Nasonex (mometasone furoate monohydrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nasonex (mometasone furoate monohydrate)

Anxiety,panic, depression, fatigue, vertigo vision, racing heart, ear popping.

Thank god I came across this thread. No over reaction I thought I was dying and my health anxiety went straight to brain tumor. Side effects steadily crept in around 2.5 week mark. I've now been off this utter rubbish for a week. I'm feeling abit better but still lingering side effects. Would be nice to know how long it took others to get over the side effects?

OMG!!, I am so glad I found this page, I've been using generic Nasonex for about 6 weeks, starting about 4 weeks ago I started having these weird panic attack feelings, but the feeling lasted for hours, it was horrible!! It took me a while to connect the dots because I thought well its an OTC medicine it has to be safe right? Wrong!! This stuff is dangerous, my stomach ached and ached, my anxiety was through the roof, my hands and feet itched/tingled, this stuff is poison!! Since stopping it everyday I've felt better. I will never take a steroid nasal spray again, I'd rather have my sinuses completely plugged up Then go through that again!!!

Leaving this for my fellow hypochondriacs: no, (this time) you aren't crazy. And you will be fine after it finally gets out of your system. I've had a lot of panic attacks in my days on this earth and NOTHING comes close to the 24/7 ones that this trash drug gave me after building up in my system. It started out so great that I didn't want to believe it at first but yup, this stuff actually has the potential to raise your resting heart rate by 20-30 BPM and give you 24/7 physical anxiety that can turn into the nastiest panic attacks you'll ever have.

Have been off it a little over a week. Have seen some improvements but not out of the woods yet it seems. If you started taking this and noticed *any* symptoms that seem to indicate heightened stress/anxiety/adrenaline levels then stop immediately before it’s too late.

Dizziness and feeling disorientated.

After taking this for 3-4 days I realised I started to feel dizzy at times during the day. Then I put 2 and 2 together. I stopped taking it yesterday and I'm still feeling dizzy through the day and brain fog. This is insane that a nose spray cause cause such crazy side effects. Black listing this and hopefully I feel normal soon.

Side effects experienced with flonase: This drug is a real poison, the same as Nasonex. I would like to warn everyone, please think ten times before taking it. I got a severe dizziness, headache and sinus pressure the next day after I bought Nasonex. I started to have tingling in my left foot, heart palpitations and brain fog. I had to stop my work and stay home as I thought I would lose my consciousness. At first I didn’t attribute my symptoms to the drug, because doctors and pharmacists assured me that they are extremely safe. They are probably paid by big pharma to sell this poison. When I realized that my symptoms were due to Nasonex and as I still had a severe sinus pressure I decided to change it for Avamis(Flonase) and everything got even worse. Things slowly started to get back to normal only when I completely stopped taking that poison. The scariest thing is that the damage stays long after you discontinue. Please stay away from this poison. Never again am I using Nasonex or Flonase. I don’t trust doctors even more after this, they are either ignorant or have a special interest to sell that poison. If I were in US I would file a lawsuit against the manufacturers

My son got prescript Nasonex for a blocked nose, couch after a bad flu to use it for 3 months. After the first month, around 30 days, he started developing different motor tics such as moving head up and down, eye blinking and started to have speech gaps and it remain blocked for a couple of seconds with eyes closed and did not say anything. Besides this he started to become very anxious and with a lot of mood changes, it looked like a different child. We as a parents have been very worried and started to think from what could happen because he has been a very active and healthy boy and at the last instances we tough that it may be from Nasonex because it was the only thing that changed in his life during the last month. After finding this site and reading all this review, we have immediately stop using this medicine and soon after, in a few days his condition already started to improve. The tics started to fade and to disappear and all the other issues. After 4 days he look like he is returning to normal, it only remain a mild motor tic some time to time of moving his head back and forward a little.

Do not use this medicine unless it is really needed and it is the last instance in children's. It has a lot of bad adverse reaction and could have a very big impact for life. I will never use this kind of substances anymore even hot bad it is the situation. For some children there are no reactions at all but for some are very bad. In my country, Romania, doctors are prescription every time for allergies, blocked nose, flu etc. and they do not aware about this reactions and also are not aware of even listen to you if you state that this kind of situations could happen. Stay healthy!

treatment after sinus infection

Mood swings, depression, confusion, and most disturbing of all, ANGER. Not every minute of every day, but spiking sharp and fierce at the least provocation. I felt scared and out of control. The hypochondriac side of me was going places like brain tumor until it occurred to me it might have something to do with the steroids. Four days after stopping, my normal mood returned and the anger subsided. Now, one week out, I'm still very fatigued but assume it is just the hangover from my body having been so revved up. I'm certain it will pass with a bit of rest. But, wow, this was a scary time. A word that I've noticed which keeps repeating in these reviews is 'poison'. It's funny... I kept referring to my issue as 'brain poison.' It's very apt.

I wouldn't presume to tell others whether they should take it or not. It is a commonly prescribed drug and works for many, many people. (I'm sure the amount of negative reviews on this site is due to it attracting a self-selecting group: the aggrieved. When something works fine, you don't wind up on such sites.) However, if, like me, you have a history of a mood disorder, and even if your current treatment for it is working, I'd advise you to discuss with your doctor and proceed with caution. Or stop at the first signs of trouble and see if that works. Of course, if in a week or so after quitting you're still having symptoms, you may need to investigate for other causes. [disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional]

Anxiety, increased height rate, headaches

Very effective for nasal issues and helped with problems with the eustachian tube. However, the side effects are very aggravating and can last quite a while. I experienced more positives than negatives, but I would honestly not recommend it if you only have minor allergy issues or something like that.

Sinus Infections/Severe Allergies

It took me numerous blood tests to discover that this was causing my issues with my period, anxiety, depression, dizziness, nausea, GI issues, etc.

