Yasmin (drospirenone; ethinyl estradiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Yasmin (drospirenone; ethinyl estradiol)

Do not take this !!!Constant feeling of nausea / loss of appetite, stomach pain, fatigue, anxiety, feeling sense of losing touch with reality. I have stopped for the last few days and already starting to feel back to my usual self

Emotional distress, severe OCD diagnosis, panic attacks, paranoia, stomach pain, delusions, acute anxiety, poor sleep, bouts of rage

This pill is a one way ticket to a livable hell. I cannot speak in enough detail that I nearly felt compelled to go to the ER because the emotional turmoil has gotten so out of hand. My boyfriend is exhausted, I am exhausted. I cannot stop crying for no reason, I get so angry and then cry and say things I don't mean. It wasn't until I realized that these symptoms were only existing during my duration of taking the pill. I am so scared this has caused interpersonal damage and mental damage. For anyone even questioning this as a form of birth control, DO NOT TAKE IT.

Severe depressionSuicidal thoughtsTotal disassociation with anything that I enjoyedFatigueMuscle achesBreathing difficultyHeart palpitationsDizzinessBrain fog

Extreme weight gain and the worst moods in the whole world.

I'm not even kidding this is the worst drug in the whole entire world it made me a whole different person please never go on Yasmin it's killer I swear to God I hate my life now I've been to the hospital multiple times because I had bad chest pain and I thought I had a blood clot the anxiety is awful I'm a total hypochondriac I gained over 40 pounds in under a year my skin is perfectly clear but honestly it's not even worth the fact that I'm the most miserable person in the whole world now I feel like garbage constantly I'm so insecure I just hate my life oh and by the way it'll ruin your relationship because me and my boyfriend would fight every day because I was a psychotic bitch it's really sad that this is on the market it's literally killer I'm so happy that I'm finally off of it because I couldn't stand it any longer it took a lot of courage to get off of it because I knew my acne was going to come back but I just had to realize that I'm beyond miserable and I want to die every day when I'm on it

Yikes do not take this. I've never had a panic attack in my whole life and I had a ton after starting this pill it was literally the worst day of my life

I started taking Yasmin 2 days ago and the side effects are and been awful I was sent to A&E due to breathing difficulties, major anxiety my shaking was that bad they couldn't do a ECG on me. Ain't been able to sleep properly either ! I had 2 blood tests ,a chest X-ray everything came back clean ,since coming back from A&E majors my throat and chest is badly bruised so it's hard for me to drink anything my appetite has gone ,I'm not taking this pill anymore I can't wait till it's out my system. Avoid at all costs!!!

Worst pill EVER. I got extreme anxiety with regular panic attacks (every week), depression, suicidal thoughts ,severe OCD, low sex drive and paranoid thoughts. I completely dissociated from my original self and had no idea what was going on until I visited this page and realized I am not alone. I cried every day and now I will cut it off permanently.

No weight gain and my periods were stabilized, still I would not recommend this ANYONE. Seek alternative ways, mental health is not worth damaging for this pill.

Migraines, extreme nausea, bloating, always tired but can't sleep

I wake up everyday with a migrane, I'm always nauseous and feeling sick.

Paranoid, anxiety, angry, short tempered, indicisive, joint pains, muscle weakness, fatigue, calf pains, bloated, cramps, etc

- Dry eyes dry mouth adrenaline problems night sweats pain muscle and joints and so more things

Horrible! AfterStopping all kind off vitamine loose and my hormones dont function well anymore i am still a survivor it takes time but what a bad time was it

Nothing but regular periods, clear skin, and my excess weight is finally coming off. ( I was on HRT since 2011 which really f.ckd up my body. )Increased energy no more joint pain.

Great for hormone regulation, weight loss, skin clear.

Depression, suicidal thoughts, extreme fatigue, anxiety came back despite being on antidepressants for anxiety. Worked amazing for skin, contraception & stopping my period completely as I'd run packs back to back - no break thru bleeding either.

I would Recommend but it isn't worth the mental price you pay. Helped alleviate all period symptoms relating to cysts and endometriosis but the suicidal thoughts & irritablity were constant. Especially fatigue

Extreme Nausea, Vomiting,Restlessness,shaking body andTiredness...Please DO NOT POISON YOUR BODY WITH THIS GUNK! Wish I had done more research before taking it. I feel terrible as I wait here for this poison to work out of my system! Tummy is bloated so much that I look like I'm at least 5months pregnant!

Please DO NOT take this pill!!! Yesterday I was so unsteady and shaking the entire time,I even cut my finger somehow from the constant shaking 🥺😭

Clear skin, heart palpitations, panic attacks, trouble swallowing, swollen leg.

