Pulmicort (budesonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pulmicort (budesonide)

Extreme fatigue, anxiety, excessive urination, eye problems, sleep disturbance.

When I first started taking it I felt fine. Helped me breathe easier. However, as time went on I started to feel unwell. Didn't make the connection to the medication until all of the above side effects started getting severe. Scary to think a med could make me that sick! Stopped using it 5 days ago. Finally am starting to feel more like myself again. Have used Albuterol when needed for years and never had any issues. I hope doctors use caution when recommending this drug and educate patients on what to watch for with side effects. My doc never mentioned anything. Grateful I realized what was going on and got off this drug!!

Cough was worse ever in life.Heart palpitationsInsomniaAnxietyPanicFaint/dizziness

Severe anxiety and depression. Spots in front of my eyes that look like little black floating dots, hoarseness, sore throat, diarrhea, swollen face increased heart rate. And I still have a bad cough even when I take it. Difficulty focusing at work and staying on task. Unusual dreams and loss of appetite. I am supposed to take this twice a day but I cut back to once a day and only take it at night when I go to bed so that I can sleep without the asthma acting up. However, the side effects are not worth the benefit. My doctor told me to discontinue use for 3 to 4 days and see how I responded once I started it again. I had the same exact responses. This medication may work for some people but it did not benefit me due to the severe and numerous side effects from it.

Chills, anxiety, couldn't sleep. This is a bad medication!

Extreme anxiety, panic attacks, unable to think clearly, unfounded fears, cycling mood swings

tension, nervousness, insomnia, trouble concentrating, mild depression, irritability, general weakness

It does help with the allergic asthma symptoms, but it is hard to put up with the side effects. Also my menstrual cycle has been completely off with bleeding for 2 weeks, since I started the medication. I do not know if this is related.

I haven’t experienced any side effects from the Pulmicort Flexhaler

I was prescribed this after a year of chronic rhinitis. I’ve NEVER had allergies or asthma in my life until my last year of my 30’s and it’s still an enigma as to “WHY” Pulmicort has improved my way of life and has lessened my 3 to 4x’s a day use of Albuterol. Cannot wait to start running again.

My son will get a asthma attack on occasion and my wife starts cramming medicine in him. One of the things that has been prescribed to him is pulmicort. When it was given to him before bed he would wake up screaming and completely incoherent. He would have these night terrors and even though he was looking at you and speaking to you, I could tell he wasn't awake. I have forbidden my wife from ever giving him pulmicort again. When your child is screaming as if he is scared to death and nothing you do soothes him, this is a problem. Once he actually wakes up from this he doesn't remember anything. How is this even permissible to ever give to a young child! What if something bad happened? I could never live with myself. This stuff is terrible and I will make sure my son never takes this again.

Hyperactivity, can't concentration, inattention, anger, agitation, can't sit still, impulsivity, unable to calm down, bad behavior. Corticosteroids interfere with school.

Do not give pulmicort to children at school. They will get in trouble. Their teachers will think they have ADD or ADHD. It's the corticosteroids causing the bad behavior.

Initially thougt i had anxiety but was asthma attack as result of braai smoke. Works well now with no side effects

My son was on this when he was 2 and despite continuous and routine treatments, he had asthma crisis almost every month. The doctor then decided to increase the medicine strength from .25 to .5. After this increase, he was getting colds, pneumonia, and infections pretty often which lead to asthma attacks. I asked his doctor if this medicine weakened his immune system and he said yes. Then I asked him if it it's weakening his immune system then is it counteracting the goal because every time he is sick, he has asthma attacks. I couldn't get a straight answer. From that moment, I took him off of Pulmicort and told the doctor I still was giving it to him. Since then, my son has no asthma attacks and he's now 14 years old.

To improve asthma and peakflow

Initially went well with a far better peakflow. Woke up at 2 in the morning with tight feeling chest, sweat and anxiety. Took my wifes urbanol and felt better. This turbuhaler is certainly causing anxiety

Uses for one day. Initialy thought i found a miracle until anxiety occurred. Too scared to use again.

I have severe adrenal gland problems now. Extremely high blood pressure. Have IIH. All probably caused by this drug.

