Trivora-21 (ethinyl estradiol; ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Trivora-21 (ethinyl estradiol; ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel)

I just started taking birth Trivora 28 pills this morning I never been on any type of birth control contraceptives I'm new to it I wish I never start taking Trivora I got mild nausea and I was short of breath and my heart beat extremely fast and then it beats slow my blood pressure is going up and down and my throat was tight a little bit and I'm getting off of these birth control I don't think any birth control is right for me I rather not be on it if it's going to cause me a lot of problems like this I'm making an doctor's appointment as soon as possible and get seen I can't deal with these side effects at all I tried home remedies to stop it I believe it's time for me to make an doctor's visit I should not started birth control period I have high blood pressure and hypothyroidism right along with it I would just tell everyone who's on it be careful I'm writing this comment not to scare anyone or make anyone get off them just be careful them side effects is definitely not the best feeling ever

For some reason it gave me bad acne. But it works for period regulation

bleeding for three weeks (wish it could stop), high sex drive, loss of appetite, extreme hair lose, hot flashes, agitated,severe headache, feel like i have a kidney infection.

first time been on bc and i dont think i want to be on it anymore

Regulate period/ contraceptive

Monthly yeast infections before my period and mood swings.I was on cryselle for 2 years prior and loved it. My doctor switched me to Trivora and I suddenly had many yeast infections. Finally switched back to a monophasic, azurette, hopefully better luck with it.

Extreme weight gain, bloating, mood swings, increased acne around period, shorter but heavier period, growth in breasts, sore/tenderness in breasts.

I'm thinking about coming off of Trivora because it has made me gain 20 pounds in the past 8 months that I have been taking it. Also I still have my acne, not as severe as before but its still there. Trivora also made my breasts increase, I am already big breasted and now they are even bigger, which causes many problems for me since I am an athlete. Trivora also has shortened my period which used to be light from 8 days to 3-4 days, and it has become very very very heavy. I usually used to have terrible migraines with my period before Trivora, but ever since taking Trivora I haven't really experienced them as horribly as before. Overall I am pretty sure I am going to be coming off of Trivora.

I love this birth control. I have been taking it since last march and it works perfectly. I have regularly periods, cramps only last 1 day maybe the half of day 2. I've always had crazy mood swings so the pill doesn't Really affect me there and I haven't gotten pregnant. Yay to Trivora!

I originally was on depo provera and was loving it but however needed to have a period, first switched to trinessa which I was experiencing nausia, lower back pain, bad cramps, exhaustion and mild sore boobs. Then my family physician switched me to trivora ( had been on it when I was about 18 or 19 and had no problem with it). Well my nausia had got really bad, I would over heat, many time I ate, I would get nausiated and sick to my stomach, my boobs hurt constantly, had constipation, lower back pain, really horrible abdominal cramps, first month had long period and 2nd month had spottin first day then light light period for 2 maybe three days, and also have horrible headaches, seriosuly making me think I am pregnant and also been asked more than a few time if I am indeed pregnant. Don't really know if all this is from trivora but none of these are going away. I'm talking to my birth control doctor this month to see if I should switch.

Started going to a new dr. and he felt that the dose contained in my previous pills was too high. I have tried everything from the patch, depo (which gave me a light period for 6 months straight) and various brands of pills. Since staring trivora I have basically turned into a basket case. I have been experiencing bouts of depression, anxiety, and severe mood swings where I find myself gettig very angry for no apparent reason. All of this is accompanied by sporadic crying fits that I cannot seem to control. It is comforting to know that other people were having similar experiences... I will be calling my dr. on Monday to get a different pill!

weight gain, never full after eating, severe mood swings, paranoid, weird discharge, shorter periods, decrease in sex drive.

Reduce endo. pain & contraceptive

Horrible, debilitating nausea which did not begin until nearly 10 months after starting it; depression, hair loss, anxiety, breathing difficulty, chest pain.

Yeast infection, irritability, more anxious,nausea, sleeplessness, headaches, emotional, loss of appetite. Less acne.

I had my IUD removed for some time now. After removal I gave my self time to get back to norm. But I don't like the feeling of worrying about when my period coming when I ovulate or being in the heat of the moment. My doctor originally prescribed DEPO. I took the prescription home never got it processed that was November. I went back to the doctor feb. For STI panel and hand him bk. Prescription stating DEPO want be for me when he suggested the I'm not good at time nor swallowing but for now it ain't bad. A little nausea, bowl movement, increase hunger, irritable and moody..naw I can't say it is so bad as of now. Moving forward I just hope it suit the purpose. I will not allow my hormones to get out of wack.

