Triphasil-21 (ethinyl estradiol; ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Triphasil-21 (ethinyl estradiol; ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel)

I got very ill, flu, dizziness,was vomiting felt like i had covid19 ,leg pain everything yooo not sure if i should continue or stop

These pills were horrible to me from the start. Was always dizzy, had hectic migraines, couldn't keep anything down and I lost a whoooooooole lot of weight

I went in to have an IUD put in and doc told me she wouldn't do it unless I took the pill for 1 month first. I told her I couldn't because I was 35 years old and I knew the risk of blood clot is higher with age. We went back and forth and she kept assuring me that taking it would not harm me. So reluctantly I took it. Well after taking it for 3 weeks I developed a Pulmomary Embolism (blood clot in lungs) and a Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clot in my main vein in my leg). I almost dyed. Rushed to hospital. Doctors said I was lucky to be alive. This drug is dangerous and I would not recommend it to anyone!!

Tender breasts, bloating, and occasional moodiness and headaches

yeast infections, dry and irritated vagina

the constant recurring yeast infections were a deterrant to sex -- so this birth control was very effective. I switched to condoms and did not have any more yeast infections. (I was actually using triphasil 28 - which is the same as triphasil 21 with 7 extra placebo pills.)

birth control and regulation of per

Sore breasts, water retention, moodiness in last week of pack, heavy periods, vaginal dryness

Initially none for the first two years, but when I stopped I developed light lactation in both breasts. I was put back onto a different pill which was awful. Of my own account went back to triphasil, lactation is almost gone now.I've been taking it again for the last year.

No weight gain, regular almost painfree periods. Cleared my skin better than any acne product, and Ive gone up two bra sizes. Bonus.and I no longer have to take those awful iron tablets for aneamia

Side Effects fortriphasil-21 (ethinyl estradiol; ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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Severe Burning sensation on legs, feet and toes lasting 10 hours or more. Skin pain 24 hours per day from above knees to toes.

Treatment for nausea & parasites

I was originally taking 20mg Celexa for depression due to my Divorce and other life issues, and that didn't seem to be doing much. I used to take Lexapro (10mg), and I grew an tolerance to it. So my doctor switched me to Cymbalta (30mg) with an order to continue to take the Celexa for a week then start taking the 60mg capsules of Cymbalta. After only three days of taking the drug, my mood instantly improved. It's worth the side effects, but I don't feel anxious or depressed as often. A good thing for me, especially after just being left behind and accused of so many things.

Ite helped to take the edge off of my frequesnt anxiety attacks until today...I have had my first anxiety attack while on the medication. I have experienced 1 since I started taking it and I usually attackes once a day. Now I had to take an Ativan today. The Combination is making me exhausted. I think I will to increase the dosage or milligrams or change to something else. Right now my Dr. and I are in a trial and error to see what works best.

Going to stick this out for another week or so. I am also on 300mg Bupropion for anxiety. Doc said that a stimulant would make my anxiety worse so he prescribed Strattera. I'm thinking I'd rather test that theory and deal with a day of anixiety then these persistent weird symptoms and inability to sleep....

One of the most dangerous drugs on the market. It will give you problems for the rest of your life.

While the implant is unpleasant it is by far better than the pain of endometriosis. It allowed me to function whilst waiting for my ovary to shut down for surgery .

I take 12.5 mg every 4 to 6 hrs to control secondary hypertension, I take it with clonidine, 2 to 3 mg a day, and 3mg of ativan. First numbers use to always be in the 170 to 220 range, this knocked it right out, bottom number from 130 down to 110 to 60's, only drug that has worked and with little to no side effects, no weight gain, actually starting to loose weight

I cannot lose the weight and it's in my stomach.Now taking atenolol which is even worse. My life has no joy.

I gave this to my 8 year old son hoping to help his itchy nose and eyes. It did not! He reacted severely to this drug. I gave the medicine to him for the first time at approx. 4pm. He went bike riding at 6pm. When he came home he was irritable and started crying about everything. Within the hour he couldn't stop crying and felt dizzy. He had a major meltdown and said it made his head feel like it wasn't his. He was anxious and depressed all at once. He cried and screamed at the top of his lungs non-stop for over an hour and half saying he couldn't stop!