Flonase (fluticasone propionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Flonase (fluticasone propionate)

Neck pains, muscle pains in my shoulders, headaches, dry nose and sore throat and also being tired and sleepy all the time.

Panic, anxiety, depression, nausea

Slowly the anxiety and depression crept up on me, until I decided to use Flonase twice a day instead of once. That's when the panic started. It took me a couple weeks, and DAY LONG panic attacks to figure out it was Flonase.I can't even describe what my days are like.Even on Wellbutrin and Ativan, the severe anxiety and depression break through during the day. Nothing fully helps, and now the nausea started.It's been 3 weeks since I quit.Before Flonase I was happy, energetic, very optimistic and had never had unmanageable anxiety or even a panic attack.As a single mom, I'm barely hanging on, to my job, my relationships, my kids. Ive lost 10 lbs, I'm down to 116. All of it is a struggle all day long.I had to fly in a family member to help me while I work through this.I have spent thousands now on medical bills to make sure everything is ok.They did find elevated cortisol levels, but everything else is fine.Now I'm waiting like all the others for this nightmare to loosen it's grip.

Heart racing and weakness. Terrible anxiety and hopelessness. I just can't understand why the give you this.

Panic attack, anxiety, fatigue, diarrhea

Worst side effect of my life! Started a few months after taking it one a day.

Panic attacks, anxiety, tension head aches from the back of my neck through to my eyes, eye pressure, bloody nose and nose pain

I was having panic attacks and extreme anxiety. I couldn’t cook (my favorite thing to do) I couldn’t visit my grandchildren! I couldn’t drive to the grocery store. I could not do anything and didn’t want to talk to anyone. I told my dr I was having anxiety when I tried to do anything and he told me to stop doing that. I had no control of it. Before having these Side effects I was cheerful and full of energy. I decided to look at side effects of Flonase and thankfully found this forum. I can not believe I was using this nose spray to make me feel better and it was causing all of these symptoms.I had anxiety and overall feeling very badly from April through July 2024. I stopped taking Flonase 23 days ago and am finally starting to feel normal again. I have never had such bad anxiety where I thought about going to ER. I had to give up caffeine and sugar in an effort to stop the everyday anxiety. Don’t give up, you will get better after you stop taking this drug. I will not put anything up my nose again other than saline. I know it helps some folks but if youre having these symptoms, go off of it today! Dr’s should not recommend this drug without letting patients know about possible side effects so they can be aware and look out for these symptoms and discontinue using it before they lose weeks and months of their life.

Started having panic attacks and mania where I thought mold and mildew was coming out of the air conditioner. This is absolute poison that will affect your mental health

Pure panic, anxiety, tachycardia, heart palpitations

DO NOT TAKE THIS POISON!!!!!!! I'm a month off of it and stuff trying to recover. I'm a healthy 39 year old active female. No previously know health issues. This gave me my first panic attack and continued panic attacks. Still trying to figure out how to lower my heart rate and adrenaline rushes. My life has been completely miserable

Sore throat, oral thrush (that I found out was directly linked to Flonase!), fatigue, muscle spasms, waking up multiple times throughout the night, numbness in hands, depression, mood swings, vertigo, dizziness, extreme anxiety, heart palpitations that I could hear in my ears, really had no energy for life at all anymore! I’ve been taking this off and on for years and never realized my symptoms were from Flonase until I did a deep google dive & yesterday I took my last dose. I only wish I had known sooner.

This drug should be banned! It's ruined so much of my life as I've been so tired and lifeless. I warn everyone about this now. I pray I don't have withdrawal from this but I will never take it again. I had so much energy and was so healthy before this terrible nasal spray!

I'm no longer taking this medication.

One of the worst experiences of my life. My heart could accelerate up to 160 bpm without warning. And NO doctor could help me. Very grateful for this site.

I'm no longer taking this medication. After 19 months, I am almost back to normal. It does take a long time to recover especially if this is something you used daily for an extended period of time.

Head pressure at back of skull, dizziness, vertigo, anxiety, panic attack

I will never take this medication again. The side effects were so intense, I was about to make the call to go to the ER. Very glad I found this website with people who experienced the same thing. Cough is gone now, but this was not worth it.

Please find support here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-GtuSkKG8Nxtkqqjpf3GH1h8itmaZ_17nRSuWXUw9yk/edit

See the above link and join our Flonase support group: https://discord.gg/pS7a2edY

Severe digestive issues, diarrhea, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, weakness, high blood pressure, arrhythmia

Worked great when I was taking it once in a blue moon for an allergy flare up, but my doctor said to take it every day to treat my tonsil stones. I had to go to the ER multiple times because I thought I was dying. My blood pressure went from perfectly normal to 140/95, I've never felt so weak in my life. It has also caused my entire digestive system to basically reject anything I eat, I'm constantly nauseous and my stomach is full of gas. My heart has been beating really hard and irregularly for a week now, and I have a history of heart failures in my family... I've also felt insane anxiety and had my first panic attack that was purely physical, I didn't have any mental reason/thoughts/feelings to cause that. I haven't been able to sleep well for the past week because I keep waking in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat and panicked. No sleep = even worse heart problems. Do not take this medication regularly, or if you do, know all the possible side-effects so you can stop without it ruining your life and health. If you experience heart side-effects, I highly recommend potassium and magnesium, they help with the recovery.

Extreme anxiety, panic attacks, tinnitus, muscle tightness, muscle aches, neck pain, head fullness.