I have been on this for 15 years. These last three years have been hell. I started on a higher dose three years ago and within 2 weeks was in the emergency room. Developed panic attacks, high anxiety, constantly light headed and was diagnosed with IIH. It has taken me almost 3 years to overcome all of this somewhat. I only inhale one half dose every three days and this has helped a lot. Drs can's say that this drug is the cause but I can. Now I seemingly have growths on one adrenal gland!! Seemingly Pulmicort can cause that. I would never had started this if I had known but it was a newish drug 15 yrs ago. Stay away from this drug, if you are giving it to your kid please do your research!!

Bone loss, 3 inches in height. Fatigue, adrenal gland problems.

When I first started taking it I asked dr about side effects. He said not to worry as I wouldn't be taking it that long. Now it has been 15 years and I can't stop taking it or I can't breathe.

My 4 year old daughter is diagnosed with asthma.attacks are sporadic the last one was a week ago,previous to that it was last August.the doctor has been asking is to give her pulmicort.extremely scared of the side effects.Her trigger in August was due to the vacuume Car and put her in right away.2 week ago the trigger was at my sisters house who had brand new carpet put in and she had the windows all open and the weather was below zero.the next morning she got an attack.I just wonder being sporadic in her attacks does she need to be on pulmicort?I have purchased the medication.

My daughter had 2 very severe cases of RSV and was hospitalized. She's needed oral steroids for breathing problems with other colds before too. Her Dr prescribed a 2x daily dose of budesonide (pulmicort) and almost instantly she couldn't sleep. I cut it down to once a day (although the Dr said it shouldn't be a problem) and even with just a single dose her behavior changed. She was angry, threw screaming and shaking fits, and eventually woke up at night screaming and shaking violently screaming "No!" for an hour. I went to give her the medicine the next day and she was scared. I finally asked if the medicine hurt her and she said yes. I didn't give it to her and she was fine that night. A complete 180 from the previous weeks of night terrors and bad, aggressive behavior. I feel awful that I subjected my daughter to this drug.

my son was diagnosed with asthma

Side effects my son experienced;aggressiveness,weight loss, fidgety, and unable to focus.

Lack of focus, aggressive behavior. Our son has been on pulmicort on and off for 2 years. I had always noticed aggressive behavior while taking it. He had just been on it for 2 weeks and his teacher made the comment to me today how "spaced out" he had been the last couple of weeks and that it wasn't like him. Towards us, he'd be aggressive and disrespectful - totally unlike him. I will be avoiding this med at all costs from now on.

My son too became very agressive on this. I wish I had discontinued it a long time ago because not only are his teeth stained but he is also in the 5th percentile for height.

PULMICORT (BUDESONIDE): Budesonide is used to control and prevent symptoms (wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works directly in the lungs to make breathing easier by reducing the irritation and swelling of the airways. This medication must be used regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden asthma attacks. If an asthma attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Stomach pain, loose painful bowel movements, nightmares. Still had fever after day four or taking.

Keeps my blood pressure down but my lower back n legs are always sore

Would try going off the pain meds without this medication-try other things -like clonidine or OTC meds.

Extreme stomach pain, bladder spasms so bad that I coudnt sleep.Bloating, trapped gas and vivid dreams which I can still remember 3 days later.Told nt t take it anymore after only two days and on four day pain is still present.This drug should not be on the market! It is DANGEROUS, also having kidney pains after med is stopped.

PRO: lighter period CONS: breakthrough bleeding, more cramping with period (and breakthrough bleeding),EXTREME ANXIETY, loss of appetite, nausea, general ill feeling, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain/discomfort.

This is a horrible and potentially deadly drug. I intend to look into natural alternatives to this 'drug' with so many horrible side effects. There has to be a better way to live than this!

I have overcome general anxiety disorder naturally and use xanax for sudden panic attacks when I can't control them myself. When I first started taking xanax, I took half my pill and would get a little stomach discomfort and gas. Xanax is not strong compared to other drugs and what I like best about it is that it doesn't make me feel weird or fatigued. I just feel relaxed. I think people who are complaining about this medication are probably taking too much and are introducing it into the body too quickly. A perfect doeage of xanax should make you feel normal but just more calm.