Ovcon-50 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ovcon-50 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone)

I was first prescribed ovcon 50 after being on lo estrin 24 fe. I was on six months then weaned off because my Gyno was afraid of blood clot. Since then I've been on 6 other bc pills and none of them worked like this one. Now after 3 years of switching bc constantly and seeing an endocrinologist, I'm back on ovcon 50. It cleared up many issues the other bc caused (acne, thinning hair). Everyone responds differently to horomones. Ovcon is high estrogen- some people may need a different horomone or different dose.

Tremors (constant uncontrollable twitches, terrible migraines, can't focus at all almost like constant brain fog, lower sex drive, severe anxiety episodes, mood swings, trouble sleeping, fatigue, joints and body aches, increased appetite and EXTREME bloating and can NOT lose weight AT ALL!, bad depression

I am an extremely health person I eat healthly, i work out daily and i live a healthy life style. I switched from my previous birth control Ortho-tri cyclen lo to Ovcon for Cyst control. I never had any previous side effects with my previous Birth control usage and i've only been on Ovcon for 2 weeks and the side effects have been terrible. I stopped the pill because it literally is not interfering with my day to day living. Jeans that fit me 3 days ago i can't even get one leg into them. my body typically loses anywhere from 1-3 lbs a week easily with constant exercise and healthy diet. The mood swings, anixety and depression are unbearable and these are things i have never had a problem with until i tried this pill. I'm now having to go through detox sessions at my dr's to try and get this crap out of my body. I would NEVER recommend this to ANYONE and i am shocked they can prescribe this to people. Terrible terrible form of birth control. do not take!

Cramps in breast more headaches mood changes

Bad headache and nauseous during the "week off"But I love it super light period and only one day of cramps

this birthcontrol was GREAT until my blood pressure started going up.....and the headaches...and the upset stomach...there are alot of side affects.

ovcon-50 is a good method of birthcontrol but if your blood pressure starts rising i reccomend you stop taking the pills and talk with you gyno.for a diff. method of birthcontrol.

A couple instances of fainting in the first few days

Other than fainting a couple of times in the first few days, this pill has been great! I've taken a few different kinds of BC (the patch, ortho-tri, etc) and this was by far the best for me. It cleared up my skin a little bit (complete opposite of ortho-tri, when I broke out big time!), I haven't gained any weight from the pill (just from not working out as much!), and my periods are shorter, much lighter, and always on time. My doctor tried putting me on the lower dose, ovcon-35, for a while, but I would start my period a week early and it would last for two weeks. He put me back on the ovcon-50 and no problems! I realize there are plenty of people who haven't had good experiences with this, as everyone's body reacts differently to medications. But there are enough kinds of birth control out there that you are bound to find one that does work for you!

Mood swings, decreased sex drive, tremendous weight gain!

I am post gastric bypass patient who usually loses 1-2 pounds per week. I have gained 8 pounds in the two weeks I've been on OVCON-50. Thankfully I am only using this drug for one month I can only imagine being on it longer....

major mood swings, horrible cramps, dizziness, hot flashes, weight gain

This medicine didn't really help the endometriosis at all. The mood swings were incredible (sobbing to screaming in anger multiple times over the course of a few minutes). The hot flashes were unbearable. I felt like I was going through menopause at age 14. The weight gain was bad (extra 30 pounds over the course of taking the medicine). It was awful being on this medicine and I would rather try my luck with a difference medicine than risk losing my mind on this one.

Heavy periods due to endometriosis

This is the only birth control out of several that has successfully suppressed my heavy periods. I haven't had any problems while taking it. My only complaint would be that that it is very expensive and few drug stores carry it.

Extreme mood swings, depression, abdomen pain, crying, anger.

I am still taking this medicine despite the side effects I listed because my choices are this or a hyterectomy at age 28. I wish I could go to a lower dosage, but anything lower, and I bleed.

ovarian cyst and birth control

Depression, moody, severe anxiety, lack of sleep

I started taking this after my dr found a ovarian cyst and I also wanted to start using birth control. It only took about 4 days for me to realize this BC is not right for me. I can't focus, having severe anxiety, and cannot sleep. Stopped taking it immediately and cannot wait for the side effects to go away.

