and head, night sweats, chest discomfort, weight loss.

Flu like symptoms, feeling of over all unwellness, sore at injection site, joint pain

Had my first and booster. First was at health department, second at Walmart and they were both the same effects.

Have had all 3 shots and booster Moderna. Have asthma and am a cancer survivor. Had flu-like symptoms (fever, fatigue, body aches) which worsened with each subsequent shot. Manageable, but I would not have been able to work the next day. Lasted one day acutely then felt "under the weather" for another day or two. No lasting effects.

Got a breakthrough infection a couple months after second dose. Fought it off well in spite of asthma/immune compromised status. And I was camping! So I felt it was worth it and got the booster as soon as I could.

Flu like symptoms next day. Tinnitus.

2 shots and booster. VSafe is useless and annoying. Frequently asking if you're dead.

Side Effects formoderna covid-19 vaccine (covid vaccine mrna) - User Comments


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