Flovent (fluticasone propionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Flovent (fluticasone propionate)

Experiencing chest tightness, rashes, irrability, mood swings, tingling my lips and tongue, Dizziness, I'm having to get on my machine more. I even ended up in then hospital. Because of my chest pain. And asthma. I never had a asthma attack before. I just had bad allergies and respiratory infections. My dr put me this Because when I get sick. I start wheezing. And thought this would be a good idea. But all of a sudden I had a full blown asthma attack out of nowhere. I will be stopping this inhaler. And see how it goes.

I am 3 years cancer free. And had to have a ctscan. And my chest was fine. Now I have to see a allergist. And other drs. I know I am allergic to dust mites. And little things. But that never brought on. Asthma attack.

Extremely dry mouth, cough, hoarseness, feeling something caught in my throat most of the time. Also anxiety and waking up with panic attacks.

This med works, but side effects hard to try and manage. No amount of fluids or candy, mints will keep hoarseness and dryness down. Will be changing med next week after seeing pulmonologist.

Hoarse voice, trouble swallowing (like there was a lump in my throat that wouldn't go away), terrible chest tightness, shortness of breath, and resulting dizziness occurring randomly throughout the day. Frequently having to use my relief inhaler. The only way I could breathe was by sitting in front of a fan blowing cold air in my face. I also noticed increased anxiety - startling from noises that weren't even loud. Having intrusive thoughts.

While this medication seemed to initially help clear the mucous deep in my chest that was resulting from asthma (which I never had before... I seemed to develop allergic asthma to pollen after having covid), it replaced that symptom with other deeply concerning ones. I'm not sure this was very helpful overall, and I've been losing my mind trying to figure out what was wrong. Finally coming off of Flovent and the symptoms seem to be subsiding.

Kept me awake at night but nothing else

It worked wonders for my EoE, almost started working immediately, literally gave me my life back!

Constant cough and throat clearing, loss of voice and hair loss. Side effects like I’ve never seen before in a medication.

Irritable, restless, trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, angry outburst, emotional outbursts, extreme anxiety, daydreaming or blank stare

My son is autistic but is a loving and sweet boy with minimal behavior problems this inhaler has turned him into an enraged child who just wants to cry or hit someone. I told his pediatrician and she said she thinks it's his "autism" making him feel that way. I just took him off the medication a day ago and he's back to his loving and affectionate self I have my sweet baby back. Please don't give this to your child

My son has been taking flovent from 9 months of age until 18 months. He has been diagnosed on the Autism spectrum after taking flovent for months. He had delays in speech, sensory issues, stimming, not following directions, etc.. I stopped his medication and now at the age 2 he is speaking, interacting socially and blossoming all around. He does not have ASD. It was the medication!

I am a life long asthmatic decided to give Flovent a shot per "doctors" recommendation. Bad experience with Flovent constant lose of voice, always feeling like I need to clear my throat. I also had bad mood swings angry and easily agitated. The worse part is I keep getting sick whilst on this junk and I hardly ever got sick prior to starting this poison. As I got sick my lungs felt like they where destroyed. Terrible experience for me don't recommend!!

Aggression, violent outbursts (sometimes for no apparent reason), extreme emotional outbursts, extreme irritability, self-harm, self-loathing, defiance, hyperactivity.

As many other parents described, the side effects of this medication have been horrible. My now 4 year old was prescribed this when he was still 3 for a chronic cough. It eventually helped with the cough but turned him into a violent emotional basket case. He started hitting me and his dad many times a day (he was onlyrarely violent previously, a normal amount for a 3 yr old dealing with transitions) and started hitting his baby brother (something he had never done before). He also started saying that he wanted to be hurt and that he was bad and had just been born that way. After 2 months on this medication I think he has internalized these angry impulses and lack of self control and decided he's a bad person. I didn't put it together that it could have been this medication until a few days ago (after reaching out to a pediatric psychologist, private behavioral consultant and considering blood sugar or food sensitivities as possible causes) I think it's criminal that these side effects are not on the pamphlet that comes with this medication doesn't list these possible side effects. And the most infuriating thing is that when I told his doctor (the one who prescribed the inhaler) I thought this was the cause of the behavior problems he dismissed it and told me he thought my son should be evaluated for high functioning autism and ADHD and we should consider an ADHD medication. All this for a kid who h

When taking Flovent without a spacer, I experienced hoarseness and frequently had a sensation of needing to clear my throat, but throat-clearing never seemed to alleviate that. I also had an occasional sensation of a lump in my throat (like when swallowing an air bubble), I lost my voice mid-sentence at times, and I once had thrush (I assume I didn't rinse my mouth well enough). Using a spacer reduced the hoarseness and eliminated the voice issues, but the throat-clearing and lump in my throat persisted.