This medicine has left me feeling desolate. Anxious. Unable to start my day and enjoy life. I'm already being treated for depression and anxiety, and even though my treatment was working and I'd been stable and under control for 10 years, 7 to 8 months of daily use of this nasal spray has completely wrecked me. Please be cautious when using this.

Anxiety, fearful, anger, jittery

I can not believe that it was possible to get these horrendous symptoms from a little over the counter nasal spray. it seemed so impossible that once I felt better I needed to know for sure. I had a couple of more sprays and again felt the anxiety and other symptoms. This experience has completely changed my opinion regarding any and all prescribed and over the counter medication. I can not believe the makers of this drug do not know about theses side affects.

From the first spray, severe migraine and I mean severe could hardly walk, nausea possibly caused by the headache, strange jittery feeling, very random fast heart rate I wear a smart watch and my heart rate was spiking at 144 by just standing, badly affected my blood pressure caused a huge increase, won't use it ever again.

I didn't for one minute think a nasal spray could cause such awful side effects, my doctor doesn't believe me, I will stick to the saline sprays felt like I was going to stroke out with the migraine or have a heart attack with the heart rate and blood pressure, scary feeling

Chest tightening, anxiety, tired, loss of appetite, metallic taste in mouth, headaches/migraines, overall sick bodily feeling.

Honestly thought I could handle a lot, mind over matter was my game. This stuff is lethal, the feelings it gave me was out of my control. Stay the F away

Finally after 3months I know what is causing my anxiety insomnia and all bad thingsThis is complete poison and should be banned

Stomach ache. Really tired headache reduced appetite dry mouth aching legs feeling sick stuffy nose

Tightness in chest and throat, anxiety, heart palpitations, tiredness and depression, headaches and stomach issues.

Side effects slowly crept up and after 3 days using the spray I checked online and found this forum. Will be stopping this evening and asking for an alternative.

Dizzy, lightheaded, chronic fear that I'm going to pass out, jittery, heart palpitations, headaches, severe anxiety which I have never suffered from even in a mild form.

Stay away, Dr's need to be more careful prescribing this and tell patients about these side effects as very few of them are listed on the product leaflet. NEVER AGAIN.

This drug has changed our sweet, happy little boy into a depressed shell of himself.He's been telling me for a couple of weeks now he's sad and doesn't know why. He's been disengaged and distant. Most recently waking each night hysterically crying saying he's sad and doesn't know why. He says he has scary thoughts of things hurting him.It wasn't until I found this forum that I see he's not the only one.I'm so upset for him. Paying it wares off soon and we have our sonshine back

As soon as I took it (first time) I started getting an irregular heart beat diagnosed as atrial ectopic hear beats. Very uncomfortable and has led to anxiety and insomnia. Would never use this again

This nasonex spray needs to be banned. Serious anxiety attacks, fast heart rate, feeling not normal. I would not take it even if it was free.

Stay away from it, you have been warned.

I suffer from anxiety. I have worked so hard over the last 3 years and had made huge strides forward. I started getting edgy after about a week. Carried on whilst trying to workout the cause of my anxiety, when I realised it was nasonex I stopped. Two days later I woke up in the middle of the night with a massive panic attack. I have dry heaved that much that I can't breathe deeply and it actually hurts to swallow. I have been other sofa for 3 days, alternative freezing cold or boiling hot. Its not on the sheet that comes with the medication but itis a cocortisoid (not spelt this correctly). These drugs can heighten anxiety even in people who haven't experienced it before. I will not be taking any more drugs until I thoroughly check the contents. Its on my medical records that I have anxiety so would have been good if they had erred on the side of caution. Just have to start rebuilding all the good work I had done again. Thanks Nasonex, NOT.

NASONEX (MOMETASONE FUROATE MONOHYDRATE): Mometasone is used to prevent and treat seasonal and year-round allergy symptoms (such as stuffy/runny nose, itching, and sneezing). It is also used to treat certain growths in the nose (nasal polyps). Mometasone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the nasal passages. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Great when you need it, but don't exceed it. I kept my use responsible for years (twice a week) and there was a crisis last year. As a result, I was taking it daily and eventually developed a dependence. Had to taper using the Ashton Manual, it took six months to get off of 1.5mg. I still plan to use it (or lorazepam) as-needed but will use discretion because these drugs are very, very useful.

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I lasted less than a week on this - caused severe anxiety.

So much burning! and my arm keeps on getting like a charlie horse. & knot that hurts very much and my left side temple is throbbing a lot.

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No side effects first 5 mos. Then left hand middle finger started popping and hurting when waking. 1 yr in general stiffness upon waking but can walk it off. 1 yr 6 mos in left wrist at base of thumb started aching. 5 days ago woke up with low back muscle spasms for no reason. 3 days ago started taking Aleve and it helps.

started on 3/4 mg got upped to 1mg becuz od disasosiation, then back down cuz of dissasociaton. at 1mg now. i had slight weight gain (yay was skinny now just lean and slim) got my apetite back also. went off it for 7 months cuz of depression then crashed due to suicidal thots. went back on but went on jeneric brand same dose 1mg. sex drive ok but cant always coum at same rate some time takes longer or just not at all other times ok. overall is ok works for halucinations (for me) performance good and longer but only due to not couming at normal rate very frusterating. a bit depressing too. arrg.

Continuous weight gain. Not sure if it's the Avapro or Lipitor. Most weight gain confined to the belly and above. My face is swollen - eyes swollen - vision blurry. Doctor said weight gain is not a known side effect of this drug and to keep taking it. Forty pounds later, I'm ready to throw it in the trash! I am also extremely tired and cannot concentrate on anything. I feel like I have AADD.