Seasonique (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Seasonique (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel)

Nausea, stomach pain, hot flashes, no appetite.

Thought this would give me a rest from symptoms during perimenopause by regulating hormones. Have bled for 16 weeks, servere cramps (which i never had before) and now migraines. In a dilemma whether to stop and continue for the last 5 weeks, advised by GP with this OCP and another I tried to carry on but based on other reviews here and my own experience I have decided to stop taking.

Don't try and carry on with bleeding, cramps and headaches. Just stop the medication and speak with your physician.

Bleeding for a monthAcneInsomniaFatigue

I don't understand why I have been bleeding for a month!! It's confusing. And I'm not sure but my bipolar seems worse?

Pregnancy type nausea all day, severe cramping that would not let up even with ibuprofen, and bleeding.

Poison to my body! It seemed to help at first but cramps and bleeding came back with a vengeance and wouldn't go away until I stopped the pill. Weight gain, depression and anxiety, nausea and exhaustion and weakness. I hate this pillAbsolute garbage

I started taking the pill April 12, 2020. I didn't get a period in May so I was super excited. I was scheduled to get period July 5. June 1 I started spotting every single day. Towards the end of June, the spotting turned into bleeding, by July 4th it was super heavy bleeding, headaches, and depression. I stopped taking the pill July 12. I continued bleeding until I had to take a medication to lighten it up. Today is July 18, and tonight for the first time since June 1, I am not bleeding.

Do not get on seasonique, it is not worth it! I had to wear depends because I was bleeding so heavy which caused depression, headaches and neck aches.

Heavy spotting and long periods

I started taking this in August 2019, the first cycle went well, but during the second one I had 2 months of heavy spotting. The third one went well and so I thought it had stabilized, but now I have to stop because I have been having a month-long period and it's not stopping.

Due to heavy and irregular periods

I experienced a lot of side effects such as yeast infections, cervical ectropion, more severe migraine attacks and during every cycle I passed a decidual cast which was very painful.

Extreme nausea and slight fatigue.

I’m on the generic Teva version, and I have had daily nausea that continually gets worse. Worse than morning sickness and I had hypermesis gardivum. I’m going to stick it out until I’m done with the first pack to see if it gets better because I can’t take many kinds of birth control.

I haven’t experienced any side effects..I love them and enjoy only having 4 periods a year

It was wonderful. The only side effect was angood one. My hair was manageable and was immune to humidity and rain. NO longer on it and my hair is horrible!

It was wonderful. The only side effect was angood one. My hair was manageable and was immune to humidity and rain. NO longer on it and my hair is horrible!

It was wonderful. The only side effect was angood one. My hair was manageable and was immune to humidity and rain. NO longer on it and my hair is horrible!

When I first started taking it my period lasted for three weeks, I gained 5 pounds, and my breasts were very tender. After those first three weeks I feel great. 2 pounds have come off, my mood swings have vastly improved, and I no longer have headaches every day. I also have more energy! This has really helped "even me out."

Completely losing my mind, weight gain, can't wear contacts, severe headaches, nausea, bleeding, vivid nightmares leading to sleep disturbance and constant tiredness. !

In a nutshell I feel as though I'm losing touch of reality and control of my body. WORST BC

Gain Weight, headaches, skin tone darker than usual

Frequent urination, depression, anxiety, acne, bloating, cramps, been on my period for over a month

This is awful. I started my period two weeks before thanksgiving and I'm still not off it yet. Tomorrows Christmas... Ive been in pain since I started taking it. I miss my old birth control.

weakness, dizziness, Severe headaches, confusion, problems with vision, swelling in hands and ankles

Never spotted, always on time, the side effects where just too much.

Continuously bleeding. Haven't stopped since my first day of the pill. Ridiculous amount of water weight gain. Super high anxiety. Completely not worth the water weight, the anxiety and the endless bleeding. Last day of putting this drug in my body.

SEASONIQUE (ETHINYL ESTRADIOL; LEVONORGESTREL): This combination hormone medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: a progestin (levonorgestrel) and an estrogen (ethinyl estradiol). It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) during your menstrual cycle. It also makes vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian cysts, and also treat acne. Using this medication does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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None, I have a headache every day, but I don't know if that's from coming off Cybalta or starting Lexapro. I just switched from Cymbalta which I loved, but I gained weight and felt like it stopped working for the insomnia.

I hate this drug! I feel nauseous all day long. I've never been so hungry, but everything makes me bloated & feel sick. I'm constipated too. And I cannot stop crying! It's like post-pardum depression all over again. Awful. Not worth it. I'll take irregular periods over this hot mess.

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I hated LoEstrin. IT made me feel like I was always sick and nautious and losing my mind. I called my boyfriend every so often cryin and crying that I was so sad but had no reason behind it. I never ate and loss so much weight I looked anorexic. I would never recommnd this pill to anyone unless they want to be admitted into the crazy house because if I stayed on it any longer that was where I was going. I even scheduled an appt. at the hospital to have a pychological evaluation which i just cancelled. Hopefully ortho tri cyclen lo will be better.

I am having extreme problems right now I'm on 300mgs of Effexor and I forgot to take it at 6 am as usually and NOW I'm going through hell just for not taking it on time What am I suppose to do I feel like I'm going to die from this I can barely sit here and type it hurts so badly Anyone got any advise?

Swelling of legs, hands, and feet. Fuzzy thinking, mouth sores,ears feel full of fluid, sinus swelling,dizzy, skin feels like it is burning

This is part of my new cocktail. The other med added at the same time was Wellbutrin, so I am not sure which side effects belong with which med. I have been on 300mg Lamictal forever; love it. Used Seroquel for sleep. The reason I am now taking Topamax is for the weight loss and/or libido increase benefits (same goes for the Wellbutrin). Dumped the Seroquel and halved the Cymbalta to 60mg as my weight hasn't moved in 4 months even tho' I eat like a rabbit. We'll see how this far, so week down, and the side effects are not unbearable as yet. I definitely eat less, which is great! I do not care for the "dumbed down" feeling, however.

Enlargening of eyes followed by extreme STARING, bowel stimulant, increased heart rate

after 4 months of 500mg niaspan at bedtime, preceded by 81mg aspirin, woke 5 hours later to extremely intense sensation of heat beginning in head and continuing to radiate into neck, chest, arms, abdomen, then legs. This was followed by deep redness of skin with deep purple patches, then all-over sensation of pin pricks and itching. Anxiety and racing heart and fear followed. Only previous side effects were racing heart, especially when still and quiet at bedtime, and dizzyness upon rising during the night to use the bathroom.

Anxiety, horrible indigestion, diarrhea, tiredness, weak, weird mental health issues like feeling drunk and not feeling right in my own skin.