Omnaris (ciclesonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Omnaris (ciclesonide)

Terrible nightmares. I had taken this drug a few years prior with the same side effect.

This side effect should be listed in the instructions. It appears I am not the only person who has experienced this. I will never take this drug again.

Hate it it hurts my neck and back

Could not breathe through my nose. Could not sleep. Headache. Nose bleeds. Sinus congestion got worse. Inflammation of the nasal lining.

Extreme insomnia, anxiety heightened (currently diagnosed with general anxiety/depression) when I can sleep I have horrible nightmares, cold/hot sweats.

Prescribed to my son for sinus infection. Sinuses were clear but he had a constant migraine headache behind his eyes for 5 weeks. Ended up in hospital for 5 days. Eeg, MRI all clear and doctors had no idea as to what was causing the headaches. He was treated with anti-inflammatory medication, which didn’t help and caused an ulcer. Read reviews on line for the nasal spray and decided to stop using it. Within 24 hours the headaches started improving and were gone within 3 days. 3 months later we are still trying to get his system to recover from all the unnecessary medication had we only known it was the nasal spray.

Nasal polyps and chronic sinnisitis

I started noticing a foggy head feeling, anxiety symptoms with tachycardia, and fatigue!! Never thought a nasal spray which is supposed to act locally can cause all of this. And Everytime I told my ENT doc about these symptoms he would say it wouldn't cause it., he says it probably psychological. I just stopped it today when I read some of the comments and I'm going to go with my gut feeling. How long before I begin to see some relief of the side effects? Please reply to me

rebound headaches if you stop taking it

I tried other steroid nasal sprays, Omnaris is superior to all of them. They all just ended up down my throat and caused burning. Omnaris is amazing, it stays right where it should be, it stops my headaches, and never any sore throat. The manufacturer and the company with the patent got into a spat and stopped making it for a few months. That sucked! Shame on them for their games.

Ringing and incredible pressure in my ears, spike upward in blood pressure from 118/75 to 168/102. Severe anxiety and feeling totally detached from reality, nausea and total fatigue. Bad med!! Going back to saline nasal spray and nasal irrigation to clean my sinuses. This holistic approach to allergy patients is proven. This stuff is poison and physicians should warn their patients about the side effects.

Cannot believe this along with other nasal steroids were approved by the FDA.

Extreme fatigue. Felt like I haven't slept at all. I'm also kind of anxious. I won't take it again. It seems that all of these types of steroid nasal sprays have the same symptoms.

Extreme fatigue!! Almost considered going to the ER. Also behavioral side effects as well. Will never use this medication again. Felt far worse than before I started using it.

agressionoverly emotional reactionsinconsolability

My son is 6 and has a history of sensitivity to steroids. He already takes a Qvar inhaler daily but we've been trying a few nasal sprays to see if they could help his constant congestion (his adenoids are very enlarged) but first nasacort and now this have caused horrible behavioral side effects. He is weepy all the time, super hard to transistion from one activity to the next without melting to the floor in a tearful tantrum and aggressive behavior that is super unlike my usually sweet boy.

On the 2nd morning my eyes were puffy and almost swollen shut. Same thing every morning after taking this spray

I really had no noticeable side effects, it just didn't work as well as Astelin (an antihistamine).

This nasal spray is good if you have to be off of antihistamines for a week or so in order to get allergy skin testing. Other than that, I prefer a nasal antihistamine like Astelin. It works better for my nasal allergies than Omnaris.

I have used 3 or 4 prescription sprays over the years. All caused sores in my nose, some caused me to be jittery and hyper, some caused insomnia.Symptoms improved with Omnaris but unfortunately after one prescription my insurance company will no longer pay for Omnaris because it is more expensive than the ones that have a generic equivalent.

Severe Congestion and Nasal Polyps.

At first it started to work well, then i felt like it wasn't. Then I started getting nosebleeds and a really sore throat. At around the fifth month, I decided to try to get back on it, upon the recommendation from my Allergies--but my congestion failed to improve--I kind of feel it got worse, but its really hard to be sure. Either way Omnaris wasn't helping.

made me extra horny. this is great. boner for days.

OMNARIS (CICLESONIDE): This medication is used to treat symptoms of the nose (stuffiness or congestion, runny nose, itching, and sneezing) caused by seasonal and year-round nasal allergies. Ciclesonide works by reducing the swelling (inflammation) of the nasal passages. It belongs to the class of drugs known as corticosteroids. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The significant side affect that I experienced was total loss of taste at 3 months.

I am taking this with benzodiazepines for akathisia. Though it stops the akathisia, I feel like I am living in a tunnel. I cannot access memories unless they are cued. I have a relative you is a pharmacist, and they have reported that other people taking this have the same problem. Don't take this unless you are forced too.

In the beginning with the .5 mg I felt like I was on strong Valium. After a couple days and into the higher dosage very few tastes and smells were unaffected. Beef tasted rotten and sweets all taste odd. Most of what I like tastes different and unappealing so I force food down with little enjoyment. Mild but controllable agitation for brief time periods. Always sleepy. No energy. I force myself to get things done. Brief feelings of depression which are controllable. The dreams are interesting and weird but not scarey. (Only thing I like). I have cut back smoking by half on work days but don't find a lot of difference on days off when it's easier. Wish it would make them taste as bad as food. Had to cut out morning dose. Nausea preventing me from getting ready for work. Calming without a CIG? Yes. Miracle drug? No. Going to keep on it trying though. My last hope.

Could very well be the male birth control pill! Really no change in anxiety level yet- only 3 weeks in. Ready to quit!

I have always been a very healthy person. 4 months of taking BC pills led to a PE. Please all you women out there be careful if you take BC pills, get your blood tested! I wonder why one has to be on coumadin for the typical 6 months and, is this the average time doctors have come up with? Does anyone out there have the leg pain thing going on? I take 7 mg daily.Yes, I am grateful to be alive as well but looking forward to getting off the' rat poison' !

It was worth a try but did nothing for my GAD or depression, but did a number on my checkbook though. 8-)

I am on day 6 of a 10 day prescription for a sinus infection. I stopped taking this medication last night because I broke out in hives and started to itch like a dog. I have never had hives in my life. This medication took care of the sinus infection but my oh my the side effects are NO fun. I have felt like death while on this medication. I have taken this before with no issues but NOT this time! Once the hives showed up, I threw in the white flag, I can't do it anymore. I won't go over ever single side effect again but rest assured, I've had every one that I listed here. They sneak up on you very slowly and bam! This is a STRONG medication so be sure you know what your doing before you take it.