Plan b (levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Plan b (levonorgestrel)

Irregular period, heart palpitations, back pain, insanely tender breasts, acne, possible ovarian cyst

I began having heart palpitations a few days ago after I took a couple plan b pills and it hasn't stopped. It's been at least a week or two at this point and I'm starting to worry. I'm starting to wonder if I have an ovarian cyst because I am frequently peeing and I am having difficulty emptying my bladder and I have a stabbing pain around my right ovary for about three days now. My lower back is also very tender and sore.

Swollen breasts, cramps, anxiety, insomnia

I am a very paranoid person so when I saw I had sex a day before my ovulation I decided to take plan b just in case. I have always had pregnant like symptoms when taking birth control but this was definitely extreme, I started having cramps, abdominal swelling, and I started lactating. I nearly lost my mind because I seriously thought I was pregnant but I took two pregnancy tests a few days apart and both were negative. It's been about a week since I took plan b and I'm still having these pregnant like symptoms, it's making me very paranoid.

I was so worried I took it one and then I was still worried so I took another one which I did my research after and I know now that wasn't the way it workedAnyway the following day I started to have rapid heartbeat it was so bad I thought I was going to have a heart attack and I was really stressed out and had bad anxiety my body was so exhausted I got my period a few days after taking it but the rapid heartbeat didn't stop until a week later I couldn't sleep every time I fell asleep I would wake up in a panick idk what was going on

I was really scared to take plan b again but to know for sure after I had unprotected sex 2 months later I took 1 pill and the anxiety wasn't as bad and rapid heartbeat wasn't a problem I was okay

Heart palpation, High heart rate, anxiety

I took this as my regular birth control hasn't been working correctly. The night after taking the pill that day, I started having a racing heart and palpations. My watch recorded my highest heart rate at 127 bpm, when I was only laying in bed, scrolling through social media. I do not recommend. I would honestly rather go through a proper abortion procedure than this.

Bad heart palpitations, anxiety, bad cramps, can't sleep.

Don't take it unless you really have to

I had bled for a month the first time, and then I decided to take it again and now I have heart palpitations. I took it Friday and it's sunday now, it's HORRIBLE. Don't recommend

Don't take it. It's not worth it

Had a horrible experience since taking it m. Took 1 pill then another pill the following week. Had terrible symptoms since. Breasts are very sensitive, heavy & painful. Nausea on and off daily, slight metallic taste in mouth. Spotted and bled brown/rusty dark red blood for 5 days very lightly. Eating more with mild bloating. Sense of smell is slightly amplified (having covid last year never full gave me back my sense of smell)

Not happy. Feeling super hormonal

Nausea cramping moodiness fatigueBreakthrough bleeding

Will never take again. It has almost been 2 weeks and I am still suffering from this pill. I got spotting a week later and it is still happening after 5 days. My breasts just started to become sore and I've been having a headache all day. Feels like my regular period is coming (due in 3 days) which would be two weeks of bleeding

Nausea, Very fatigue, Chest pain, Cramps, Headaches, Swollen breast, Sensitive breast, Moody

I've gotten a plan b twice. The first time was amazing no side effects but this time!!!! I had almost every side effect and I was just f*d up. Fatigue for days and barely eating because I was so nauseous. I'm definitely getting on a normal birth control.

I am having heavy heart palpitations. It is making me have an irregular heart beat. not sure if it is from this pill but started happening 30 minutes right after I took it. I have been very anxious and worry about everything it seems like. Would definitely NOT recommend!

Nothing but a little tired right after but I did take Zofran prior to taking it to keep away the nausea but at about 5 days after the pill, I started feeling really tired, achy, and was having hot flashes and by about 8-9 days after the pill, I felt pregnant: peeing all the time, nauseous, bloated, sore & heavy breasts - but on the 12th day, I started my period and feel better. It has been light so far but that is just 1 day. I cant take birth control; it makes me very ill and the weight gain is unimaginable. I had the low hormone IUD, Mirena, at one point and gained almost 50lbs in one year AND was having a period every two weeks - as well as problems with pills, depo shot, etc. I have a 10-yr-old who I had a lot of trouble getting pregnant with and after I had her, I never went back on birth control and never got pregnant. Fast forward, her dad and I got divorced, I had other relationships, still never got pregnant, and then met my boyfriend I have now. I was 36 and he was 35 when we met. He had never had kids and never gotten a girl pregnant. We had sex the first time and BAM I was pregnant. After, I tried a low dose hormone pill. It made me ill but I was dealing with it then, in March, my insurance quit covering it right at the beginning of the pandemic when money was tight and I couldnt afford $500 for 3 months of pills. By June, I was pregnant. I decided to have an abortion, which was a tough decision as I never thought I would.