Wow! I took this stuff for over ten years with no problems but one day I started to experience extreme anxiety and started having continual panic attacks. That started in in 2019 and continued for 3 years. I never made the connection that it could be from Flonase until about a month ago when I saw this forum. I stopped taking it a month ago and am getting better but still experiencing some anxiety on some days. Also still have some muscle tightness and aches. The fact that I took it so long with no problems makes me think that they changed the formula at some point. Will never take these types of medication again. Thank you to all who've shared your experience that have helped so many of us!

after over 1y of daily use, i started feeling face tingling/ pricks on the left side of my face and also a pressure sensation. also nostril started being always a bit bloody, not a nose bleed but blood traces every time i blew nose. i had several episodes of weird sensations like elevated heart rate, hot flashes, sweaty palms etc

i started feeling very anxious and thought I had some weird undiagnosed disease. the face tingling on one side made me worry about a stroke or MS. I went to a neurologist, did an MRI and no one could figure out the cause. The other symptoms like weird body sensations, anxiety etc may also be caused by flonase. I did not realize they could be linked until reading other people's experience. Stopped 2 days ago and still have the face tingling, hope it all improves soon.

Extreme full body anxiety. Panic attacks. Derealization/depersonalization. Elevated heart rate. Fatigue. Muscle loss. Stomach pain/gastritis. Blurred vision. Brain fog. Extreme head pressure. Severe neck and upper back pain.

Took me a long time to realize my newfiund anxiety/pd was being caused by Flonase. Upon discontinuation, my panic attacks stopped within 2 weeks but I am nearly 3 months off and still dealing with intermittent bouts of physical anxiety and fatigue/weakness. Neck and back is slowly getting better. Recovery can take a while and it's brutal in the beginning. Thank God I found the support group for ppl like us.https://discord.gg/tHxEMhvd

I'm no longer taking this medication.

EXTREEM ANXIETY and DEPRESSION, I have never felt this bad in my life, I can't think and do normal activity, I get really scared for no reasons. what make me more angary that when I talk to ENT doctor about this, they have no idea about the symptoms?

It gets better over time, but I wish I can go back to my normal self.

Derealization, depersonalization, intrusive thoughts, extreme anxiety, nightmares, insomnia, depression, intense crying and hopelessness, panic attacks, racing thoughts

I took Flonase on and off for about 2 years. When I started taking it consistently, I noticed my anxiety getting to unmanageable levels. In late July 2023, one night completely at random, the symptoms above started. It was so bad I had convinced myself I was going crazy. I couldn't function. It's now Jan 2023, about to be 6 months since I've stopped Flonase. Things have gotten better but I'm still far from "normal". Dp/dr still affect me, heightened anxiety still affects me, crying spells and intrusive thoughts come less often now. Things DO get better. The first two months were hell for me. Now I'm hoping I continue to get better with time.

Extremely high anxiety, palpitations, trembling, fear, paranoia. Came in very quickly after the 3rd dose. Flonase is not for me.

FLONASE (FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE): Fluticasone is used to treat certain growths in the nose (nasal polyps). It belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. Fluticasone works by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the nasal passages. This can help decrease symptoms such as stuffy nose. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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puts me to sleep hard to get out of bed

With in 30 minutes of taking this I started to sweat and my arms shook and my stomach hurt. Headache was gone but came back four hours later. I wont take this again. Dr gave me a sample of Maxalt will try that with next headache.

The side effects were not noticeable for about 6 months and then they hit me like a bomb. Tried 2 other statins with the same bad problems. Now I take niacin instead and it works well.

I was given Versed for an eyelid surgery. I was fine when they first administered it, but when they actually wheeled me into the surgery I felt a huge wave of panic overcome me. The next thing I knew I was waking up. I have a lot of nausea from anesthesia and pain meds so I was really happy I felt so good. But, the following day I became extremely anxious and terrified, like I was reliving the moment of panic I felt before they put me out in the surgery. I couldn't eat or sleep. I literally paced in circles for hours. I felt like a crazy person. This lasted for about 2 weeks. I have never experienced anything like this before. When I asked my doctor he told me that it wasn't the Versed, but I am convinced that it is, especially after reading the accounts of others.

First tried Nuvaring about 18 months ago, stopped after a couple of months because I kept feeling it, like it was pushing its way out. Later realized placement might have been an issue, so I tried again. I've been told that my cervix tends to point more down/back than most, so it turns out that proper placement is difficult for me (doesn't affect effectiveness, but it can affect comfort). Previously, when I put the ring in, it ended up sliding into the area in front of the cervix, so it wouldn't go very far in, causing me to feel it often. Now, with some more careful finger work (and awkward-looking squats), I've been able to get the far edge of the ring to go beyond the cervix (basically making a circle around the cervical opening), and I never notice it at all. If you find you feel the ring, or it is pushed out easily, see if you can find a better placement. With about 6 months use, I've been happy with the method (as happy as I think I can expect to be on hormones, at least).

I've stop taking actonel about 10 days ago. I was on a weekly dose. Has anyone felt this bad? How long will it take for the pain to go away??

Leg cramps and muscle twitching. Mood swings.

body and brain zaps (arms/hands legs/feet torso face and inside mouth) nausia for the first few weeks, severe weight gain, severe bouts of depression, sucidal thoughts and actions.

Good for daytime use because they gave me energy and dulled the pain, but at night I felt anxious and couldn't sleep. I would fall asleep and abruptly wake up in the middle of a weird dream and not know if I was asleep or awake. It would take me a long time to fall asleep again. I would just get up and wait for the side effects to pass before going back to sleep because it was such a creepy feeling. I had a buzzing sound in my ears and was acutely sensitive to noise. It also upset my stomach and I would wake up feeling nauseous. It also caused constipation--not good after abdominal surgery.