Ortho-novum 1/50 21 (mestranol; norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ortho-novum 1/50 21 (mestranol; norethindrone)

before i was on tricyclic pills because yaz wasn't strong enough to regulate me. this has been working like a charm, no more horrible cramping, my sex drive is WAY up and my mood is greatly improved. Basically all the good side effects of Yaz, but strong enough to regulate my cycle.

Side Effects forortho-novum 1/50 21 (mestranol; norethindrone) - User Comments


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I personally love Benadryl. I have terrible insomnia, to the point where I will be awake for days before crashing for a few hours. My body doesn't have an off button it seems. The only down side to this is my nose sometimes gets very dry and the stomach pains.Also, after taking a certain amount (say 3 pills) for an extended period of time I become use to it and have to up the dosage. The highest I've gone would be 7 pills.(175mg) but this is easily fixed by stopping for a few days then returning to a smaller dose.Even though this shouldn't be used for long term use it is the only thing to help me sleep.The medications my doctors had prescribed me made me groggy and forgetful. So forgetful that I couldn't remember anything I did during the day.

Only side effects that I had were mild drowsiness and dry mouth

I have been going to my primary dr trying to figure out my EXTREMELY INTENSE stomach pain. I am currently on Nexium, but still take tums and Pepto almost daily to deal with my pain. I am either over eating or completely nauseous all the time. My dr was referred me to a GI specialist to have a scope test completed. I am so glad I came across this site because in reading others reviews it made me think about when i started having stomach symptoms among all of the other side effects.In addition I have been irritable beyond any explanation. I started reading self help books because I have a great life but never feel happy. I have been using a rescue inhaler due to trouble breathing. My heart will race and I will get hot out of nowhere. I cant sleep at night.

Father is 94 After 3 week confusion, imagining things, seeing people, trying to move thigs, leaning to the left side, legs being week. Not resting at all. This drug is bad. This drug is more harm than good.

Weight gain, decreased sex drive, tired, mood swings

I hadn't had a period in 6 months so my Dr. told me to take these; was fine while taking the pills, but afterward experienced the worst period I've ever had, had to use Super tampon and an overnight bad for 5 days, changing every 2-3 hours; heavy clotting and cramping; pain in ovaries

Akathisia, loss of interest in life, Always sleepy, high anxiety, catatonia

I take 50mg at night. Very tired after I take it...sleep well for about 6 hrs. Only side effect is lethargic feeling (which I can fight via exercise) and weight gain. Am active runner, but still gained 10 pounds after starting drug. Leveled off for now. But not happy with extra weight, or the tired feeling. Very noticeable.

memory loss at larger doses 3mgs or so for me, sleepiness, relief of anxiety, and a slight drunken feeling

Geodon has allowed me to sleep and acts as a reset button as I have Bipolar Mixed State which has some psychosis to it. I read all of the possible side effects that Geodon could possibly cause at https://geodon.com, the Official Geodon manufacturer (Pfizer) website. This drug has saved my life. I'm only giving it a "1" rating because I want people to see it so people will be able to make a decision based on logic, not fear. Go to geodon.com and weigh out the potential side effects to see if it's worth it to you. It was worth it for me.