I was on 6 other brands of Birth Control pills before Ovcon 50. Ovcon 50 was the perfect match for me. It was incredibly expensive, but totally worth it. I would only have my period once or twice a year while on it, so that alone made me love Ovcon 50. My doctor said that decreased and/or missed periods are common with Ovcon 50. I just recently stopped taking Ovcon since my husband and I are going to start a family :-)

Irregular bleeding & Birth Control

Headaches that turn into migraines, Severe Nausea on my off week, Severe Nausea on my first week, Cramping 1 week prior to period every month. Lower sex drive, fatigue, appetite increased but no weight gain sometimes bloating

I have not had any break through bleeding since I was taken off of my ortho-lo, tried a few different brands and still break through. Doctor recommended OVCON-50. However, it can be pricy at 90.00 a month and the manufacturer does not offer free samples or discounted prices.

1.5 years
1/50 daily 1X day

It is harder to lose weight.....especially after childbirth but nothing to fret about.

I have been taking this since the birth of my daughter. I have had no complications. My periods have been mild, short, and stress free. My doctor tried to lower me to the 35s but it didn't work out. My choice is to go for the one that works and stay with it. I would recommend this medication to anyone who tends to bleed whenever and whereever. It will be controlled with this medication.

I'd never take it again. Switched to necon 1/35 and now I'm losing weight!!!

Horrible 4 pound weight gain during first week that didn't go away. Most likely water weight but that doesn't help clothes fit any better. Slight depression & crying episodes.

Crying for no reason, really bad headaches, clotting and severe bleeding for about 6 days, fluctuating blood pressure-pretty high at times, and weight gain of 20 lbs in 3 months. I am glad I read these testimonials because I could not understand why all of these things were happening---now I know!

Taking birth control pills to regulate my periods.

extreme fatigue, moodiness, depression, can barely get out of bed and i sleep all day when i can. short tempered, which is not me at all. frequent crying for no reason.

didn't really stop bleeding all together, but is somewhat better, but not worth the side effects

mood swings, extreme anger,depression. Random crying.

I have been taking Ovcon 50 for two months now. Before i was on Necon 1/50. i was on that for over a year and never had cramps or mood swings. Within the first month of me switching to ovcon 50 my entire emotional status has changed. I have been going between really depressed to extremely angry. Seekings new bcp!

Side Effects forovcon-50 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) - User Comments


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This medicine worked for me in the past no problems at all so I would be careful when taking this medicine even if it has worked for you in the past.

I was completely bed ridden the next day by a migraine not something I suffer from,not sure if it was due to taking this but will try again in another day

I experienced an almost complete loss of sensation during sex the day after taking Allegra. This continued for the entire time that I took Allegra and ceased the day after I stopped.

Evamist is a wonderful bioidentical estrogen that has totally gotten rid of my hot flashes and allows me to sleep at night. Started on 2 sprays a day and had to go up to 3 to get rid of symptoms. After 9 months, went back down to 2 and am doing great. You may want to consider using some natural OTC progesterone cream (like Progest)to oppose the estrogen if you still have your uterus.

I had my gyno appointment today and for insurance reasons she is trying to get me onto Alesse. I adore my Ortho-Novum so much I am scared to switch. I am going to fight to stay on my ortho. My best advice, shop around. Follow your gut. I have read some great things about Alesse but for myself, I have a bad feeling about it. Be aware of possible health risks before getting on BC. Your health is your most important asset. Take care of yourselves, ladies! :)

Sedating at first, restlessness, headache,

I started taking it when I began having horrible allergies (turned out to be from a powder laundry soap). While taking Zyrtec I felt very lethargic, depressed, irritable, easily frustrated, I had no energy or strength. I had the allergy for weeks before I took zyrtec and did not have the symptoms that I ended up having while on the Zyrtec so I know they didn't result from the allergy. I am normally a thin person and I gained 9 pounds in the two months I was taking Zyrtec. I am normally a very patient, loving, thoughtful parent. I am a happy, easy-going, and very motivated person. While on Zyrtec I was very irritated and unhappy with my family. I didn't realize that these symptoms were due to Zyrtec at the time. My allergy went away and I didn't take zyrtec anymore. My energy was back, I started my P90X exercize again and lost four pounds. I felt like my old self again and was a happy mom and wife again. Then a few days ago I cleaned that shelf where the laundry soap had been and my allergy came back. I started the zyrtec four days ago. Again, I have no energy. I have not excersized at all, I'm hungrier, I am so irritable even the sound of my husband chewing food makes me angry. I feel overwhelmed when the baby cries. I kept shaking my head today saying, "there is something wrong." I decided to look up the side effects of zyrtec. That's the only thing I am taking. Finding this blog has totally confirmed my suspicion. I know now, that all those symptoms I had were n

Allergies and Allergy Related Sympt

It's hard to tell if it is working because I'm so used to Concerta, which I couldn't stand due to the anxiety.

I would not recommend provera.