The ONLY plus is my skin became clearer but this is not worth the physical side effects it has had on my body. I'm a healthy person who runs, bikes and walks regularly this put a stop to all of this.The first week I noticed a pain in my leg which gradually turned into swelling where I was admitted into ACU for a blood clot. Luckily I didn't have one but my leg has swelled for an unknown reason to the doctors because of the pill. This week after this I started having trouble breathing where I was forced to ring 111. I've never had difficulty with breathing so this was a scare. I've been having on and off panic attacks for the last 42hours and still suffering with breathing problems, sensation of a lump in my throat and a racing heart. I've been off the pill for 3 days now and will not be going back on the YASMINE pill. I urge people to stay away from this pill as doctors have little information for why so many women are feeling this way. DON'T risk it! I never write reviews for anything so please listen to this and others.

Violent vomiting, extreme nausea, painful stomach cramps and abdominal pain (all of this made me call an ambulance and go to hospital because I was in agony) panic attacks so bad that the doctor's thought I was having a seizure, numbness and tingling in my right arm and leg (got tested for a stroke) and lots of crying.

First day after taking this pills I feel headache, vomiting, stomach pain at all not feel comfortable but it's stop my heavy period but I feel sick

DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG or its sister drug ELOINE. How this pill is on the market, baffles AND worries me. Thankfully I linked the side effects to the same time I started taking this pill so I have now come off.I hadEXTREME ANXIETY (I thought I was going mental. I have no previous mental health issues until I took this)PANIC ATTACKSEXTREME NAUSEA / SICKNESSI have two young children, and I am gobsmacked my doctor gave me a pill like this to take. I could barely look after my children as it made me so ill. Thank god I noticed the side effects were linked.

Do NOT take this contraceptive pill!!!

Im an athlete and I train everyday as well as counting macros and calories. I did not gain any significant amount of weight ( - 1 or 3 pounds on and off during the two months) BUT sticking the diet was much harder than before, as if I was permanently PMS. I also had stretch marks appear on my buttock, something I had never experienced in my life before, even during puberty! I was also constantly bleeding a little.

I was happy at first because it regulated my periods, I was bleeding randomly all the time, sometimes 3 times a month and my periods were really irregular, yasmin fixed this but in return I have been vomiting or near vomiting each morning, I have been so anxious and paranoid, arguing with my partner all the time, crying. Constantly crying, feeling sh*t about myself, very tired falling asleep randomly

Headaches, Nausea, Chest pain, Irregular heart rate (40-140), Tingling fingers/toes, Light Headed, Sense of Doom

Went from being a healthy 33 year old to a worried wreck. 2 urgent care visits with no findings. Trip to the ER where they found an elevated d dimer but no clots thank goodness. The only thing I changed in my life was taking this dangerous drug. I stopped taking it for 5 days now but my heart still races into the 120s when I get up to do anything. Now I just have to wait until it's out of my system and no one can tell me how long until I feel normal again. Anyone else have similar symptoms and how long did it take them to subside? Please help!

Side Effects foryasmin (drospirenone; ethinyl estradiol) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Have never ever been on any medication besides birth control, have never ever had depression, anxiety. Ever. Until Yasmin. My breasts also ache during the middle of the month, but mostly it is the head fuzziness...just feel sort of out of it and dumb--never ever felt like this before. And have felt like this for about 3-4 months now, the same amount of time I have been on this drug. Do not like it and really have started urging my husband to get a vasectomy!

It absolutely helps you go, especially when nothing else seems to work, but the swelling/rapid weight gain is not tolerable. It is a shame because the other drugs in its class (Linzess, Motegrity) have depression and anxiety side effects. Trulance also causes rebound constipation so be prepared to follow up with a stool softener or miralax.

Extreme Fatigue, weight gain, irritability, flatness, puffy face, clumsiness, I couldn't find right word (very frustrating), expressing ideas took a lot of mental effort, difficulty concentrating, and low blood sodium.

First month was rough, and dosing up was bad. Almost stopped but wanted to give it time to work. Depression icnreased first 2 weeks. After leveling out at 50mg/2x a day for last 8 weeks, I have more energy, fewer nights on the couch doing nothing, and yes, increased libido. I love red wine but one glass now gives me a pounding headache. Small price to pay.

Everyone in contact with my mother has been amazed at the transformation! I got my mother back! It is as if the fog has lifted. She is now able to have lively conversations and although still forgetful has devised methods to help herself. She's like she was two years ago.

bee-sting like reaction at injection site when taken sub-q, that lasted days. No side effects when taken i/m.

Lack of motivation, sweating, constipation, fatigue

If you want a quick fix, this works. most of the anti-inflammatories I was on upset my stomach or had no effect. Soma is definately my choice for a muscle relaxant, it works.

Severe mouth ulcers. Swollen glands. Ear fluid sound. Very tired

I LEGITIMATELY feel like I'm going insane which is why I found this site in the first place. IDK why or how antibiotics affect some people like this but man im saying I'm allergic to this from now on