EXTREME weight gain. I was on the Depo shot for about two years. That worked great for me but I was terrified of needles and had to stop getting it because it was stressing me out. I switched to the pill. I hate it. I gained so much weight. 20 lbs. And I cannot, for the life of me, lose it. It was so rapid I thought there was something wrong.

I have been on this pill for several years and have had no sex drive. I thought it was just stress in life but after doing some research I am finding this is a major side effect. It's ruining my new marriage and is not good. I also have terrible mood swings for no reason. I am not depressed but get angry easily which I am typically not that type of person. Will discontinue immediately.

constant headaches, nauseau, late cycle, weight gain, appetitie increased, never feel full, low sex drive, cranky and emotional

Increased sex drive (yay), increased appetite, weight gain, irritability, constant fatigue

I wouldn't mind taking this if it weren't for the weight gain. It is very hard for me to maintain my weight due to physical reasons, and just when I was finally satisfied with my weight I was set back due to this pill. It beats getting preggers though. I can deal with everything else. I just wish it didn't make me CONSTANTLY HUNGRY or tired.I hope the symptoms don't increase over time; I've only been taking it for 16 days.

Had to post after reading all of the negative comments. Ive been on trivora for years, I have no spotting, i have 2 day periods, no weight gain, great sex drive, no achene, no thinning hair. Very light cramps, and typical modswings 2 days before starting. And best of all im not pregnant. It been great. No complaints!

I had the most AWFUL incessant itching in my breasts with Trivora.

I am usually a very calm and collected person and this drug has made me become just the opposite of that. I feel like crying all the time for no reason. Minor problems seem like much bigger issues to me so I stress out very often. Somewhat depressed and my sex drive has decreased significantly. I originally was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo which gave me very little side effects. I switched because of money issues and also I had felt Ortho-Tri-Cyclen Lo had made me gain some weight. Now I think i'd rather have a few extra pounds instead of the emotional insecurity this pill has caused. I'm switching back at the end of this month. It's worth to pay some extra money for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo.

Side Effects fortrivora-21 (ethinyl estradiol; ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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Tired when I started to take Imuran but that passed over. May be a bit of an itchy scalp lately.Bit of weight loss as well. Cant tell if that is due to drug but I have been eating well so my calorie intake was good.

This drug has saved my life. I have not had a grand mal in 14 years and very small break through seizures with just red spots in my vision, everyone comments on how calm I am all the time, I can live my life with joy and well-being, and I am a happy person. I am so grateful for this drug because it gave me my life back.

I stopped taking it after only 2 pills. I had such nausea and one of the WORST panic attacks ever. I cannot sleep - as soon as I start to drift, I wake up gasping for air. I hope this works its way through my system quickly. I would rather have the UTI!!!

It has a definite and very welcome appetite suppressant effect on me. I hope that continues; I know for some people it causes weight gain. It also makes me want to sweeten my coffee a lot less; less than half what I did before I started taking it. In addition it has changed my temperature perceptions; I used to get cold during the day and would turn the thermostat up, then turn it down at night and turn on two fans. I don't need the fans, and I keep the temperature the same day and night. The downside is that it makes me very loopy; I have trouble thinking of words and names, and my spelling has gotten horrible. I can live with that.

After a few days of taking this I became extremely depressed and lethargic. It did help my breathing but the side effects were not worth it. During the period I was taking it I had a five day holiday with beautiful weather ans staying by the beach. All I wanted to do was stay in bed and sleep. I recommend avoiding this and trying another antihistamine if you need to take one. I don't know bow much it costs but I just dumped a months supply in the bin. Worst still I was taking it with singulair. I discovered from this site that this also causes depression. No wonder I was feeling so bad. That went in the bin as well. From now on I'm gonna stick with my old rasioned inhalers.

Huge weight gain of 50 pounds in first month. Another 10 pounds in second month. Did not change 1200 calorie daily diet either. Entire body swelled up like a balloon, my head looked like it weighed 50 pounds alone. Hump back. Huge blubber under chin making it look like I have no neck. I was an attractive woman before this drug. Now I am UGLY!! Been off for three weeks, done tons to lose weight and it is not going away. No sleeping either, kept me awake 24/7, caused my cancer to come out of remission. Hot, cold, fevers. Confusions, headaches. Extreme anger. Gland pain. Eye pain.

Infection after tooth extraction

pains in my legs and joints, and back pain.

Had an athlete's metabolism with no health concerns prior to taking this medicine. I was given 750mgs for 21 days and was told by the doctors that it is safe and well tolerated. I discuss my experiences with Levaquin at

I loved it! I woke up refreshed.