At first, my late onset asthma symptoms flared up only with seasonal allergies, so I used Flovent for about two-weeks at a time and then stopped once my symptoms were controlled. Flovent was very effective, and I rarely needed a rescue inhaler. After two years like this, my symptoms worsened, but neither consistent use of Flovent nor an increased dosage helped. I began needing a rescue inhaler every 4-6 hours/day, so I switched to a corticosteroid with long-acting beta-agonist.

Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, sternum flutters, extreme anxiety that on the 4th day causes a full on panic attack crying uncontrollably for an hour. Nights 2 & 3 I had harmful thoughts at bedtime which was incredibly scary.

Prescribed for post Covid upper respiratory inflammation that has not gone away in over a month since infection. I would not recommend this medication. So many adverse effects.

Anxiety extremely worsened with this puffer

I dont like it. It seemed to help my breathing at first. But now im beginning to have tightness in my chest, sore throat, hoarseness, SOB, tired, muscle aches, leg cramps, headaches and just a sense of feeling unwell.

I tried Symbicort and that was worse but this isnt going to get it either. I also use my rescue inhaler more often.

I don't even know how to feel! I've recently become extremely paranoid, having mild hallucinations, and having panic attacks every single morning because my reality has become warped on this medication! I can't even participate in conversation anymore because I'm just staring off into space thinking about how s*** I feel. I'm usually really upbeat and positive but my personality has done a full 180, I feel like I'm not myself anymore. I have always been “immune” to side effects from everything but this is another level of messed up. This stuff is straight up poison. After reading all these reviews I am definitely quitting this garbage. Do NOT take this stuff, LORD.

The doctors don't even know what's wrong with me yet and they prescribed me this! What in the world!

Start of a long term asthma regimen

Very frustrated with this medication. Maybe it's a dosage issue, because I used to take it for years when I was growing up at what was supposedly a sub-therapeutic dose (not sure what it was) via a spacer and had no issues. I started having trouble again recently after having recurring respiratory issues due to new seasonal allergens and moving in with my gf who has two cats. While it has wildly improved my breathing and decreased my dependence on my rescue inhaler (90mcg albuterol sulfate), within a week I was completely out of sorts and trying to convince myself I was just having a bad day. One day after another. I haven't cried this many times in a week since I last took this medication frequently, and if I remember correctly I stopped taking this along with prednisone because I was hospitalized for one of about 20 panic attacks I had in high school. The only reason I even ended up looking up the side effects of this medication is because starting this medication again is the only thing in my life that has changed recently, and I started going through the same side effects I had when I was 15-16 when I last took it for more than a week. Constant fixation on my mortality, terrible dreams when I could actually sleep, feeling like I'm not actually in control of my own body, jerking awake from sleep and being surprised to be alive and still perceiving the world in general. Awful awful experiences, and I didnâ€

There are probably better alternatives. Anyone that has head any similar experiences or has a kid that has anything like this happen to them: you are able to contact me through this website if you would like to reach out.

Shaky, anxious, odd cramping gut, headache, generally unwell feeling, higher blood sugar, higher blood pressure.

Don't use unless everything else has failed.

Very dry cough, excruciating headache (probably from coughing so much) tickle in throat, trouble talking, air way construction & stomache ache. No trouble with digestion prior.

My daughter started this last week and her mood and behaviors have been awful. Moody, angry and aggressive. She has anxiety and we finally got it down and her anxiety med down and she has been stable for months and months, until this medication. She won't be taking it anymore. This drug is bad and it is very bad for my child.

FLOVENT (FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE): Fluticasone is used to treat certain growths in the nose (nasal polyps). It belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. Fluticasone works by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the nasal passages. This can help decrease symptoms such as stuffy nose. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Never had problems, till this last time. Heart burn, burning stomach ache, sleeplessness, restlessness

I honestly don't know how I made it home from work. I had to leave early because all these symptoms hit at once and I thought I would pass out trying to get home to my bed! Few times contemplating on dialing 911. I'm not taking this anymore. I joined a gym!

I have always taken other meds with Wellbutrin, so I am actually not sure how effective it is on its own (starting to wonder if it is at all?)I do know that my anxiety level increases with every med increase of this drug. I developed periodic insomnia with Wellbutrin.

TIRED..no energy during day without a nap! WEIGHT GAIN: I do Weight Watchers and journal..I know I am not overeating, yet the scales keep going higher. (6-8 pounds in 3 months.)FEET/ANKLE PAIN. I have been to the podiatrist..there is nothing wrong with my feet, so why do they hurt?OCCASIONAL TINGLING OF ARMS/HANDS, a crawling sensation.LIGHT-HEADEDNESS, spinning sensations

cramps in legs, backache, tiredness, hallucinations at night, nausea,sweats and chills, terrible headaches, listlessness and feeling anxious now have hives on neck

Nose bleeds, totally lost my sense of smell and taste. Will never take it again!