Qvar 80 (beclomethasone dipropionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Qvar 80 (beclomethasone dipropionate)

The medication betamethosone dipropionate is extremely effective. Used press and breathe inhaler for 10 years in UK. The Redihaler device is flawed

The device is seriously flawed and malfunctions after a varying number of actuations. Had 4 faulty devices. Each time had a flare up and deterioration in my asthma. Last time inhaler dispensed AFTER closure of cover. I required urgent medical treatment-Nebulizer prednisone and change of type of medication (Symbicort) to regain asthma control.The medication is effective. The device is seriously flawed and malfunctions after a varying number of actuations. Had 4 faulty devices. Each time had a flare up and deterioration in my asthma. Last time inhaler dispensed AFTER closure of cover. I required urgent medical treatment-Nebulizer prednisone and change of type of medication (Symbicort) to regain asthma control.Asthma control absolutely depends on continuous and uninterrupted use of the preventer medication. Patents on Redihaler serve to delay generic competition and is of financial interest. By continuing to produce Redihaler rather than revert to previous 'press and breathe' inhaler Teva is jeopardizing patient safety. It is horrifying and reprehensible that a defective device is still being produced and marketed by the manufacturer and maintains FDA approval.I have reported to the FDA and filed a voluntary report online called MEDWATCH. Please do the same. Does anyone know of any litigation about this flawed device?

Extreme insomnia for 48 hours straight. I literally could not sleep or rest whatsoever this medication put me into extreme insomnia. I even tried a sleeping pill and nothing but quitting this drug enabled sleep. This is a bad drug.

Asthma symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, wheezing) worsened. Insomnia (the last night I took it, I was awake the entire night), anxiety, increased heart rate and pounding heart, loss of appetite, food tasted differently and was very bland, extreme weakness, changed sense of smell (kept smelling weird, rotten type smell).

I couldn't even try to sleep or relax in a recliner, because I would start coughing immediately if I didn't stay completely sitting up. Because of the extreme weakness, worsened breathing problems and loss of appetite, I thought I had developed pneumonia, but my x-rays were fine. Symptoms started improving the day after disconuing QVAR.

Really effective on controlling my asthma symptoms. I'm glad my doctor recommended

my 5 year old son Developed severe anxiety depression aggression nightmares frequent melt downs completely changed my sweet happy funny boy into a crazed depressed little boy AWFUL DO. NOT GIVE THIS MEDICATION TO YOUR CHILD he has been off it for 5 days and I am seeing such an improvement in his personality thank god my happy little boy is back

DO NOT GIVE TO CHILDREN!!!! If you must please pay close attention to any personality changes

First few days were great. I noticed an almost instant improvement in my ability to breathe. No more tightness in my chest. By day 4 tightness was coming back, but I've developed a consistent headache and extreme agitation that causes me to tremble. I have to stop taking it. These side effects are awful, and not an even trade of symptoms. :(

It takes this medicine time to show side effects. Give it a good chance before you throw it out. But listen to your body.

Keeps airways open, dramatically reduced need for albuterol inhaler.

I feel pain in my throat and unable to swallow food naturally without chocking ever since I started Qvar. It feels like any small pieces of food particles go to my nasal cavity instead of esophagus

Pulmonary fibrosis, inflamation

I was doing 4 puffs twice a day and had immediate side effects, couldn’t breathe well, more wheezing, I felt extremely lethargic almost like somebody drugged me. I got a bad yeast infection in my mouth, I feel achy, along with musclepain, fatigue, headaches, very nauseous.I had to take my rescue inhaler each time I did this medication, the rescue in Hailer quit working.

I had to take my rescue inhaler each time I did this medication, the rescue inhaler quit working. I would never recommend this medication and I will never be taking this medication again.

I am not wheezing and getting out of breath all the time. QVAR 80 has worked wonders for me.

Tongue and throat pain even when rinsing and brushing teeth after. Hurts to talk.

Gave me pneumonia. Don't know why an allergist would prescribe it for an asthmatic

Stay away from this drug if you have asthma

It caused me to have severe headaches, nausea, vomiting and eventually for second time I realized it altered my antidepressant medication and I became very depressed. I was told by my doctor it was ok and wouldn't cause a problem. Not!

I have been taking various inhaled corticosteriods for 12 years to prevent scar tissue in my trachea from growing (from intubation trauma) and I have not had side effects from them. I was nervous about using it while pregnant, but I had 2 healthy pregnancies with normal birth weight babies. I do always rinse my mouth out after using the inhaler.