After talking with the womens clinic, I decided to track my cycle myself instead of using any birth control. Since we have a 2-yr-old between us in the bed & rarely have sex, when he got up one morning while I was getting ready for work & grabbed me on top of him, I couldnt say no, let me look at my tracker first. Lol. He didnt pull out & when I looked at the tracker after, it was my ovulation day. I went that evening, 12-15 hours after, and got the pill. As I stated above, I felt nothing much right away but by the 9th day after, I was feeling pregnant. The thing is, with my other 3 pregnancies, I knew I was pregnant really early - immediately after conceiving. I got pregnancy tests well before my missed periods. My body apparently over-produces the pregnancy hormone. The first thing I always notice is my stomach feeling heavy - especially when I lay down. I have a lot of stomach issues & the pregnancy bloat and slower GI Tract, makes my stomach feel like a hunk of lead. Well, I felt like that. I had all the other normal symptoms too. Today was day 12 after my pill & 3-4 days before my period. I told my mom this morning that I was pretty sure I was pregnant but by noon, I was bleeding.Thank the Heavens!!! It is light so far, but more than implantation bleeding - which I only had a tiny of with my first pregnancy so I am pretty sure I am in the clear. So see, even if you had sex on your probable ovulation day & he fully let go inside you AND you feel

Took tuesday, its now thursday and i feel unbearably unwell. Pressure in head, intermittent nausea, headaches, fatigue, abdominal and pelvic cramping, chills, nightsweats, appetite is all over the place, cant stop peeing, intermittent bloating, heart palputations, insomnia even when im exhausted

Do not take. Horrid side effects- really not worth it at all. Was not asked my weight upon prescribing and im over 11 stone. Not happy at all. Im self employed and work from home and due to feeling so ill im not able to work at this moment. Really hoping this passes in a couple more days. No bleeding. Period is now late. Taken within the specified timeframe.

I haven't experienced side effects

I took the pill three days after sex. And nothing has happened. No side effects and no period during the normal time my period is supposed to come. Only discharge. I really hope my period comes. I will be happy when it comes. I will never do this again as it caused me to worry and stress.

I had all the above symptoms except vomiting for 2 whole weeks. I got my period 1 day early according to my period app. I would recommend this pill if you want results but don't use it as a method of birth control everytime you have sex.

Nausea vomiting, just a lingering blah feelings for days. Feelings as if I'm pregnant. Moody - exhausted.

Do it if you ready for the effects.

I took plan b within 24 hours of having unprotected sex. After taking plan b, I had mild cramps. I experienced breast tenderness that increased in pain. My menstruation was late by 5 days.

The side effects are as expected because it is a hormone. It is a good option for emergency purposes. However, I would recommend avoiding plan b if you could. Remember that it's effectiveness of plan b can vary if you had unprotected sex during your ovulation(fertile window) or how fast you take it after unprotected sex.

I experienced horrible side effects right away from extreme fatigue and nausea bad headaches heart palpitations breast tenderness and have continued for weeks now I spotted for 2 days a week later but still over a month no period and negative test. I definitely will never take again .

Bloating and slight cramps. Never let me down

I'm not sure if it works. It has worked for me in the past maybe because I was not ovulating at the time. This time I decided to take it A-day after I ovulated because my slip up was the day before ovulation. The side effects I experience to this day, and week and a half later were horrible. I have experienced extreme dizziness, nausea on certain occasion's, cramps that I've never felt before, headaches, euphoria, random aches and pains, metallic taste in my mouth, and some spotting a couple of days before my period. My period is due in days so I guess time will tell. This pill can stop an Unwanted pregnancy but forreal, it's time to be more responsible when it comes to sex. I would recommend for the availability to have something if needed, however, the side effects are no good for the body.

Side Effects forplan b (levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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Not worth it. Still not pregnant and not trying clomid again.

I love this med! I have had no side effects with this medication, which is amazing because I usually am very sensitive to meds. I have taken it for a long time, and have tried to ween off of it due to the cost. I was unable to do so as it always sent me into a deep depression. Staying on it has been the solution to the ugly depression side of the bipolar.

Chronic insomnia for at least 4 yea

I have been taking this medicine (generic) for four weeks. Just a couple of days ago I started getting pain and cramping in my legs and back. Also feel rather nauseous and tired. Rather depressed.

12 pound weight loss, flatter tummy, heavier bleeding.

sore throat, dry cough, itchy throat,stiff joints especially fingers,wake up soaked through pjs, sinus pain. migraine

Took for 6 days, developed worsening upper right quadrant pain and extreme diarrhea. On day 6, developed oral thrush and stopped the antibiotic. Doc checked liver enzymes, elevated and continued to elevate for the next several weeks. Took a couple of months before liver recovered. Thankfully, the thrush made me stop taking it - I can only imagine how bad it would have been if I took it for the full 14 days.

After consulting my doctor, she made an appointment with a neurologist yet to occur.

This is the worst medicine I have ever taken. It is going on day 6 and I can't wait to be done.... I can't get nothing done. If I move to fast the room is spinning. I was up all night with a stomachache... The first couple of days I just was tired, and had diarrhea...Now day day 6 is worst.

Extreme nausea and vomiting, although it sure cut down on my appetite. Exhaustion from being sick 24 hours a day.