Janssen covid-19 vaccine (covid vaccine viral vector) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Janssen covid-19 vaccine (covid vaccine viral vector)

Fatigue, Terrible back pain, feeling of being unwell.

Felt Sick for a week, two weeks later, still felt off. Went to GP for blood tests, sent straight to hospital for 4 days..I had pulmonary embolism, DVT, Blood clots in lungs, legs and arms.

Experiencing some noticeable loss of equilibrium on movements that never caused that feeling before the vaccine.Dull headaches that come and go.

Carrying a window AC I could not put it down and started to fall forward, im a big guy and I ended up dropping it from about 4inches off the ground. Never had balance issues in my life.

Received initial dose at CVS Pharmacy on 3-12-2021. Vaccination given in left arm. Will receive 'booster' vaccine this coming Monday, November 8 at HEB Pharmacy.

First night no symptoms. Second day, could barely get out of bed due to headache, severe body aches, fever, fatigue. Third day, still had severe body aches and headache. Took Advil which helped with the body aches. Almost three weeks later, I still have intermittent headaches that are not relieved with Tylenol or Advil. I have now developed a tremor in my left thumb and mild intermittent chest pain, which I am going to report to the VAERS. I am so scared. I never wanted this vaccine, but was forced to get vaccinated by my school and work.

The vaccine was administered in my right arm. Single dose J&J done at my local Bashas pharmacy.

Wound up with a dvt in leg. Life altering

Given in arm. Tired 2 days then blood clot

Headache and sore arm. Lasted only one day.

Received shot in April of 2021 and still got Covid in July 2021. Believe it was the Delta variant

Physical: Mild headache, fatigue, chills, hotflashesPsychological: Emotionally labile, tearful, anxious, agitated, impulsive, depressed feeling. Lasted 2 days but very distressing.

Brief pinch pain during injection. Mild soreness at injection site for brief period ...24 hrs. No other side effects.

Administered at drive through event in very rural area ...located adjacent to firehouse. No did not sign up for app.

From jnj got blood spots on arms and hands. Went away after a week.Got one follow up pfizer shot, next day headache and tired one day only.

face & lip sweling/ migraine/went away with coffee

I had it at my retirement community. A fireman gave me the injection. I felt tired and a bit unwell for a couple of days. I had covid in December and spent three weeks in the hospital (no ventilator). My daughter cannot get both shots because of a heart condition so I'm glad I got mine. It was worth not feeling my best for a short time. She is proud of me for being brave.

My daughter says to write that people with bad reactions should report their experiences to the government through VAERS. I didn't have anything to report, which she agrees with because my reaction, she says, was "textbook" so there was nothing to say. She did report her reaction and I hope she was taken seriously. I was scared for her. I wish I could have helped her more.

Got mine at Kroger's Pharmacy in Galveston, TX on 5-14-21. One and DONE!

About 24 hours to the time of injection I got extremely cold hands and feet. Ran a fever of about 101 for about 5 hours.Mild headaches would come randomly at middle of sleep night for about 2 weeks. This is other than the expected arm soreness from the shot.

I have AutoImmune and Thyroid issues and lymph nodes removed in one arm and chest so I was hesitant to take the mRNA with problyene glycol. Luckly did not have any swelling of my arm or lymph nodes.Glad I did not know it could cause strokes. Anyway I was drinking Alka Seltzer every night in my usual routine.

Dull headache, tired, bottom of feet red and itchy x2 nights, swollen lymph nodes on throat and back of neck, small bouts of hives x5 days. Took Benadryl to help with reactions.

Arm felt sore next day - mild flu symptoms

Side Effects forjanssen covid-19 vaccine (covid vaccine viral vector) - User Comments


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I'd rather not be on this drug, but I have no choice. I'm thankful to God I was able to get new valves to keep me alive. Taking the medicine is necessary for my artificial heart valves.It was overwhelming, at first, learning how certain foods could impact my blood thinning. I'm used to it now.What I really hate is having to get my blood tested every 2 weeks... and realize I'll do this until I die.

Over a month prior, I had a mild virus that I had mostly recovered from after 3 weeks except for an ear infection that occurred after travel with many flights. That had also gone away with antibiotics. However, I still had a little fluid on my ear and tinnitus so my doctor prescribed Flonase which I took for just two days without relief and with the side effects aforementioned.

my daughter suicided and left a baby and 11yr old child and husband plus hundreds of friends and a loving family behind. No longer cared, wasn't tested for anything prior

Gotta say, I thought it was the best thing. It wasn't explained to me before the surgery, the nurse simply asked me where I would like to go when I was asleep. I told her somewhere warm! She then told me to remember to come back when everything was over :) My next memory is sitting up in the hospital bed talking with my husband.The down side to this drug, at least for me, is that for the first week, I would repeat myself. I would start telling my hubby something...and it would sound vaguley familiar and I wouldn't know why, and he would tell me that I'd already told him about it. That lasted for about a week, I'm into my second post op week and although it still happens from time to time, it's not nearly as bad......but in all honesty, I'd rather not have ANY recollection about the surgery. I don't know that the Drs and nurses were being rude, making comments about me or anything else for that matter while I was under the influence of Versed. All I know is that it did it's job.

extreme anxiety, shaking. felt as if I was in a dream state and couldnt come out of it. memory loss. I would go to the gym and come out of the gym and not even remember walking into the gym and working out.

exhaustion, severe muscle pain, weight gain

Well its 3 weeks after stopping the cycle which was supposed to be 10 days but i stopped at 9. Side effects kicked in around day 3, depression alittle anxiety very cloudy head and dull thinking. 3 weeks after stopping and im still experiencing some weakness, cloudy headed and a little bit of random depression and anxiety both of which ive never had in my life. 1 week after stopping it i became very gassy burping all day for a few days. I did try to use probiotics to help but it doesnt really do much noticably.

I was put on Clomid after my miscarriage, I’ve just finished the first cycle, and won’t know for another 2 weeks if it worked but not sure if I want to repeat it...the constant bloating and gas is horrible but the pain around my ovulation was even worse....it’s like ovulation and period at the same time.

I had severe memory problems and thinking problems after I started to take this medication. This medication caused me permanant brain damage. I was a A student now I am a F to a D- student see the difference.

I am disappointed these symptoms may be side effects. ZOCOR lowered my Cholesterol dramatically to 39 and 84 with a total way under 200.Of course, it may not be the ZOCOR. And, even if I quit, maybe the nerve damage is done and the symptoms will never go away. We'll see!If you've had abnormal facial sensations, please let me know. BTW, today is February 9, 2005.