Muscle and joint pain, rash and persistent cough

I thought I had to take it, missed my drs. appts and then found out it wasn't meant to be permanent:(

slight short cough for 4 months

this did not do anything to help my cough, not even sure I have asthma, I think it's a cough from allergies, but drs only spend 15-20 min with you...decided to taper off of qvar, that's when I started having stomach problems; severe bloating & nausea since my last dose, can hardly eat.

carefully consider if you need this as getting off of it, even after a short time, is not fun.

Laryngitis that I still have after being off it almost 3 weeks. Vocal cords feel swollen. Terrible medication.

Taking 3 yrs for COPD. Almost died before this medication. Started (after a Predisone treatment) with 4 a day about 3-4 months then 3 a day for a month, then two a day for one month, then one a day, which I'm still taking 3 yrs later... no breathing problems since starting QVAR80.

Major nonstop headaches daily and dizziness

Ive been taking QVAR for the last two weeks and have noticed an increase in headache pain and dizziness. It would happen daily with no relief even with pain meds. The only change in my life was I started using the QVAR. Ive stopped the medication as of yesterday.

Every day I took this inhaler, I found it harder and harder to breathe. I felt like I had a heavy weight on my chest. I quit after 7 days. This is not a cure. It says on a medical website that it suppresses your immune system. Now I have an ear infection to be treated for. I would recommend changing your diet for a real cure. It has to do with inflammation.

Read 'The Allergy & Asthma Cure' by Fred Pescatore. Makes more sense.

QVAR 80 (BECLOMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE): Beclomethasone is used to prevent and control symptoms (wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing the swelling of the airways in the lungs to make breathing easier. This medication must be used regularly to prevent breathing problems (attacks of wheezing/shortness of breath). It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve an asthma attack. If an attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I am a Competitive swimmer - I swim 2 miles - 3 to 5 days a week. Everything stayed consistent, diet exercise, and I have gained weight to the tune of 10 pounds in 9 months. When I started Synthroid (50 MCG) my Thyroid number was off the chart 121.8. After 6 Months my Thyroid number was down to 45, upped dose to 100 MCG and my Thyroid number is down to 27.5. I am now on 150 MCG, and will see what happens in 3 months. I am getting my hair back. I now am seeing a B12 deficiency and my Cholesterol number 170 overall, however my LDL is up from 114 to 125 and my HDL dropped from 39 to 33. My Target number for Thyroid is 1. So I have a ways to go.

. cognitive impairment, fatigue, joint pain although I manage to run 4 miles a day-new symptom is terrible gerd similar to what I experienced with chemo. esopagus to stomach burning sensation which worsens after eating. getting off femara for a month but from what I read might not be long enough to get symptom relief. I'm afraid of long term effects but also afraid to decide to stop femara as I am fearful of recurrence.

Gained roughly 20 pounds, I rarely experience muscle cramps. At the start my legs twitched.

No problems to start with then at the 2 week mark I had sudden onset of dizziness, not related to head movement but exacerbated by it. I stopped taking the drug a couple of days ago but the dizziness is still persisting, though less than it was.

I got on this medication way back in 1997 when it was new. I'd tried just about everything else before this. For over 6 months this was the only medicine I was on and I felt happy and was sleeping really well. I would take something like .5 mg to 1 mg every other day or a few times a week. In 1998 my OCD returned and I got overwhelming anxiety. I did the tour of psych units that year and even had shock treatment. The risperidone was upped to 2 mg a day and celexa, hydroxyzine, and klonapin was added. I finally stabilized. I felt very calm and stable, but still had some depression. In 2003 my partner was diagnosed with lung cancer. I was able to be there for him emotionally like he was there for me when I had the breakdown in 1998. I'm so grateful I was able to remain stable emotionally through the 3 and a half years of his illness and after he passed away. It is now 2010. Several months ago my sleep became disrupted for no apparent reason. I would wake up after a few hours, stay up for a few hours and then try to get a few more hours of sleep. I could deal with this, but the last couple weeks the anxiety has once again kicked in big time after being stable for over 10 years. So I'm going up to 3 mg of risperadone and it seems to be helping. I'm also still taking the other medications I listed above. I read a lot of the reviews on here that were frightening and I'm really glad the risperadone worked so well for me. It along with the other meds saved my life.

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